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NLW Deeds
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Mortgage (Bargain And Sale With Feoffment) for £135 of a m. called Tir Cwm Ynthe Ycha with a meadow and ...,

1 Roger Prosser of p. Llanthewircombe, co. Brec., gent. and Sara his wife, David Prosser of the same place, gent. and Joice his wife. 2 John Price of p. Maesmynys, co. Brec., gent. Mortgage (Bargain And Sale With Feoffment) for £135 of a m. called Tir Cwm Ynthe Ycha with a meadow and wood called Gwayn Wallter Goch, formerly purchased by 1 from Charles Lloyd, gent., a moiety of a m. called Tir John Petty, alias Cwm Ynthe Issa, now in the occupation of 1 (details of accomodation, field names and acreages given), all in p. Llanddewi'r-cwm, co. Brec., with a Covenant To Levy A Fine by 1. Seal. Endorsed: Memorandum, dated 28 Nov. 1682, that the deed was exhibited at the execution of a commission from the Chancery of the Great Sessions between Roger Prosser (plaintiff) and Richard Prytherch (defendant).

Bargain And Sale Of The Equity Of Redemption of called Tir Cwm Ynthe Ycha with a meadow and wood called ...,

1 John Price of p. Maesmynys, co. Brec., gent. 2 Richard Prytherch the elder of the town and p. of Llanvair in Builth, gent., and Richard Prytherch the younger, his son. Bargain And Sale Of The Equity Of Redemption of called Tir Cwm Ynthe Ycha with a meadow and wood called Gwayn Wallter Goch and the moiety of a m. called Tir John Petty, alias Cwm Ynthe Issa, (details of accomodation and field names given), all in p. Llanddewi'r-cwm, co. Brec. Consideration: £135. Recites no. 171 and a fine levied to 1. Seal. Endorsed: Livery of seisin and a memorandum, dated 28 Nov. 1682, that the deed was exhibited at the execution of a commission from the Chancery of the Great Sessions between Roger Prosser (plaintiff) and Richard Prytherch (defendant).

Bond in £20 for the peaceful enjoyment of all parcels of land already held by 1 in the hamlet of ...,

1 Owen ap R's ap Lewys of Fyshcard, co. Pemb., gent. 2 Ievan William of Manorawan. Bond in £20 for the peaceful enjoyment of all parcels of land already held by 1 in the hamlet of Llandridian, p. St Davids, co. Pemb., which were sometime the lands of John Davides of Trevyne, dec., and now being levied by fine from 1 and Margaret, his wife, to Thomas Revell and John Garnannce, esqs, amongst other lands, to the use of 1 and his heirs. Seal. Endorsed: list of witnesses.

Gift of a tmt lying in Trehenllewe and Trevarchan, p. St Davids, co. Pemb., late in the tenure of Thomas ...,

1 Thomas Phillipp, David Joiner of Tregynishe Ycha in p. St Davids, co. Pemb., husbandman, and Margaret David, his wife, William Thomas of Cleger Voya, p. St Davids, husbandman, and Margaret William, his wife, and Bettona Thomas of Tregynishe, spinster. 2 Ievan William of Manorawan, gent. Gift of a tmt lying in Trehenllewe and Trevarchan, p. St Davids, co. Pemb., late in the tenure of Thomas David Lloyd. Consideration: £7. Annual rent: 8/4. Latin. Seals. Endorsed: livery of seisin.

Deed To Lead Uses Of A Fine to be levied by 1 to 2 of a capital m. in the ...,

1 George Owen of Manerawan, co. Pemb., gent. 2 John Williams, esq., and Richard Jones, gent., both of the town and county of Haverfordwest. 3 William Mordaunt of Scovinston, co. Pemb., esq. 4 John Lewis of Haverfordwest, gent. Deed To Lead Uses Of A Fine to be levied by 1 to 2 of a capital m. in the occupation of 1, a water grist mill and m. called Tybach (occupant named), 3 m's in t's Llyscleddau and Treddafydd, all in p. Marnawan, co. Pemb., with parcels of land thereto belonging in p. Fishguard, in the tenure of John Harry and Griffith Loyd, 2 m's in Havadvercher Ycha and Havadvercher Ysha or Tithin Lan y Werne, in the tenure of Griffith William and David John, a m. in t. Brwynant Bach, in the tenure of Owen Griffith, all in p. Marnawan, and all other premises and land (144a.) in p's Manarwan and Fishguard, to the use of 2, combined with Deed To Lead Uses Of A Recovery (3 being the demandant) of the same premises, to the use of 1 for life, and after his decease to 4, with further conditions dependent on whether 1 produces heirs or not. Seal of 1 (and tags of 3 others). Endorsed: `2'.

Deed (Release) To Make A Tenant To The Precipe from 1 to 2 of a capital m. called Manornawan in ...,

1 Thomas Parry of Manornawan, co. Pemb., esq. and Richard Parry of the same, gent., eldest son and heir of T. P. by Martha, his late wife dec., daughter of John Lewis of Manornawan, esq., dec. 2 James Price of p. Mothvey, co. Carm., gent. 3 John Symmons of Llanstinan, co. Pemb., esq. Deed (Release) To Make A Tenant To The Precipe from 1 to 2 of a capital m. called Manornawan in p. Marnawan, co. Pemb., m's called Iscledde in p's Marnawan and Fishguard, Havodvirchr Ycha and Havodvirchr Ysha, a water corn grist mill and m. called Manornawan Mill all in p. Marnawan, m's called Nantybygell in p. Llanfair Nant-y-gof, Broynant Mawr, Broynant Bach and Benmythin in p. Marnawan, Croyn Lloyn, Cryn y Dolwen and the tucking mill thereto belonging in p. Fishguard, a parcel of land and woodland called Allt Vawr and m's thereto belonging in p's Fishguard and Llanllawer (all occupants named), to the use of T. P. for life and after his decease to R. P. Consideration: 10/-. Seals of 1. Endorsed: '2'. Damaged.

Exemplification Of A Common Recovery (by double vouchee), dated 30 Aug. 1733, of 18 m's, 40 gardens, a water corn ...,

1 John Symmons, esq. (demandant). 2 James Price, gent. (tenant to the precipe). 3 Thomas Parry, esq. and Richard Parry, gent. (vouchees). Exemplification Of A Common Recovery (by double vouchee), dated 30 Aug. 1733, of 18 m's, 40 gardens, a water corn grist mill, a fulling mill, etc. (2500a.) in p's Marnawan, Fishguard, Llanfair Nant-y-gof and Llanllawer, co Pemb. Endorsed: '4'.

Reconveyance (Lease and Release) of a m. called Penyrallt and twelve fields (names given) in the occupation of 2, containing ...,

  • 234.
  • Ffeil
  • 1835, Jan. 26-27.
  • Rhan oNLW Deeds

1 Rev. Daniel Lewis of Pantybarwn, p. Llangrorddon [Llangwyryfon], co. Card., clerk. 2 David Jones of Cefnllangeitho, p. Llangeitho, gent. Reconveyance (Lease and Release) of a m. called Penyrallt and twelve fields (names given) in the occupation of 2, containing about 30 a., being part and parcel of a m. and lands called Llangeitho, otherwise Cefn Llangeitho, p. Llangeitho, co. Card. Consideration: £1365 and interest. Recites an assignment of mortgage (lease and release) for 500 years, dated 26-27 Jan. 1834, an agreement that upon payment of £1365 and interest, 1 will release the premises to 2 at the latter's expense, or direct or appoint that it should be done, and that 1 has been paid the said sum on the mortgaged premises. Seals.

Copy Probate Of Will of David Jones of Penyrallt, p. Llangeitho, co. Card., farmer (dated 17 Feb. 1853),

Individual bequests to his son, Evan, and daughters, Sarah and Mary. Leaves the rest of his real and personal estate to his wife, Jane, for life, with directions for the maintenance of another son, Thomas. After Jane's decease, he devises the freehold farm of Penyrallt, p. Llangeitho, to Sarah and Evan, subject to the payment of £12 per year towards the maintenance of Thomas, and parts of Penyrallt, comprising a parcel of land called Caetanffordd (¾a), to his grand-daughter, Jane, daughter of Mary, and a slang of land (¼a) taken off Caepenwenallt to his grand-daughter Jane, daughter of his daughter Rachele. Authorises his daughter, Elizabeth, to move the boundary fence of her freehold farm called Erwfach to increase it by half an acre (exact position described). Notes: Later pencil annotations in margin.

Assignment Of Mortgage for £300, being the balance of several previous mortgage debts, by 1, 2 and 3 to 4 ...,

1 David Thomas Williams of Reynoldstone, co. Glam., surgeon, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Daniel Lewis, formerly of Meidrim Gwynfil, t. Gwynfil in p. Llanddewibrefi, co. Card., and afterwards of Plas in the same t., shopkeeper. 2 David Timothy of Plas, t. Gwynfil, draper, and Jane his wife, Owen Owens of the town of Aberystwith, draper, and Sarah his wife, Christopher Hall of Aberystwith, victualler, assignee in bankruptcy of the estate of Owen Owens, David Thomas Williams, Rev. John Williams of Eglwysfach, co. Denb., clerk, Mary Anne Eliza Williams of Tymelin in t. Gwynfil, spinster, (children of David Williams of Tymelin and Margaretta his wife) and David Williams, administrator of the estate of his deceased son, Daniel Rowland Williams of Plas and of the estate of his deceased son, William Lewis Williams of the village of Llangeitho in t. Gwynfil, gent. 3 David Thomas Williams, administrator of the unadministered estate of Mary Ann Lewis of Plas, spinster dec. 4 John Jones Davies of Glynycha, p. Llanbadarnodyn, gent. 5 John Evans of Tyndolau, p. Llangeitho, farmer, trustee nominated by 4. Assignment Of Mortgage for £300, being the balance of several previous mortgage debts, by 1, 2 and 3 to 4, and Assignment by 1, 2, and 3 to 5 at the nomination of 4 of the m. called Penrallt, described in no. 234 (except for the parts mentioned in an indenture of 29 March 1853), in trust for 4, subject to equity of redemption. Recites: nos 235, 236, 237; the will of Daniel Lewis, proved 2 June 1851, in which his sister, Mary Ann Lewis, was the beneficiary, and after her decease, the children of David and Margaret Williams; a release dated 29 March 1853 from M. A. L. to Eliza Jones at the direction of David Jones of a m. called Tynewydd and a field called Erwfach, being part of Penyrallt, and an assignment of the residue of a term of 1000 years to Rees Jones in trust to attend the fee simple and inheritance for E. J., the money from the sale (£120) being used to pay off £100 of the mortgage debts and to merge the term of 500 years; the will of M. A. L., in which she devised and bequeathed all her property to the seven children of David and Margaretta Williams, administration being granted on 18 Sept. 1856; that the first two administrators, Daniel Rowland Williams and William Lewis Williams, died intestate in 1859 and 1861 respectively, leaving the estate unadminstered; that administration of both the estate of M. A. L. and the estate of D. L., left unadministered by M. A. L., was granted to David Thomas Williams, another son of D. W.; that the administration of the estates of D. R. W. and W. L. W. was granted to D. W.; that Owen Owens was adjudicated bankrupt about 21 Nov. 1862, and Christopher Hall was appointed creditors' assignee; that £300, i.e. the balance remaining from the previous mortgages, is now owing to D. T. W as the administrator of the estate of D. L., but the interest has been paid to date; that D. T. W. has requested J. J. D. to advance him the sum of £300, which he has agreed to do upon having the transfer of the said mortgage debts, interest and securities.

Assignment Of Mortgage for £300, being the balance of several previous mortgage debts, by 1 to 3, and Assignment by ...,

1 John Jones Davies of Glynucha, p. Llanbadarn Odyn, co. Card., gent. 2 John Evans of Tyndolau, p. Llangeitho, farmer. 3 Mary Morgan of Aberystwyth, spinster. 4 Catherine Morgan of the same place, spinster. Assignment Of Mortgage for £300, being the balance of several previous mortgage debts, by 1 to 3, and Assignment by 2 to 4, with the approbation of 1 and on the nomination of 2, of the m. called Penrallt, described in no. 234 (except for the parts mentioned in an indenture of 29 March 1853), in trust for 3, subject to equity of redemption. Recites as in no. 240, recites no 240, that £300 is now owing to 1 and that 3 has agreed to pay him upon transfer of the said mortgage debt and the securities of the same. Seals. Endorsement: receipt of £300 by 1.

Conveyance by John Simpson and by 2 to 3 of a m., workshop (formerly a barn) and garden called The ...,

1 John Williams of London, heir at law of Edward Williams, dec. 2 Mary Williams, Elizabeth Williams and Richard Williams, all of Dowlais, co. Glam., devisees or legatees named in the will of E. W. 3 Lewis Williams of the town of Brighton, otherwise Brightelmston, co. Sussex, gent. Conveyance by John Simpson and by 2 to 3 of a m., workshop (formerly a barn) and garden called The Limes (occupants named), and a small piece of land adjoining (16 x 8 yards approx.) being part of a close of pasture land called the Limes Croft, all in Cowbridge, co. Glam., subject to a mortgage debt of £200, with covenant by 1 that he has taken no action which will affect the premises. Consideration: £320 to 2 and 5/- to John Simpson. Recites a mortgage by demise for 500 years for £200 (5%) dated 10 Oct. 1843 between Mary Simpson of Pyle Cottage, widow, John Simpson the younger of Pyle Inn, gent., and Edward Williams of Cowbridge, sculptor, that the mortgage debt and interest remain owing, the will of E.W., proved 20 March 1848 (see no. 250), and that 3 has contracted with 2 for the absolute purchase for £320 of the premises in fee simple. Seals.

Mortgage for £1100 (4%) of a farm called Wern Farm (211 a), p. Llanfrothen, co. Mer. (occupant named), described and ...,

1 Owen Henry Owens of Kyffin Terrace, Garreg, Llanfrothen, co. Mer. farmer, and Grace Esther Owens of the same place, spinster. 2 Evan Jones of Llechweddalchen Farm, p. Llanuwchllyn, co. Mer., farmer. Mortgage for £1100 (4%) of a farm called Wern Farm (211 a), p. Llanfrothen, co. Mer. (occupant named), described and delineated in a conveyance dated 9 Nov. 1911 to which Arthur Douglas Spooner was a party, and Covenant by 1 to keep the premises insured against loss or damage by fire in the sum of £500 at least. Draft.

Gift for £3 of a meadow called Groinelloid (5a.) in t. Aberhale, [p. Aberhafesb], co. Mont., lying in breadth between ...,

1 John ap Re's ap Moris Gethin of Llanddinam, co. Mont., gent. 2 Rees ap Hughe ap Owen of Tregonon, gent. Gift for £3 of a meadow called Groinelloid (5a.) in t. Aberhale, [p. Aberhafesb], co. Mont., lying in breadth between the land of Ric' ap D'd ap Ho'll [?] on the one part and the land of Thomas Loid on the other, late in the tenure of Nicolas Snede and William Baxter. Latin. Faded.

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