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International Bee Research Association (IBRA) Records
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‘A List of the Publications on Apiculture Contained in the Dr Charles C. Miller Memorial Apicultural Library. Taken from Records Made by a Number of WPA workers’

Two copies of ‘A List of the Publications on Apiculture Contained in the Dr Charles C. Miller Memorial Apicultural Library. Taken from Records Made by a Number of WPA workers’ (University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture Library, Madison, Wisconsin, 1936).

‘List of Publications on Apiculture Contained in the US Department of Agriculture Library and in Part Those Contained in the Library of Congress’ compiled by Vajen E. Hitz and Ina L. Hawes

‘List of Publications on Apiculture Contained in the US Department of Agriculture Library and in Part Those Contained in the Library of Congress’ compiled by Vajen E. Hitz and Ina L. Hawes (United States Department of Agriculture Library, Washington, D. C., No. 21, 1930).

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