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David Morris (MEP) Papers, File
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Papers relating to devolution in Wales and Scotland,

More ways of making a muckle…; Democracy for Wales - Western Mail 7/7/1997; The Labour Gvt has an overwhelming madate to deliver a Welsh Assembly; By the end of this week Wales will be set on a new path; Wales deserves a voice; A case for the right kind of Assembly in Wales - Western Mail 1/3/1997; The aim of a WP is to build a new Wales…; Devolution the second time around - Radical Wales; Towards Scotland's Parliament; Democracy Conference on the future government of Wales 5-6 Mar 1994 - Speech 'The relationship between local, Welsh, British & European levels of Gvt'; Democracy Conference Report - Spring 1994; Labour's commitment to a Scottish Parliament; Scotland Bill - Arrangement of Clauses; Self-Government in the Nineties - Plaid Cymru Summer School 1990; Speaking notes on 'gradualist' approach for Welsh Assembly advocated by P Hain & Ron Davies; The Labour Party's Proposals; Cuban Night - Fundraiser; Introduction - The Campaign for a Welsh Assembly; A Welsh Peresroika - Address to the launch meeting of the Campaign for a Welsh Assembly; Agreeing an Assembly for the 1990s; Welsh Institutuions and the key role of the Campaign for a Welsh Assembly; Plaid Cymru's president spells it out: why I am not a nationalist; Campaign for a Welsh Assembly - Strategy Paper 1 - Spring 1988; Wales in Europe: Towards a Democratic Agenda; Mobilise for a Democratic Welsh Parliament; Home Rule comes back to haunt Blair' - The Daily Telegraph 12/11/1998; Wales in Europe, Europe in Wales; David Morris - Fighting for you (Campaign leaflet); David Morris - Personal Profile; A Policy for Rural Wales; Radical Wales - 2000; 100,000 Answers…to conquer unemployment in Wales (& letter from Dafydd Wigley MP); Notes re: proportionality, voting systems, STV etc Campaign for Welsh Democracy; Various poems; Chartism in Wales, by David Williams in Chartist Studies; The Campaign for a Welsh Assembly - Draft Constitution; Members of the Interim Council; Newspaper cuttings from The Scotsman 28/11/1988; Newsletter - Heart of Wales Line Travellers' Assoc. No. 69 Summer; Scotland's Parliament - Labour proposals for the Scottish Parliament;

Papers relating to democracy and the European Union,

Welsh Democracy Review Issue 3; Wales Labour Party Policy Commission's Interim Reports - A Welsh Assembly: The Way Forward; Wales Directorate - Blueprint for the Future - Consultation; Draft Constitution - The Campaign for a Welsh Assembly; South Wales Miner Vol. 1 No.3 April 1987; Labour Briefing National Supplement No 7 May 1984;Playing politics with the Environment; Sexual violence against women and girls; Further Education in Wales - Swansea College; Wales Labour Party - Wales in Europe: Setting the Democratic Agenda; Assembly of Welsh Counties Europe Working Group Draft Report; Fair Votes for Wales; Peace News No.2435 May-Aug 1999; Folder - EU talks, speeches etc. including:; 1992 The Single European Market - Information & Analysis for Trade Unionists; Transcript of address by PM Margaret Thatcher to the College of Europe; 1992 - suggested line for talk on 'Completion of the Internal Market' for Mid Wales CBI; Labour Leader Dec 1986/Jan 1987; A briefing for The Social Charter - House of Commons Debate; Socialising the Single Market - New Socialist Aug/Sept 1989; Various articles on EMU; Communication on the Elderly; Europe 1992 The USDAW Workbook; Europe 1992 What about the workers?; The Future of Europe - Problems and Issues for rhe Twenty-First Century'; EMU, Social cohesion and Employment; What's Europe done for us? - in the European Constituency of Merseyside East & Wigan; Finance from Europe - A guid eto grants and loans from the European Community; Draft Communication to the council follow-up to the Essen European Council on Employment.

Papers relating to conscientious objection, nuclear weapons and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,

A plague of arms - photocopied articleWhat do doctors say about… The medical effects of Nuclear War? Blueprint for a nuclear weapon-free worldThe right to refuse to kill; WRI Newsletter No. 216 July/August 1987; "Bombings reignite nuclear war fears"; Greenham Common Womens Peace Camp letter - Reading Crown Court; Re: A British Air Force/Navy recruitment centre shut down; CORE Briefing - Plutonium Ships; World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs; A Welsh Alternative to the Euro-Summit June 9-12 1998; Nuclear Proliferation; Arms Conversion; The UK arms trade; Abolition 2000 - A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons; Arms Conversion Project; Campaign Feb 1995; Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day 1998; CND Speech (Cardiff Summit); CTBT - notes; Morning Star 22/05/2000; A Labour Peace Policy for the Millenium;Denuclearize not Modernize; Labour Leader Oct 1986; Nuclear Polluters' Charter - Briefing for MPs & MEPs x2; The End Game; International Court of Justice - Advisory Opinion on the legality of the threat or use of Nuclear Weapons; British Perspectives on the Future of Nuclear Weapons; Information Paper - Towards a Real Zero Option; EURATOM Campaign against implementation of Council Directive 96/29 or Nuclear Polluters' Charter; Updated report on Landmines; The War Game - flyer advertising showing of film; Who pays for our destruction? - You!; Britain's sacred and greedy cow - Defence Spending; Protest and survive - Maesteg CND; Keep Mid Glamorgan Nuclear Free!; World Peace or World Death?; Stop Trident; Stop Nuclear Suicide; No Missiles for East Anglia; What Price Energy? A Labour Party Consultative Paper; The dangers of being too clever by half' - Guardian Agenda; Comprehending the Bomb'; Information Paper - The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Testimonies - Witnesses of French nuclear testing in the South Pacific; Middle East International - No 590 25/12/98; No. 577 19/6/98; Preventing Nuclear Confrontation - Speech to the Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament; Nuclear Policy and Security on the eve of the 21st century - Conference June 1999; Prevention of Nuclear Confrontation; A new security structure for Europe; General Update on the upcoming court case, summons applications.; An alternative role for Britain in the world - Morning Star 29/6/88; Russia's nuclear 'time-bombs' - Observer 6/11/94; The case for sticking with unilateralism - Tribune 10/2/89.

Papers relating to children's rights and world poverty,

Contains: Children First - Issue 12 Autumn 1989, Convention on the Rights of the Child - Media Kit, Convention on the Rights of the Child - Briefing Kit, The Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child, Network Wales Issue 67 Nov 1989, Peace Matters No. 2 August 1993, The EEC & the Third World 3. Trade & Agriculture: A Fair Deal?, The EEC & the Third World 4. A Coherent Development Policy?, Fight World Poverty - Briefing for the lobby to Prevent Future Famine 22/10/1985, Famine in Africa - The challenge and implications for the Euro Community, Report on the problem of indebtedness in developing countries Part A Motion for a resolution, The EEC & the Third World 1. A guide to the Lome Convention Nov 1983, One World week Making Peace with the Planet Oct 23-30 1988, The EEC and Third World WDM's Manifesto for the European Assembly Election 14 June 1984 x3, Letter to members WDM future strategy Annual General Meeting SPUR The newspaper of the World Development Movement, WDM's Future Strategy Spring/Summer 1988, Aid is not enough - Britain's policies to the World's Poor, Comment - World Development Crisis, Lome Convention - A Trade Union Guide, The EEC and the Poor Countries Fold-out Factsheet No. 1, Socialists in the European Parliament and World Hunger, Community aid to the Third World: the Lome Convention, Common Interest - Third World First World, Common Interest Programme Guide poster, The Big Wide World, Common Interest - How the other half lives, Liberation March/April 1987 Vol. XXX No.2 Grenada - no case for hanging, The EEC and the Third World.

Papers relating to agriculture, the Labour Party and Wales in Europe,

The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy; Apartheid - A unique evil; Draft speaking notes - EMU; To join or not to join - that is the question?; Europe's food mountains; Common Agricultural Policy - What Labour would do; The principles of Labour's Agricultural Policy; Speaking notes for Citizenship Conference 21/9/1998; News release - MEP opposes use of growth promoting hormones for farm animals; Socialist Grp - TENs and the 1997 Budget 17/7/1996; Env't - I think that this is an opportune time to considering European Environmental Policy; Speaking notes - 'Basics' - Jan 1994; Speaking notes on European Union for Instit of Mechanical Engineers, Swansea; Speaking notes on Clause IV; Meeting the challenge in Europe - Labour's manifesto for the European Elections 1989; Various notes on 1992 and Local Government; Wales in a Europe of the Regions; Bring British & Welsh miners greetings and pledge of solidarity…; Not here to say goodbye to Betws…; Extracts from: Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee; Sad day- closure of a pit- with loss of jobs…; News release - Welsh Euro-MP achieves 'animal welfare victory' in European Parliament; News release- Euro MP urges British Gvt to heed European Community Resolution calling for a 'new positive policy for coal'; Season of goodwill is here again…; Bring you greetings and expressions of the complete solidarity with the miners…; .. Referring to the memorandum prepared by the Community coal producers entitled 'on a coal policy in the Internal Market'; Emergency Resolution - Indian Nuclear weapons tests. 61st Wales Labour Party Annual Conference 1998 Swansea; The Welsh Labour Party - The people of Wales have a proud record in demonstrating their abhorance of nuclear weapons…; We have taken our first step in 700 yrs towards self rule; Speech to the Children's Welfare Conference in S Wales; Statement by Mr Clinton Davis to the 'Animals Matter' exhibition 5/7/1988; The Single Market - What's in it for Children? - EURONET Briefing;

Papers related to Wales in Europe,

Socialist Campaign Group News - July 2000; Articles on Willy Brandt; Wales in Europe - The opportunity presented by a Welsh Assembly; Photocopies of articles on Wales in Europe; Presbyterian Church of Wales - Women's Spirituality: Connecting life and calling; Saffron Walden and the struggle for democracy; Briefing note for members on the Reform of the Structural Funds Campaigning for a Fair Deal for UK regions Arlene McCarthy; Reform of the Structural and Cohesion Funds: Briefing Note; Draft ESF Regulation; Press release Ken Coates - Employers should pay towards education; European News from the International Affairs Dept Farm Animals; The European Union - On Being the Church Across Frontiers; Note for the attention of PES group of members of ESOC Re: White paper on excluded sectors from the working time directive; Note for the attention of PES group of members of ESOC Re: The new Treaty and the role of the Social partners in Social Legislation; News from Labour - The Choice for Britain Address by Rt Hon Robin Cook MP; Euro News; Wales and EC Regional Policy; Speech by Neil Kinnock MP at an anti-apartheid rally, Cardiff 22/10/1988; Clause Four Plus; Labour and the Commonweal - The debate about Clause IV; Getting Europe to Work; The Morning Star 31/1/95 & 1/2/95; Speech by Roy Hattersley to Euro Conference on the Future of Britain in Europe; Poverty the major challenge - A submission to the new Chancellor of the Exchequer; Speech by John Smith to the Socialist International Committee on economic policy, development and the environment.

Papers related to the European Union, devolution, food mountains and varous political subjects,

Ð￐Ìhe Pensioners' Parliament; Wales Pensioners - Third All Wales Pensioners Parliament; Banwen, Wales and Europe' Speech at the opening ceremony of The Banwen Centre; Speech to the Labour Party Conference by Klaus Hansch, President of the EP; Third draft of Labour's Transport Policy - Clare Short MP; Euro Briefing No. 4 September 1996; Comparisons with Pensioners in Europe x2; Isn't it time Britain's Pensioners had a better deal?'; Concessions' notes; Various speech notes; Ymlaen '80 - Ystradgynlais District Labour Party Newsletter No.2 Spring 1981; The European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights - Role, Responsibilities and Programme; Democracy Conference on the Future Government of Wales - The Languages and Cultures of Wales and a Welsh Parliament; Action request from Christian Aid - Wear the badge; Various speech notes; Speaking notes for'Single Market Progress Report: The Opportunitities for the West Wales Business Community'; European Parliament Session Documents Motion for Resolution; File Note - Meeting of the Socialist Group Members of the Regional Poicy Committee; Rechar and the case for additionality; Speaking notes - 'The Social Charter - (Will workers in Wales and the South West benefit); 1992 suggested line for talk on 'Completion of the Internal Market'; Speaking notes - 'Set-aside'; EEC and the Future from New European Summer 1989; Nicaragua Today - Elections Special Issue No. 37 Winter 1989; Working for patients - The Governments NHS Proposals and Labour's Response - Information Paper 87; Maximising the Benefits, Minimising the costs - TUC Report on Europe 1992 - TUC 1988; Folder speech notes - Low Pay, Social Security, OAPs, Health; Wales and Europe; A Voice for Wales - A summary of the Government's proposals for a Welsh Assembly; The Maastricht Treaty and Trade Union Goals; Notes re Welfare policies;A Fair Deal for Rural Areas; CAP/Food Mountains; Deficiencies of the Common Market; Social Security Act 1986 - TUC Brief; Working Time - Beyond the 35 hour week; Euro News - Labour Party Conference 1989; The New Europe: A Socialist Vision - A personal statement by Glyn Ford MEP & Carole Tongue MEP; Electoral Reform in UK European Parliamentary Elections; Speaking notes - European Structural Funds and Industrial South Wales Post 1999; Speech to Maesteg Rugby Club Dinner; Press Information - Bringing Common Sense to the Common Market; David Morris MEP Report to the Mid & West Wales European Constituency Annual General Meeting; A European Recovery Programme? - European Labour Forum; Articles from New Statesman & Society on Pit Closures; Articles from New Statesman & Society by John Pilger; Cuba - Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities; Building on Maastricht: Towards a Left agenda for Europe - Draft; Labour Party 1991 Annual Conference - The New International Situation x3; Opportunity Britain - Conference News Release Speech by Gerald Kaufman MP; Conference News - Speech by Martin O'Neill - Britain and the World debate; Conference News - Speech by Gerald Kaufman - Britain and the World debate; Party Leaders Summit - Brussels 1991 - Declaration; Building a New Europe - Speech by Carole Tongue MEP to the Institute for Personnel Management; A Case of double standards; Together we can stop the Bomb!; News Release - Speech by George Robertson MP to the Labour European Conference; Speech given by Garey Lefley CND Cymru AGM 11/7/92; Agricultural Policy in Britain: A Contribution to Labour Party Debate; Hope in a changing world CND Cymru Annual Conference 19/6/93; The Social Charter; Speech by Clive Soley MP in the Housing debate at the Labour Party Conference 1991; Speech by Michael Meacher MP - Social Security; Speech by Robin Cook Sec State for Health to 1991 Labour Party Conference; Speech by Mark Fisher MP Shad Minister for Arts & Media to Labour Party Conf 1991; Speech by Donald Dewar MP Shadow Sec State for Scotland to Labour Party Conference 1991 x2; Kevin McNamara MP Shadow Sec for N Ireland speaking to PLP N Ireland Committee; Conference News - Fair rates for a fair Britain; Opening address by John Smith to Labour Party Policy Commission on the Environment; Speaking notes for Toxic Waste Meeting Walsall 5/12/88; Notes on Environment; The Case for a Welsh Parliament; Wales and Europe: Towards a Closer Relationship; Relief of ACP Debt to the community; Margaret Beckett speech to Labour Europe Conference; Speech by Gary Titley MEP to the Labour European Conference; The Party of European Socialists: So, what's in a name?' Speech by Willy Claes; Speech by Jean-Pierre Cot, Chairman Socialist Group EP, to Labour Party Euro Conference; Speaking notes - The Irish-Our Celtic neighbours; Harry Barnes and Ken Livingstone - Left Shift on European Federalism; Press Information - Extracts from speech by Rt Hon Neil Kinnock to the Welsh Labour Party Conference Swansea 1990; Speech by Rt Hon Neil Kinnock, Confederation of the Socialist Parties of the European Community; Labour Party Conference Speech 1991 - David Blunkett MP; Press Information - Speech given by Rt Hon Neil Kinnock MP at Newcastle-upon-Tyne Civic Centre; Conference news release Speech by Larry Whitty to Labour Party Annual Conference 1991; Conference news - Speech by Neil Kinnock to the Annual Conference; Speech by Rt Hon John Smith to the annual Trade Union Congress 1993; Conference news - Speech by Rt Hon John Smith to Labour Party Conference 1991 x2; Gordon Brown speech to Labour Europe Conference; Speech by Gordon Brown MP to Labour Party Annual Conference 1991; Brown outlines measures to make Britain the technology and training capital of Europe; Speech by Tony Blair MP debate on creating new opprtunities policy review report - Conference News 1990; Speech to the 1990 Labour Party Annual Conference By John Smith daebate on A Dynamic Economy; Speech by Maragaret Beckett to the 1991 Labour Party Annual Conference.

Papers related to the Common Agricultural Policy, Europe and developing world poverty.,

Europe's Food Mountains; Notes on Agricultural Policy; Labours commitment to the farming industry…; Notes on OAPs; Notes EEC short address; "Grateful for this opportunity…"; EEC notes; Famine in North Africa and the EEC; Food mountains, the EEC and Third World Poverty; Notes on 'the International Debt Crisis'; Various notes for speeches on cards and A5 pages; The Socialist Alternative - Statement by the Nat Exec Commtte to the 1981 Conference; Notes for speeches on cards.

Papers related to nuclear weapons and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,

Nuclear Power the Facts they don't want you to know; Sanity - The magazine of CND 1980/4 Aug/Sept; Where do I stand on violence; Twofold factors essential to a first strike capacity are here with us in Dyfed…; The drift towards a third world war…; What now for the Labour Party?; Songs - CND sheet; Chritian CND Newsletter No. 3 Summer 1980; Various note cards for speeches; Nuclear War: The facts you should know- and what you can do to help prevent it - ECORPA Information sheet 5; Speech by ..Earl Mounbatten of Burma, Strasbourg 11/5/1979; Questions and Answers about nuclear weapons x2; Various cards/notes on nuclear disarmament; World's spending on war materials goes up and up - Fact Sheet No. 1; Social Democrats: how we would change the face of Britain - The Sunday Times 13/9/81; NATO states repel nuclear protest lobby - 28/10/81; Has Mr Carter subtly changed nuclear rules? - The Guardian 9/8/80; World Disarmament or World Death; Various newspaper cuttings on arms race; Stop Nuclear Suicide; Labour pledge to steer clear of nuclear abyss - The Guardian 4/3/83; Doctor's grim picture of Britain after nuclear attack - The Guardian 4/3/83; Time to start re-educating people in the merits of deterrence - The Guardian 28/10/81; N-war games must go on; South Glamorgan and Nuclear Weapons; The medical effects of nuclear weapons - A symposium 16/3/82; CND West Region - Press notice Regional day of action 31/1/81; Protect and survive; Note cards - CND Case; Britain's sacred and greedy cow - Defence spending; Alternative to EU - European Futures Congress, Prague 1999; Disarming Trident:Legality, Morality & Protest in the UK; Iodine distribution after nuclear accidents - Intercept Foundation; World Court pronounces on nuclear weapons.

Papers related to education, youth services.,

Labour Weekly March 25, 1983; Pensioners - Standard article to be adapted for local press; A Socialist view of 1992; The Social Dimension 1 - Questions and Answers Workers Rights in the Single European Market; Motion for a resolution on the denial of human rights to the Bahai community by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Folder of notes for various speeches; Labour News from the European Parliament 25/10/84; Egypt's Nile Valley - Leaflet; Preliminary guidelines for conversations between youth leaders re: the future pattern of youth service in Gwent; Gwent Education Committee - The aims of the youth service; Speech notes on the Youth service; Youth Service Review - notes; The salient points of the Report of the Review Group on the Youth Service are accepted in principle.'; Notes - Youth Services; Monmouthshire Education Committee Youth Service - Discussion Groups; Youth Service Foundation Course - notes; Youth Group Workers Training Scheme 1969/70; South Africa - Struggling against Apartheid; Folder of notes against Alton Bill - Abortion; Fair deal for householders - Fabian research series 297; Fair Deal for Housing; No retreat by Tories over HFB' - notes; Rent assessment committees' - notes; Out of town, out of mind - A programme fro rural revival; Labour Action for Peace; Stop the bombing, stop the starvation; Notes and correspondance on Debendox; Lead in drinking water - EEC Directive - notes etc; National Campaign against the Police Bill - Bulletin 2;

Papers related to defence and weapons,

Just some ideas for developing a Decade for a culture of Peace and Non-violence; TRIDENT will keep Britain safe until the 21st Century; Euro Parliament Session Doc - Report…on conscientious objection and alternative civilian service Parts A & B; They're talking but will they really do it? X2; Introducing Labour Action for Peace; Let the UN act for peace; In our communities there are Hibakusha…; What do nurses say about…The nursing implications of Nuclear War?; What do Doctors say about…The medical effects of Nuclear War?; Not Good Enough; Labour's new defence policy: Keeping the Bomb forever?; The Gen Assembly Social Issues Commttee - Briefing Paper on the Growing threat of Chemical Warfare; Labour Briefing National Supplement No 4 Feb 1984; The Journal of The Royal College of General Practitioners; What chance for health care after the bomb?; The medical effects of nuclear weapons; Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons Newsletter :6; United Nations SSD - 2 Preliminary Report; Fleet Street declares war on the Labour Party; Give Peace a chance; SANA Scientists Against Nuclear Arms - Briefpack; Briefing to MPs on Britains role in disarmament negotiations at the UN New York; List of reported redundancies & job losses since May 1979 in Wales; The Harris Research Centre - Survey General Election; Towards a Culture of Peace - a curriculum proposal for peace education; Application for DFID Development Awareness Fund - Promotion of Global Citizenship; Letter to Geoffrey Hoon Secretary of State for Defence from Dafydd Wigley MP; Peace education course - an introductory framework; Cyfanfyd - The Development Education Association for Wales; Northern Ireland: roots of conflict, routes to peace; Education for Peace newsletter of the Peace Education Council No 11; The struggle for peace in the new millenium - speech; Various newspaper cuttings; United Kingdon plc - Arming the war machine; Arms exports; Manifesto 2000; Greenham Common Womens' Peace Camp 1981-2000 - A Spiritual Journey; Speech by Alun Michael AM to Labour Party Conference 1999; In search of Attitude' - A paper by Rt Hon Ron Davies MP AM; Parliament for Wales Campaign - letter; Swings and Roundabouts - What really happened on May 6? Welsh Labour Action Pamphlet No 1; The National Assembly: A year of laying the foundations - National Eisteddfod of Wales, Llanelli 2000 Law Lecture; Swords into ploughshares'; Speaking notes on European Union; Peace research and education trust; Faslane Blockade 12 Feb 2001 - Order of Worship; Peace Matters - Working for peace without violence No. 32; Peace Matters - Working for peace without violence No. 30; Speech given by Jacques Delors , Aix-en-Provence 11/5/93.

Papers related to agriculture, poverty, the Labour Party and jobs,

Report of the Welsh Policy Forum 1999-2000;Local government, environment, planning, housing and transport - First stage consultation doc; Economic development - First stage consultation doc; Agriculture and rural development - First stage consultation doc; Rebuilding Labour after the mayoral selection - Socialist Campaign Group News - April 2000; Cause for disappointment on the minimum wage - Socialist Campaign Group News - March 2000; Out of povert, towards prosperity - a report on poverty, low pay and the minimum wage; Labour's Plan - The new hope for Britain x2; Jobs and Industry - Low pay: policies and priorities; South Wales Coal and the Common Market Energy Strategy; Labour Party Manifesto October 1974; What about the Americans?; Manifesto - Confederation of the Socialist Parties of the European Community; The Labour Way is the Better Way - The Labour Party Manifesto 1979; The economic case against pit closures; Jobs and Industry - Labour's Campaign; Scotland and the EEC after independence; Statement by the National Executive Committee - Scotland and Devolution; Road to Manifesto - A fresh start for Britain; Labour's strategy for Britain in the Modern World; Tribune 19 March 1982; Labour and the Commonweal - The debate about Clause IV x2; Notes for speakers No. 9 - Industrial Relations.

Issues of Socialism and Health, the journal of the socialist medical association,

Folder containing Press Releases and cuttings 1982/3 on various subjects; The Labour Party Today No. 12 28/5/1983; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association July/August 1979; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Vol 1 Feb 1980 x2; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association May/June 1983; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association March/April 1983; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association July/August 1983; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Jan/Feb 1983; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Sept/Oct 1982; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Mar/April 1982; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association May/June 1982; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Nov/Dec 1982; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Jan/Feb 1982; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association July/Aug 1979; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association July/Aug 1981; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Nov/Dec 1981; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Jan/Feb 1981; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Sept/Oct 1981; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Nov/Dec 1980; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association May/June 1980; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Dec 1979; Socialism and Health The Journal of the Socialist Medical Association Sept/Oct 1979; Memorial Meeting to honour the life od Alistair Wilson 1913-1981; Save Our Health Service; Campaign for the prevention of Ill Health; Extract from the Official Report Dental and Optical Charges - Speech by Gwyneth Dunwoody.

ILP Magazine and European Labour Forum,

ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Summer 1989; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Winter 1988/89 Vol 79 No.8; ILP Magazine Defence Issue Vol 79 No. 16 Winter 1990/91; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Spring 1987 Vol 79 No.1; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Winter 1987/88 Vol 79 No. 4; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Autumn 1988 Vol 79 No.7; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Spring 1989; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour Leader Spring 1990 Vol 79 No.13; ILP Magazine incorporating Labour LeaderAutumn 1989; European Labour Forum No. 1 Summer 1990; European Labour Forum No 14 Winter 1994/95; European Labour Forum No.6 Winter 1991/92 x2; European Labour Forum No.4 Spring 1991; European Labour Forum No.7 Spring 1992; Low Pay Unit Research Trust Annual Review & Report 1993; New Ground The magazine of SERA - Labour Environment Campaign Autumn 1994 No.40; Grey Power - The Journal of the British Pensioners Trade Unions Action Association No.36 October 1988.

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