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J. M. Howell Manuscripts, Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams, 1775-1850 Saesneg
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Letters to 'S.R.',

Fifty-nine letters, 1825-1884, to the Reverend Samuel Roberts ('S.R.') from the following correspondents:- [H. A. Bruce, 1st baron] Aberdare, London, 1875 ('S.R.'s scheme for preventing the pollution of rivers, etc.), A. Albright, Birmingham, n.d. (sending a donation) (with outline of reply), Marcus Beresford, M.P. [London], 1872 (promising a contribution towards the [Boro'] church) ('Col. B[eresford] handed in Five guineas'), J. Jenkyn Brown, Birmingham, 1883 (thanking 'S.R.' for the books, the truth in 'S.R.'s case as in many others of the saying 'One soweth and another reapeth') (with copy of reply), H. S. Bryant, Privy Council Office, 1884 (a reply from Mr. Mundella to the letter sent by 'S.R.' and Mr. John Roberts to Mr. Gladstone on the subject of Conway College) (with a letter from 'S.R.' to the Mayor of Conway advising that the Conway Corporation should secure at once the Fawcett College as it would prove a fine spot for an Intermediate School), James Carlile, Hackney, [18]43 (apologising for inserting 'S.R.'s name in a circular without his permission formally obtained) (with draft reply) (incomplete), Pat[rick] Chalmers, Wimbledon, 1883 (thanking 'S.R.' for his enclosure, re justice to his father's memory [i.e. James Chalmers], mention of Pearson Hill), James Colley, Shrewsbury, 1826 and 1875 (2) (a query on behalf of Mr. Wynne concerning the Welsh language, acknowledging a packet and a note, an invitation), R. H. Collins, Claremont, Esher, for H.R.H. The Duchess of Albany, 1884 (thanking him for his letter of sympathy and enclosure), John Crossley, Halifax, 1873 (sending a donation towards Bala College), D. Charles Davies, London, 1872 (promising a guinea to the Boro' Welsh church) (with draft reply), W. W. Dawson, Officer of Health's Department, Town Hall, Manchester, 1875 (acknowledging 'S.R.'s circular, the Manchester Corporation sewage system) (with a draft of a letter from 'S.R.' to J. F. Roberts, Manchester, on the same subject), Victor Drummond, H.B.M. Charge d'Affaires, British Legation, Washington, 1881 (replying to a letter addressed to the Hon. L. S. Sackville West), Henry T. Edwards, The Deanery, Bangor, 1883 (thanking him for sending his ('S.R's) temperance addresses), Will: Fowler, Birches Green near Birmingham, 1867 ('Hen gyfaill i Deulu Wynnstay, a Bodelwyddan') (acknowledging a letter, their wish to have seen 'S.R.' when they passed through Llan-brynmair, readiness to contribute to the testimonial), G[riffith] Francis , [?London], [18]72 ('Yr Hen Griffith Francis ddaeth i gyfoeth drwy Lafur a gofal . . .') (he is very poorly, will expect 'S.R.' on Sunday evening), Herbert J. Gladstone, [London], [18]81 (returning 'Diosg Farm', he cannot undertake to advise 'S.R.' in the matter of reprinting it, subscribing to the Testimonial Fund) (with copy of reply), G. Leveson Gower, Whitehall, 1883-1884 (2) (acknowledging letters to Mr. Gladstone), [John Griffith] 'Gohebydd' (nephew), Llangollen, 1872 (? the Boro' Chapel appeal, whether to come up for Thanks-giving day), H[enry] Griffiths, Brecon, 1842, and Bowdon, 1872 (an appeal for help towards the Library, mention of Mr. Hughes and Kerry, his inability to help with 'S.R.'s case [? the Boro' Chapel appeal] in Bowdon), D[avid] Howell (cousin), [18]81 (3, copies) (letters to be read in conjunction with some of those in NLW MS 13195D), Evan Howell (cousin), London, 1872 (the American claim, the Boro' Chapel appeal, an invitation) (with draft reply), John Jenkins, Kerry, 1825 (he has sent 'S.R.'s essay to Mr. Walter Davies), J. Morlais Jones, [London], 1872 (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with draft reply), (Sir) Wilfrid Lawson, Carlisle, [18]83 (thanking 'S.R.' for sending him a copy of his temperance addresses), Morgan Lloyd, [London], 1872 (enclosing his subscription to the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with draft reply), [Sir] John Lubbock, House of Commons, [18]83 (acknowledging a letter and pamphlet), (continued)

G. O[sborne] Morgan, [London], 1872 and 1877 (2) (enclosing a contribution [ towards the Boro' Chapel], acknowledging a letter with enclosures), S[amuel] Morley, London, 1851 and n.d. (2) (replying to a letter, wishing to see 'S.R.'), Hugh Owen, London, 1872 (2) (the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with a copy of 'S.R.'s reply to the earlier of the two letters (reference to the warm reception given at the Albion Hall Eisteddfod to Hwfa [Môn]'s advocacy of Hugh Owen's election to the London School Board)), General Sir Henry F. Ponsonby, Buckingham Palace, 1884, on behalf of the Queen (acknowledging a letter [of sympathy] and a book), Wm. Rathbone, London and Llanbedrog, 1883 (2) (acknowledging a note, thanking him for sending the Temperance Addresses), (Dr.) Thomas Rees, Swansea, 1882 (a request for further help to make the denominational statistics perfect) (with copy of reply), Henry Richard, London, 1867 and 1871 (2) (reference to 'S.R.'s return from America, liberty for Mr Hughes of New York to republish his (Henry Richard's) letters in America, mention of a deputation from Merthyr and Aberdare inviting him to become a candidate for the representation of the new seat, and the Committee and 'S.R.'s suggestion about giving lectures or holding meetings for the Peace Society) (with a note (crossed out), 1884, from 'S.R.' to Henry Richard on the back of the 1867 letter and a draft reply on the back of the second), George H. Roberts, Ebensburg, 1881 (the death of his father, [cousin] Edward Roberts) (with a covering letter, 1881, from 'S.R.' to D[avid] Howell, Dolguog, in which the 'Hen Bregethau' and 'J.R.'s health are also mentioned), Lionel de Rothschild, London, 1872 (the Boro' Chapel appeal), E. G. Salisbury, Chester, 1884 (sympathy on the death of [John Roberts] 'J.R.'), John Sibree, Coventry, 1834 (sending a volume he had published on Nonconformity) (written on a sheet containing a printed announcement of the impending publication of Ecclesiastical lectures; or, a series of discourses, on subjects connected with Nonconformity by John Sibree), Wm. Sommerville, Bitton Hill, near Bristol (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal), [John Poyntz (Spencer), 5th earl] Spencer, Irish Office, 1884 (he had received the petition and would present it to the House of Lords), David Thomas, Cotham, Bristol (contributions to the Boro' Chapel appeal, mention of having seen and heard 'S.R.' and of once passing a couple of hours with his father), Mary Vaughan (cousin), Paddy's Run, 1883 (the death of 'S.R.'s friend, David Howell, blacksmith, inquiring about Richard Roberts, various items of news) (with copy of reply), Hugh Williams, writing from New York, 1859 (sending a small publication (unspecified), his headquarters during his brief visit would be at Chicago, before returning to New York on his way to Europe he would be glad of an opportunity to meet 'S.R.'), Joshua Wilson ('mab hael yr hen Foneddwr Hael Thomas Wilson'), Tunbridge Wells, 1872 (2) (the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with a copy of a reply to the first letter), C. W. Williams Wynn, London, 1837 (acknowledging receipt of a letter re the want of postal communication between Llanbrynmair and other places), C. W. Williams Wynn, London, 1872 (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal and himself appealing for interest in the Welsh Charity School, Ashford, of which he is treasurer) (with copy of reply), and Owen S. Wynne, Rhuabon [sic] 1883-1884 (2) (writing on behalf of Sir Watkin to acknowledge a letter of sympathy [on the death of his daughter] and on behalf of Miss Williams Wynn to acknowledge congratulations). Also an envelope addressed to 'S.R'. in the handwriting of Lady Hall [Llanover], 1848.

Miscellaneous letters,

Twenty-four letters, etc., 1805-1885 and undated, to and from various persons. The details in alphabetical order are as follows: Evan R. Bebb, New York, 1835, to the Reverend Gardiner Spring, D. D., (in) England ( introducing the writer's kinsman, the Reverend Samuel Roberts), (?) John [ i.e. Sir John] Conroy, Arbor field Hall, 1851, to an unnamed correspondent (thanking him for the perusal of certain papers, education, dissenters and the church school), Francis Darwin, Down, Beckenham, [1882], to Mrs. Howell (an accident to the addressee's letter), Col. and Mrs. Edwards, Greenfields, undated (2) (invitations, one to Miss Davis and Miss Matthews, the other to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lewis), Sir James Graham, Whitehall, 1844, to Mr. Arber (fearing inability to accept the offer to see the establishment in Upper Ogle Street, an order for Mr. Arber and friends to see the Pentonville prison (enclosure wanting)), Geo[rge] Hadfield, Manch[ ester], 1835, to an unnamed correspondent [? in Birmingham] (the board, the secretary of which was Thomas Bury, Esq., would give due consideration to the chapel case recommended by the addressee and the other gentlemen, the example set by lovers of religious liberty at (?) Birmingham, Lady Hewley's Charity suit), Abraham] Howell, Welshpool, to D[avid] Howell, M[achyn]lleth, 1885 (telegram arranging to be with Howell), D[aniel ?] Howell, Toledo, Ohio, 1890, to his niece [ ] (sympathy on the death of her father), D[avid] Howell, Machynlleth, 1877, to Sir Watkin W. Wynn (copy) (the name 'Caefen'), Eleanor [? Howell], Dolguog, Machynlleth, n.d., to her uncle [ ] (pleasure at hearing of his coming visit), Wm. Howell, n.d., to Elin Howell (family and other matters), Wm. Wms. Jones, Machynlleth, 1852 (circular) (inviting contributions towards the erection of an infant school in the town of Machynlleth to commemorate the birth of a son and heir to the house of Plas Machynlleth, with a list of subscriptions), W[illiam] L[eader] Maberly, General Post Office [London], 1837, to the Right Hon. C. W. Wynn, M.P. (consent again on the part of the Postmaster General to the setting up of a three day foot post from Newtown through Carno to Llanbrynmair), Edward Morgan, Dyffryn, [18]68, to the Reverend John Roberts (the committee of the (Dyffryn) British School have asked him to write to the addressee's brother, the Reverend Samuel Roberts, to request him to give a lecture on America in aid of the school) (with a copy of 'S.R.'s reply, in shorthand), Evan R. Morgan, Ebensburg, 1857, to his aunt and relations in Llambrinmair [sic] (Cousin Samuel Roberts's brief visit, family news), the Countess of Powis, Powis Castle, n.d. ( formal invitation to Captain and Mrs. Lewis to a ball) (with a visiting card bearing the name 'Mr. M. E. Lewis'), George (and Jane) Roberts, [Ebensburg], 1805 and 1835 (2), the earlier letter [to Jane Roberts's parents] addressed 'Mr. Thos. Edward, Cwmderwen [Llanerfyl] . . .' (their circumstances, his work as constable and assessor, various items of news) and the other letter addressed to Edward Thomas, Canon, Parish of Lanerfil [? Jane Roberts's brother] (their wish to receive letters, the writer's health, family news, religious affairs, the death of Wm. Brees formerly of Sychnant, expenditure by Pennsylvania on canals and rail-roads), and George Roberts alone, Ebensburg, 1853, to his sister, Mrs. Elinor Howells ( thanking her for asking Daniel [? Howell] to send him a copy of her letter (giving an account of the death of Anne Williams), sympathy for Isaac Williams and his little orphan children, mention of Lewis Thomas and his wife, his own state of health) (with a note by Elinor Howell concerning the letter - her brother died the following November [1853]), M. Roberts, Conway, 1885, to Mr. Howell (re mourning-cards), (?) James Stratten, Hamilton Terrace [London], 1847, to Mrs. Arber (information concerning Mr. Newell, 'one of the most excellent of men'), W. Keinion Thomas, [Conway], 1885, to D[avid] Howells, Aberdyfi (a printed intimation of the death of [ the Reverend Samuel Roberts] 'S.R.' and the funeral arrangements), and Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Wynnstay, n.d., to Mrs. Lewis, Brynn Glas, Llanvair ( formal invitation to Captain and Mrs. Lewis to a ball).