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Plas Yolyn Estate Records and Manuscripts Jones, Humphrey, d. ca. 1690 English
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Correspondence, &c., of John Jones, junior,

Holograph letters mainly addressed to John Jones of Wrexham, etc., only child of John Jones of Maesygarnedd, together with some miscellaneous papers. The writers include Vincent Corbett, [16]97 (the writer's inability to act as J.P.); [Sir] Wi[lliam] Williams [1st bart., of Glascoed], Gr[ays] Inn, [16]95 (complaints from Mr. Fowle of the recipient's ill dealing); John Jones, Llansilin, to Lady [Margaret] Williams, Glascoed, [16]98 (the vacant living of Llangollen); Edward Kyffin, [16]99 (the recipient's home journey); J. Morgan, Wrexham, 1700 (money against the fair, etc.) (together with a copy of the recipient's reply); J. V., Lond[on], 1703 (the rejection of the Conformity Bill by the House of Lords) (mutilated); Jo. Jones to his cousin, 1706 (money matters); John Williams (endorsed: 'ancestor of Bodelwyddan'), Wrexham, 1713 (an action against the recipient's cousin); [Sir] Wi[lliam] Williams [2nd bart.], 1719/20 (a loan of £300); and ?John Jones to his uncle Humphrey Jones, undated (the recipient's concerns at Machynlleth, etc.) (fragment). Also bound in the volume are a list of four title-deeds, 1689-1696, left with Owen Prichard, 1697; a list, 1698/9, of deeds which Simon Lloyd took to show [Richard] Vaughan of Cors a Gedol [Corsygedol] and were not returned; a receipt, [16]99, from [Sir] Wi[lliam] Williams [1st bart.] to cousin John Jones for £40, being arrears of rent for his part of Bryn y Fynnon [Wrexham]; a news letter, 20 October, 1716, addressed to Mr. Jones at Keel-hendre; a notice, 13 May [ ], from [Sir] Wi[lliam] Williams [1st bart.] to [ ], to pay £30 for two and a half years' rent for Bryn y Fynnon; a second bill for £100 drawn by Hen. Jones upon Mr. Humph. Jones to Clemt. Ireton, 1670; and an imperfect sheet, c. 1684, containing particulars of securities on lands.

Correspondence, &c., of John Jones, Junior,

Holograph letters mainly addressed to John Jones, Junior, of Wrexham, etc., together with a few miscellaneous papers. The writers include Ka. Jones, his step-mother, [16]66-67/8 (2) (a journey to London, the return to St. Albons, the meaning of the recipient's and his wife's letters, personal, the writer's spinning wheel) (together with a Biblical commentary written in the blank spaces of one letter); H[ugh] C[ourtney] [16]66 (spiritual experiences); Tho. Jones, London, 1668-1684 (2) (the arrest of the drover John Rouland at Epping fair, cousin Robert Wynne in Ireland) (the one endorsed with sermon notes, the other mutilated); Humfrey (Humphrey) Jones to his step-son John Jones and to his step-daughter Mrs. Mary Jones, Bryn y ffynnon house in Wrexham, [16]83-1684 (2) (the health of Mary Jones, the trial of Collonell Sydney, personal, news of friends); Tho. Major, London, to his sister [? Mary Jones], 1684 (family news; Mora Abbott, the Camp at Dundalke, to Humphrey Jones, London, 1689 (military actions in Ireland); J. Humphrey to [ ], 1689 (the appointment of cousin John Jones to the shrievalty of [Merioneth]); Jo. Jones, from Glascoed, to his wife Mary Jones in Cheapside, 1689/90 (3), and from Chester to Mrs. Anne Edwards, Keelhendrey, 1708/9 (the shrievalty of Merioneth, the Assize sermon, etc., the Pretender's attempted invasion of Scotland); [Sir] Wi[lliam] Williams [1st bart.], Greys Inn, to Hugh Jones, St. John Street, [16]92 (the payment of 'brin y ffynnon' rent) (together with a receipt); Richard Jones, nephew of John Jones, [16]95 (desiring his interest with cousin John Maddackes); Hugh Pyers, Mertyn-ysglan, 1695 (a copy of the Duke of York's conveyances); Cad. Wynne, Dublin, [16]97 (the sale of the writer's patent for the office of 'Cheefe seriant at Armes' in Ireland); Richd. Simpson, Poulton, near Lanc[aste]r, 1697 (money due upon a bond); John Billingsley, London, [16]97 (the election of the Elector of Saxony to be King of Poland, military preparations and actions at Namur and Barcelona, the escape of the English E[ast] India ship 'The Tavistock'); Richard Vaughan, Dolegwin and Cors-y-gedol, [16]97/8-1699 (2) (personal, the completion of designs) (the earlier letter endorsed with a note of moeny left in a bag brought from Chester by Owen Prichard, and a note of washing left at Mallwyd 1697/8); Jo'n Davies [1700] (money matters, the recipient's father's quondam concerns in Ireland) (fragment); Jonath. Edwards, Jes[us] Coll[ege], Oxford, 1706/7 (the writer's book - 'a preseruatiue against Socinianisme', references to Dr. King of Merton College); Jonathan Jones, Wrexh[am], 1712 (the duel between the Duke of 'Hambelton' [Hamilton] and Lord Mohun, news of the war between Sweden and Denmark); [?Isaac] Manley, Dublin, 1712/13 (Mr. Davis's answer); U. Bridgeman, Blod[well], niece of John Jones, undated (thanks for wine, personal); and F[rances] E[dwards], niece of John Jones, undated (news of the writer's sister). Also bound in the volume are a bond, 1675/6, from Joseph Mould, distiller, and John Jones, gentleman, both of Wrexham, to William Jones of the same, gentleman, for the payment of £10; a list of persons to be offered for sheriff of Merioneth, 1683; and an undated list, in the hand of John Jones, Junior, of family title-deeds and papers, 1659-1696 and undated.

Correspondence, &c., of John Jones, Junior, and others,

Holograph letters, etc., of the family of John Jones, Junior, of Wrexham, etc. The writers include Humphrey Jones to his [step-]daughter Mary Jones, Bryn y ffynnon house in Wrexham, 1684-1686 (3), and to John Jones, 1685-1686/7 (2) (the management of the writer's affairs in Merioneth, etc.; money matters, the execution of Alderman [Henry] Cornish and others, the hearing of the writer's case before the Lord Chancellor, a purchaser for Penamnen); Jo. Jones, Wrexham, to Humphrey Jones, Aldermanbury, 1685 (the Penamnen tenants, claims upon estate owners in the lordship of Mr. Pugh of Mathavern, etc.); John Lloyd, Wrexham, to John Jones, Cheapside, London, 1689/90 (the plight of the widow of the heir of Collonell Michael Jones); and Ann Leven to her uncle John Jones, undated (personal, news of uncle Payne). Also bound in the volume is a true copy, in the hand of Humphrey Jones, of a rental and particulars of arrears sent by Mr. [Charles] Price, 1689.

Letter book of Colonel John Jones,

A letter book of Colonel John Jones, Maesygarnedd, for the period 3 September, 1651- 17 April, 1654, and 27 October, 1659 - 4 April, 1660. The volume contains holograph copies of ninety-seven letters, and the addressees include Leift. genll. [Edmund] Ludlow (4), Agitant genll. [William] Allen, [Dr.] Henry Jones, Scout mr. genll., Sir Theoph[ilus] Jones, Thomas Scott (15), Mr. Morgan Lloyd (9), Dr. Wm. Stare, Mr. Wm. Rowe (2), L'd Comissioner [Bulstrode] Whittlock, Major Genll. Tho[mas] Harrison (2), the Treasurer at War (2) (signed by Miles Corbett and John Jones), Sir Henry Vane, his brother Mr. Humphrey Jones (4), Major [Richard] Sallway, Mr. Vauasor Powell, Capt. Rich. Price, Capt. Lowe, governor of Carlingford, Mr. Mathyas Valentyne, Henry Cromwell (3), Mr. William Jones, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Power, his brother Richard [Jones] and his sister Lowri [Jones] (an English translation by John Hughes is attached), his cousin Lowrie Gwyn, his cousin Ellis Hughes, Coll. [Robert] Phayer (2) (together with a postscript), Lady Salusbury, Mr. Peasley, Capt. Sontley, Mr. [Peter] Sterry (2), Mr. Poore (2), the Governors of the respective precincts (signed by C. ff., E. L., M. C., and J. J.), John Jones (from Peter Sterry, Whitehall), Mr. Standish, Mr. Daniell Lloyd, Wrexham (together with a postscript), Coll. Philip Jones (3), Coll. Marke Trauor, Christian friends in the respective precincts (signed by C. ff., E. L., M. C. and J. J.), dearly beloved friends in the Lord Jesus (signed by C. ff., E. L., M. C. and J. J.). His Highness [?Oliver Cromwell], Lord Genll. [Charles] Fleetwood (4) (including one signed by Har[dress] Waller, Tho. Cooper, Peter Wallis, Alex. Brafield, John Nellson, Will. Arnop, Jos. Deane, Richard Lawrence, Daniel Abbott, Henry Pritty, Thomas Sadleir, Henry Jones, Will. Moore, Edward Warren, and Thomas Davies, in the name and by the consent of the Council of Officers of the Army in Ireland), Coll. Robert Barrowe (2), General George Moncke (2) (including one signed by John Jones, Harr. Haller, Thomas Cooper, Rich. Lawrence, Robt. Phaire, Nich. Kempston, and Hen. Jones), Major John Barrett, Coll. Daniel Axtell, Coll. Thomas Lord Cooper, Roger Lord Broghill, Sr. Hardres Waller (2), Sr. Mathew Tomlinson, Ld. Richard Cromwell, Her Highness Dowager [Elizabeth, widow of Oliver Cromwell], etc. All the letters have been written from Ireland (largely from Dublin, but with a few from Kilkenny, Corke, and Drogedah), and the majority relate to the writer's duties as Commissioner to assist the Lord Deputy. Many of the letters were published in Joseph Mayer: 'Inedited Letters of Cromwell, Colonel Jones, Bradshaw and other regicides', Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, New Series, vol. I, 1860-1861, pp. 177-300. On pp. 9, 15 and 87 of the volume are lists and summaries of letters sent by Colonel John Jones into England respectively on 18 September and 9 October, 1651, and on 24 August, 1652. The original parchment cover is inscribed in a nineteenth century hand: 'The Private Letters-Book of Colonel John Jones, the Regicide, from 1651 to 1660'. There are numerous marginal and other annotations in pencil in the hand of 'E. M.' [see note to 561].

Papers of Humphrey Jones,

Papers of Humphrey Jones, brother of John Jones of Maesygarnedd, including the deputation, 22 March, 1653/4, by Rice Vaughan of Graies Inne, co. Middlesex, esquire, and Humfrey Jones of London, gentleman, of the stewardship of the manor and lordship of Bromfeild and Yale, co. Denbigh, to Colonel John Carter of Kinwell [Kinmell], co. Denbigh, esq., together with an undertaking by John Carter to give a just account (mutilated); an account of receipts and disbursements on behalf of [?John Jones] since 6 August, 1683; a holograph letter from Hugh Williams, Marle, to Humphrey Jones, Alderman Bury, London, 1686 (legal, with reference to the Voylas estate); an account of money resting in Mr. [Charles] Price's hands, 23 August, 1687, and of money due at Michaelmas; and the answer, undated, of Humphrey Jones, one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of William Lloyd concerning properties said to be mortgaged by John Jones ('the regicide') (mutilated).