[A group of Mongolians in traditional dress alongside two men in Western dress]
[A group of Mongolians in traditional dress alongside two men in Western dress]
[A Herd of Camels]
[A herd of camels either eating or drinking]
A lecture 'A Glimpse of Troubled Europe' given by G.V.J. to the Institute of World Affairs, Riverside,
[A Mongolian boy monk]
Aberystwyth Students Union Committee
[Alley and children]
[Alley, possibly Hong Kong]
[Alleyway with children playing]
[Anatoli Petrewschtchew]
[Anatoli Petrewschtchew eating]
[Anatoli Petrewschtchew on a train]
[Angkor Wat]
[Angkor Wat]
Appointment and Engagement Diary,
Appointment and Engagement Diary,
Appointment and Engagement Diary,
Appointment and Engagement Diary,