Dangos 19 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Peniarth Manuscripts Collection Saesneg
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

8 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Ancient laws,

A handbook of English law containing the following books: 'premier livre des personels plees'; 'Ie secunde des condiciouns de vileins'; 'Ie livre des disseisines'; 'Ie livre de mort dauncestre & primes de intrusiouns'.
The text is incomplete.

Charms and palmistry,

The manuscript is in two parts. The first part comprises charms, directions on how to make circles, a copy of John Leland's Epigrams, problems, memoranda, Welsh verses, and a list of owners of Welsh manuscripts, apparently compiled by John Jones, Gellilvydy about 1611. The second part is a fifteenth-century treatise on palmistry, with diagrams.

Jones, John, Gellilyfdy, ca. 1585-1657/8

De consolatione philosophie,

A copy of the translation by Chaucer of the 'De Consolatione Philosophie of Boethius'; two letters from F. J. Furnivall; and a printed copy of Chaucer's 'Boethius'.

De contemptu mundi, etc.,

Petrarch's De Contemptu Mundi, with ff. 1 and 5 missing; Cincius Romanus's Latin translation of the Axiochus, with a preface addressed to Reginald, 'episcopus Harfordensis'.

Disticha Catonis,

The 'Disticha Catonis', with an English paraphrase in verse; the wars of Alexander - 'historia Alexandri magni regis Macedonie'; and an incomplete text of 'Historia sanctorum trium regum'. Illuminated.

Historia Anglorum,

A version of Henry of Huntingdon's Historia Anglorum to 1129, with a copy of the epistle of Prester John to Manuel, emperor of Constantinople.

Husbandry and recipes

A fragment of a tract on the war between England and France; a portion of 'the tretice off housbondry that Master Grosthed [Grosseteste] mad the which was Bischope of Lyncolne ...'; a metrical story of Saint Gregory and his mother; miscellaneous cookery recipes; 'a good book off keruynge and servis vnto a prince ...'; and medical recipes.

Medical miscellanea,

Medical recipes; a religious text entitled 'cursus de eterna sapienta'; a herbal; charms; 'the boke of vertuse and of wateres' by Dr. Gylys; and transcripts of deeds.

Medical texts,

The manuscript is in two parts: The first part comprises medical recipes, mainly in English; and a rubric entitled 'Incipit compendium salernie que membris valent aut nocent'. The second part comprises a fragment of a medical treatise.

Miscellaneous texts,

A collection of Latin texts: 'Secretum Secretorum', 'De Willielmo Conquestore', 'Generatio Regum Scocie', 'De miseria humane condicionis', 'De Adam & Eva vxore eius', 'De ligno vite post eiectionem Ade de Paradiso', 'De tribus Marijs', 'De infantia Christi', 'De Asseneth filia Potipharis ...', 'Versus', 'De spe ... Desperacio & presumpcio'.

Secretum secretorum, etc.,

Miscellaneous astronomical treatises, psalms, prayers, and litanies - 'sortes apostolorum que numquam fallunt'; and the 'secretum secretorum' attributed to Aristotle.

The abbey of the Holy Ghost, etc.,

Two series of extracts from Scripture in Latin entitled 'Mandata' and 'Consilia Christi'; an English text entitled 'Yis is ye abbey of ye holy gost. Yt is fou[n]ded in a place yt is cleped ye conciens'; a table to find the altitude of the sun; and a diagram of concentric circles showing the positions of hell, the earth, the planets and the heavens.

The Brute Chronicle,

An incomplete text of the 'Brute Chronicle' from Brutus to the reign of Henry V.
The first eight folios, containing the 'prologue of Albion' and the beginning of the story of Brutus, are in an earlier hand than the remainder of the manuscript.

Various fragments,

Fragments of manuscripts found with MS 540B, possibly once part of Peniarth MS 326 (see D. Huws, 'A Welsh manuscript of Bede's De natura rerum', Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXVII, p. 492). They comprise a leaf from Gerard of Cremona's Latin translation of Aristotle, De Caelo et terra, XIII cent. (f. l); a leaf of the Middle English Dives and Pauper, XV cent. (see NLWJ, xxii, p. 347) (f. 2); a fragment of a petition in Chancery of [ ] of 'Kellilyfday' [Gellilyfdy] concerning a book borrowed in 1643 by Thomas Jones of Kirchynan [Flintshire] and not returned, the petitioner no doubt being John Jones, Gellilyfdy (f. 3); a flyleaf of a book with Latin tags, an englyn and the name Richard Mores, XVII cent. (f. 4); a bon mot of Dr John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, XVIII cent. (f. 5); a theological treatise entitled Circa generaliores regulas moralis Christianae sententiae aliquot quibus passim se opponit Schola Theologica Louanensis, XVII cent. (ff. 6-11); and an inventory of the goods of Thomas Wilkins, papermaker, of the parish of West Drayton, Middlesex, 1729, including the stock of a paper-mill (f. 12).

Vita Sancti Cadoci,

[A transcript of] the life of St Cadog by Lifris.
It contains the following note: 'Henricus nominus scripsit'. There are two loose leaves from another Latin manuscript at the beginning of the volume.