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Sir John Rhŷs papers
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Album of letters,

An album containing letters, dated [1860]-1893, mostly addressed to John Rhŷs. The writers include T. H. Huxley, Grant Allen, James Darmesteter, E. B. Cowell, E. Ray Lankester, Frederick York Powell, A. Sidgwick, Andrew Lang, H. Morse Stephens, Edward Caird, Benjamin Jowett, A. S. Napier, J. Viriamu Jones, Auberon Herbert, Archibald Primrose (Earl of Rosebery), Lewis Morris, Gilbert Murray, J. P. Mahaffy, Paul Meyer, Ernest Renan, Rowland Hill (to [his brother?] Arthur), and Edward Clodd.

Articles etc. by John Rhŷs,

Manuscript drafts, proofs, cuttings, offprints, etc., 1864-1919, of mostly articles, letters to the press, and reviews by John Rhŷs. The file also includes an unbound scrapbook of cuttings, 1864-1874, of articles by him.

Articles, etc., concerning John Rhŷs,

Printed material, 1862-1953, mostly comprising press cuttings and articles about, or containing references to, John Rhŷs and his work, including tributes and obituaries; the Sir John Rhŷs Memorial Inaugural Lecture given by Sir John Morris-Jones, 1925; and the opening of Ysgol Syr John Rhŷs, Ponterwyd, 1953.

Morris-Jones, John, 1864-1929.

Biography of Sir John Rhŷs,

Papers, 1869-[1947], compiled by Myvanwy Rhys in preparation for a biography of her father, Sir John Rhŷs. They include manuscript drafts, [1922x1947], of the proposed biography in Myvanwy Rhys's hand; genealogical notes, [1918x1945], relating to the Rees, Mason and James families; and various research papers, 1869x[1940].

Celtic Folkore,

Papers, 1899-1900, relating to Celtic Folklore by John Rhŷs (Oxford, 1901), comprising manuscript drafts of the preface, table of contents, 'A geographical list of authorities and sources . . . to Welsh folklore', 'List of bibliographical references', and 'Additions & corrections'; printed copies of chapters I-VI, with manuscript amendments by the author; a typescript draft of chapters VII-XII; galley proofs and page proofs containing manuscript amendments and corrections by John Rhŷs, with additional manuscript notes in his hand. Amongst the typescript draft, chapter 10 (f. 62), is a letter, dated 1900, to John Rhŷs from J. Gwenogvryn Evans. Also included are cuttings, 1900-1901, containing reviews of the book.

Evans, J. Gwenogvryn (John Gwenogvryn), 1852-1930.


Certificates relating, or awarded, to John Rhŷs, 1865-1900, comprising a copy, 1865, of his baptism record, 1840; marriage certificate, 1872; a 'schoolmasters certificate' containing brief reports of inspections of Rhosybol British School, 1860-1865; certificate of admission to the University of Leipzig, 1871; diploma of membership of the Learned Estonian Society, Dorpart Unviersity, 1876; diploma of membership of the Celtic Society of Montreal, 1885; and a certificate in support of his candidature for the degree of Doctor of Letters, 1900.


Correspondence, 1860-1953, mostly comprising letters to John Rhŷs from fellow researchers, friends and family. They mainly relate to his interests in philology, grammar, history, archaeology, ethnology and folklore, and his research concerning inscriptions, including ogam inscriptions. The correspondents range from renowned specialists in various fields to local antiquarians who assisted with the task of recording inscriptions on stones. Some letters are addressed to other individuals, and were probably enclosed with letters addressed to John Rhŷs.

Diaries of Elizabeth Hughes,

Personal diaries, 1896-1909 and 1912-1914, of Mrs Elizabeth Hughes, maid, recording everyday life in the Rhŷs household, including the engagements and movements of the family and visitors to their home, as well as domestic matters.

Hughes, Elizabeth, Oxford.


Engagement diaries, 1862-1915 (with gaps), belonging to John Rhŷs, together with a journal of a visit to St Jean de Luz, 1893-1894. Most contain brief, often occasional, entries recording meetings, tours, domestic and personal matters, accounts, and other notes and observations. Also included are accounts, exemplars of German phrases, lists of various places visited probably in his capacity as HM Inspector of Schools, and inscriptions of stones.

Elspeth Rhŷs,

Papers, 1862-1911, of Elspeth (or 'Lizzie') Rhŷs (née Hughes-Davies), including letters addressed to her, and notebooks.

Rhys, Elspeth, 1841-1911.

Evans v. Tout,

Papers relating to the copyright action, 1909, brought by J. Gwenogvryn Evans. They comprise holograph notes by John Rhŷs, printed transcripts of evidence given by J. Gwenogvryn Evans, and newspaper cuttings; together with two reports concerning the copyright case of Parry v. Gollancz, 1903.

Evans, J. Gwenogvryn (John Gwenogvryn), 1852-1930.

Family history,

Notes, [1918x1945], in the hand of Myvanwy Rhys, including genealogical research of the Rees, Mason and James families, together with notes relating to John Rhŷs's school years, the history of Ponterwyd, and 'Ponterwyd worthies'.

Family papers,

Papers, 1862-[1947], relating to various family members, among them Elspeth Rhŷs, Myvanwy Rhys, Olwen Rhys, and Hugh Rees, including correspondence, and a substantial group of material accumulated by Myvanwy Rhys for a proposed biography of her father.

Financial papers,

Financial papers, 1871-1909, of John Rhŷs. A receipt for a book purchased in Leipzig, 1871, contains notes on philology which appear to be in the hand of John Rhŷs; and a rubbing of an inscription has been made on the reverse of another item, dated 1896.

General correspondence,

Includes letters from Henry Sweet (3), W. W. Skeat (2), A. H. Sayce (4), Henri Gaidoz, Francis Sandford, J. E. Sewell, G. Arthur Jones, Nikolaus Trübner (3), Robert Williams, and George E. Robinson.

General correspondence,

Includes letters from H. N. Moseley, H. L. D. Ward, Emil Hübner, W. J. N. Liddall (2), Samuel Ferguson, George Butler, William K. Sullivan, A. Brandl, Bartholomew Price, John Poyntz Spencer, Francis Sandford, Joseph W. Chitty, R. F. Burton, Betha Hills-Johnes, O. H. Davies ('Eos Llechyd'), Gilbert Goudie (enclosing a letter of introduction from J. Romilly Allen), and Joseph Joseph.

General correspondence,

Includes letters from Joseph Joseph, Donald Mackinnon (3), H. D. Harper, Mary F. Macclesfield (3), Max Nettlau, Augusta Hall, Edward A. Freeman, Thomas Hallam, Godfrey Lushington (2), J. D. Davies, Arthur J. Williams, Hugo Schuchardt, H. L. D. Ward (2), Max Müller (3), Betha Hills-Johnes, and J. E. Rogers.

General correspondence,

Includes letters from Lewis Morris (3), Eleanor Hull, T. Fisher Unwin, Harry Speight, J. Strachan (2), H. R. Reichel (2), Paul Vinogradoff, R. A. Stewart Macalister (6), Goddard H. Orpen (3), T. Mansel Franklen (10), D. Lloyd George, Rowland Ellis, Robert Cochrane (2), W. Warde Fowler (2, one enclosing a letter from Georg Wissowa), Marcus N. Tod, E. S. Dodgson (16), Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington (Earl Carrington), A. O. Vaughan ('Owen Rhoscomyl') (7), J. Glyn Davies (5), Norman Lockyer (2), J. H. Hessels, Betha Hills-Johnes, J. Jenkins ('Gwili'), James Hastings, Robert Mowat, P. M. C. Kermode (6), Kuno Meyer (2), W. R. Morfill (2), Hugh Williams (2), F. Haverfield (3), Edward Clodd (4), E. Maunde Thompson, E. Sidney Hartland, Patrick Lyons (9), John Beddoe, John Williams, E. Lorimer Thomas, John Garstang, Julio de Urquijo, Otto Franke, Camille Jullian (6), B. Nogara, O. A. Danielsson, E. Vincent Evans, H. Gaidoz, Émile Espérandieu, Sidney Herbert (Earl of Pembroke) (2), George Eley Halliday, W. H. Preece, Douglas Hyde, T. H. Thomas (14), E. P. Wright (2), Maurice FitzGerald (Duke of Leinster), W. Baldwin Spencer, S. H. Butcher, A. W. Howitt, J. Romilly Allen (4), T. Herbert Warren, Alfred P. Graves (2), E. C. Quiggin, E. Ch. Babut, W. H. Stevenson, D. Brynmor Jones (2), F. Carruthers Gould (2), Paul Meyer, T. C. Evans ('Cadrawd') (2), J. Mortimer Angus, William Osler, W. Llewelyn Williams, W. Temple (2), Francis J. Jayne, John Edward Lloyd, Martin Hume (2), Henry Owen, Frederick York Powell, Evan Jones ('Ieuan Buallt'), and Marcus Hartog.

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