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Ifor (Ivor) Leslie Evans - World War I Correspondence Image
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Postcard from Ifor to Jacq Heck (Netherlands),

Thanks for letter received today. Returning a card instead of a letter as it is more certain to be received. 3000 marks is wanted to release ILE from confinement. ILE is well and cannot complain about his treatment, but he longs to be released. The prisoners are allowed to walk in the court every day for 3 hours and they can get supplies from the prison or the town. The Consul takes care of them. Please greet his parents.

Letter from B. J. Dale,

He dare not attempt the journey from Kerry to Aberdare. He has an important engagement in Emma on the Tuesday and could not possibly make the journey from Kerry to Aberdare and then be home again by Monday.

Dale, Benjamin James (1885-1943). Composer.

Letter from Michele Vasciaveo,

The writer has received ILE's letter of 30 March with great pleasure. The writer did not do military service during the war, because of his extreme myopia. His health was very good until May 1918 when he caught the flu, which whilst not serious, was very persistent and annoying. He caught the Spanish Influenza when it was at its height in Cerignola. Now he is better, but still somewhat feeble. He hopes to recover fully soon. He understands that ILE was in captivity in Germany during the war, and that this has released him from his sympathies for his German cousins. Does ILE remember his project in Tours for an Anglo-German alliance? Could ILE relate his experiences during his long stay in Germany to the writer. As regards the writer's plans - they are still the same. He hopes to join the consular service. Subsequently he remarks that there are a lot of opportunities for an import-export company in Italy. There are good opportunities here for ILE. If he comes to Italy, he hopes to meet ILE again. And ILE should not find it difficult to learn Italian.

Vasciaveo, Michele.

Letter from J. I. Davies,

Acknowledging receipt of Mr Evans letter of 8th instant on behalf of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He writes that the Foreign Office is doing everything in its power via the American Ambassador, to ensure the safety of British subjects stranded in Germany.

Davies, J. I. British Foreign Office.

Letter from W. A. Sibly,

Writes that he has just heard Willie Hodges about Ifor. All they previously knew was that word had been received in September that he was safe in a concentration camp. He writes that Willie had an exciting time and suggests the record of his experiences would be interesting for the school magazine should Mr Evans care to share them.

Sibly, W. A.

Letter from Desmond Warren, Dublin,

A reply to a letter from Mr Evans. He writes that it was a great shock to his father to learn that Ifor was still detained with the civilian police. They were under the understanding that all the prisoners were to be moved to an encampment. Mr Warren explains that when he last saw Ifor he was not in Solitary confinement, as he had been in his first 3 days of detention. Furthermore he believes that judging from what Ifor says about being allowed out for 3 or 4 hours a day, discipline must have been relaxed somewhat.

Warren, Desmund. Dublin.

Letter sent by W. J. Evans to Dr Hoyle,

He has received word from the mother of one of Ifor's fellow prisoners. She has informed Mr Evans that her son and two other Englishmen have been released on grounds of being unfit for military service. In the same post they also had a card from Mrs Dales informing them of her son's (B. J. Dale) release from prison and that he is now staying once again at Hotel Trfgle(?). Mr Evans is anxious owing to his own son having not yet being free from confinement and is concerned that he would appear to have been separated from those he has befriended. He asks Mr Dale to wire a friend in Copenhagen to see if any news can be obtained of Ifor's situation.

Evans, William John (1866-1947). Musician.

Letter from J. G. Gibbon,

Note written on the back signed by W. M. T. says that this letter should be passed on to Mrs Evans. The letter provides information on Ifor's movements; he went to the south of Germany in July when he left Gibbon's pension, in consequence of the war he was detained for being an Englishman in Nuremberg. It also states that in his last postcard Ifor claimed his parents had sent him enough money.

Gibbon, J. G..

Letter from Fred O. Mellor,

Letter from a gentlemen who claims to have been arrested alongside Ifor Evans on 06 August 1914. He describes how they were treated at the prison; they were handled roughly at first but conditions soon improved. Then explains that he had been released, after 3 examinations by the military Doctor had confirmed he was unfit for service. He writes that Ifor is cheerful and with other Englishmen. He says that he is under the impression that Ifor was on a cycling trip when first arrested, but then was set free, moved on to Nuremberg and arrested again. He is surprised Ifor is being detained, thinking him too young for military service. Fred expects that if the prisoners are not released that they will be moved on to a fortress somewhere. They would have their freedom but not be permitted outside a certain limit. This would be an improvement he writes.

Mellor, Fred O.

Letter from F. H. Hague,

Writes that due to unpleasant enquiries he received from the Home Office, he has decided he must discontinue forwarding letters between relatives and friends. The authorities believe it may be abused to the disadvantage of England. He writes that the British Legation will be willing to receive and forward letters.

Hague, F. H.


Mrs Harold is pleased to have Mrs Evans letter of the 27th. She is grateful to her for passing on the news that her boy is well and in good company. She writes that her son has been examined by a Doctor, that 2 Englishmen and he were found unfit for military service and may be let out of prison. Mary Harold has been very anxious about her son who is 25 and a teacher of German. She mentions a recent death in the family; her eldest son died 2 weeks previously in Huddersfield.

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