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Llawysgrifau S.R. a J.R.
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Dyddiadur S.R.

Y Dyddiadur Methodistaidd am 1873, gol. gan Roger Edwards, o eiddo i Samuel Roberts, Conwy, yn cynnwys cofnodion cryno yng Nghymraeg a Saesneg (tt. 5-57), yn nodi pregethau, enwau gohebwyr a gwaith ysgrifennu. = Y Dyddiadur Methodistaidd am 1873, ed. by Roger Edwards, belonging to Samuel Roberts, Conwy, containing brief entries in Welsh and English (pp. 5-57), including preaching engagements, names of correspondents and writing work.
Mae toriad papur newydd, 'A new submarine boat', dyddiedig 1 Chwefror 1899, wedi ei thipio mewn ar t. 146. = A newspaper cutting on 'A new submarine boat', dated 1 February 1899, has been tipped in on p. 146.

Papurau amrywiol S.R.

Papurau amrywiol, [c. 1807]-1884, wedi eu tynnu o ddyddiaduron S.R. (NLW 14035-60A) yn LlGC a'u trefnu, [c. 1940], yn fras yn bedwar grwp. = Miscellaneous papers, [c. 1807]-1884, removed from the diaries of S.R. (NLW 14035-60A) at NLW and arranged, [c. 1940], broadly into four groups.
Maent yn cynnwys papurau ariannol yn ymwneud a'i ymfudo i Tennessee, 1840, 1856-1870 (ff. 1-11); torion papur newydd, 1876-1884 (ff. 12-45); papurau ariannol yn dyddio o'i gyfnod yng Nghonwy, 1873-1883 (ff. 46-70); a darnau o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith yn Saesneg, [c. 1807]-[1823] (ff. 75-79). = They include financial papers relating to of his emigration to Tennessee, 1840, 1856-1870 (ff. 1-11); newspaper cuttings, 1876-1884 (ff. 12-45); financial and other papers dating from his time in Conwy, 1873-1883 (ff. 46-70); and items of poetry and prose in English, [c. 1807]-[1823] (ff. 75-79).

Pregethau Gruffydd Rhisiart

Chwe llyfryn, [1870au], yn cynnwys nodiadau pregethau yn llaw Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart). = Six booklets, [1870s], containing sermon notes in the hand of Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart).
Ceir hefyd 'Remembrances', [1856], ysgrif byr yn Saesneg gan Sarah M. Roberts, merch J.R. (7 ff.) = Also contains 'Remembrances', [1856], a short piece in English by Sarah M. Roberts, J.R.'s daughter (7 ff.).

Pregethau Gruffydd Rhisiart

Tri llyfryn ar ddeg, [1870au] (dyfrnod 1874 mewn dau lyfryn), yn cynnwys nodiadau pregethau yn llaw Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart). = Thirteen booklets, [1870s] (watermark 1874 in two booklets), containing sermon notes by Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart).
Mae un llyfryn yn cynnwys dau doriad papur newydd, [1875]. = One booklet contains two newspaper cuttings, [1875].

Pregethau Gruffydd Rhisiart

Chwe llyfryn, [1872x1883], yn cynnwys nodiadau pregethau yn llaw Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart). = Six booklets, [1872x1883], containing sermon notes by Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart).
Hefyd yn cynnwys y cloriau yn unig o 'Llyfr Casglu Golegdy Annibynol y Bala'. = Also contains the covers only of a collecting book for Bala Congregational College.

Llythyrau at S.R., &c.

Pedwar llythyr ar ddeg, 1801-1859, y rhan fwyaf at Samuel Roberts a'i dad, John Roberts, oddiwrth teulu a ffrindiau. Maent yn cynnwys llythyrau oddiwrth Gwallter Mechain, [1823] (ff. 1-2), James Griffiths, Treliwyd, [1821?], 1826 (ff. 5-7), J. W. H. Pritchard, Homerton, 1824 (ff. 8-11), a George Roberts, Ebensburg, 1801 (i'w dad), 1823 (ff. 14-17). = Fourteen letters, 1801-1859, mostly addressed to Samuel Roberts and John Roberts, senior, from family and friends. They include letters from Gwallter Mechain, [1823] (ff. 1-2), James Griffiths, Treliwyd, [1821?]-1826 (ff. 5-7), J. W. H. Pritchard, Homerton, 1824 (ff. 8-11), and George Roberts, Ebensburg, 1801 (to his father), 1823 (ff. 14-17).
Mae f. 13 yn cynnwys copi, 1825, o gerdd o'r enw 'The Cottage on the Hill' gan y Parch. James Troubridge, Cerne Abbas, Dorset. = On f. 13 is a copy, 1825, of a poem entitled 'The Cottage on the Hill' by the Rev. James Troubridge, Cerne Abbas, Dorset.

Roberts, John, 1767-1834


A manuscript containing notes of sermons preached, [early 19 cent.], by John Roberts, senior, and students and others at Llanbrynmair, together with manuscript sermons by John Roberts (J.R.), Samuel Roberts (S.R.), Richard Roberts (Gruffydd Rhisiart) and others.


Holograph manuscripts of essays, articles and addresses by Samuel Roberts ('S.R.'):- 'Address on behalf of Sabbath Schools'; 'Adgofion Cymru, y Gymraeg, a'r Cymry'; 'Rhai o'r siomedigaethau a'r Trallodion a welsom yn Tennessee'; 'Cynghorion i Athrawon yr Ysgol Sabbothol'; and 'Cynghorion i gyfansoddwyr ieuanc'.

Samuel Roberts.

Erthyglau a thraethodau,

A file of articles and essays mainly intended for publication in Y Cronicl:- 'Yr Ysgol Sabbothol' by B. Emlyn Davies, Birmingham; 'Dyledswydd bwysig Athrawon yr Ysgol Sabbothol', by John Jones, Pantycelyn; 'Traethawd ar Fywyd a Nodweddion Esther, un o destunau cyfarfodydd llenyddol Dolgelley y Nadolig, 1866'; 'Sistem newydd eto i ddwyn deiliaid Satan oddi arno'; 'Myfyrdod ar alluowgrwydd Duw' by Peter Edwards ('Pedr Dulas'); 'Hanes yr achos Anibynnol yn Sardis, Maldwyn', and a sermon by W. R. Edwards; 'Amaethu ucheldiroedd Cymru' and sermon notes by John Roberts; 'Traethawd ar wastraff' by 'Ruben'; 'An oration concerning the duty of inoffensive conduct ... delivered at the [Carmarthen] Academy by Thomas Jones'; and a letter to the Editor of Y Cronicl by Edward Roberts, Liverpool.

Erthyglau ac anerchiadau,

Articles, mainly intended for publication in Y Cronicl:- 'Gostyngeiddrwydd' by Benjamin Evans, Stradmore, Llandysul, Cardiganshire; 'Yr Iaith Gymraeg' by David Davies, Llanelly; 'Ffyddlondeb Crefyddol', by David Foulkes Lloyd, Manchester; 'Hunan-amddiffyniad' - a letter by G. Penrith Thomas; 'Capel Methodistaidd y Rock, Swydd Fynwy', by William Jones ('Asaph Gwent'); and a file of papers by Samuel Roberts ('S.R.'), including an address on 'Pwyllgorau Etholiadol', and 'Nadolig gyda'r Cymry yn Workington'.

An essay,

An essay entitled 'Money-mania or "The Love of Money the root of all evil"', by Samuel Roberts ('S.R.').

Samuel Roberts.

Llawlyfr y gweithiwr,

A handbook entitled 'Llaw-lyfr y Gweithiwr. I ymddangos ar ddull "Llythyrau at y Gweithiwr" yn Cronicl Canol y Mis, 1875, by 'Gruffydd Rhisiart'.

Gruffydd Rhisiart.


Notes of Samuel Roberts ('S.R.')'s preparations for journeys in the United States, 1860-64; notes on conditions in Tennessee during the Civil War and a list of damages suffered by Samuel Roberts; a short essay on the decline of trade in America; and a printed petition by 'S.R.' to the Accounting Officer of the Treasury Department at Washington, D.C., 1881.

Samuel Roberts.


'Sylwadau byrion ar sefyllfa y Caethion' and other notes on slavery and miscellaneous notes by Samuel Roberts.

Samuel Roberts.

Denbigh School,

Lists of pupils attending a school (?kept by Thomas Jones) at Denbigh, 1801-1816, and records of payments made by them, and of payments made on behalf of the Dr. Williams Trust.


A collection of books of sermon notes by John Roberts ('J.R.').

John Roberts.


A collection of books of sermon notes by John Roberts ('J.R.').

John Roberts.

Pynciau ysgol

A notebook containing questions by Samuel Roberts on chapters in the Old Testament.

Samuel Roberts.


Notes of sermons by John Breese, 1828-1829, and the manuscript of a sermon by J. W. Pugh, Fishguard.

John Breese and J. W. Pugh.


Notes, by Samuel Roberts, on Trust Deeds and other subjects; miscellaneous receipts, 1878-1884, including some relating to the 'Jones of Chester Fund'; a copy of the agreement for printing Y Celt, 1878; press cuttings; and a leaflet by Samuel Roberts on the Bethesda Strike, 1874.

Samuel Roberts.

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