Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 1698 canlyniad

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Elwes Papers,
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Grant of a plot (placea) of land called Wern sathyrser in the villa of Bangor,

  1. Eynon ap Ieuan ap Cadogon;. 2. Madoc the chaplain, his brother. Grant of a plot (placea) of land called Wern sathyrser in the villa of Bangor. Witnesses: Tudur ap Gruff, bailiff of Maelors', Griffri ap Houel, Eynon Vychan ap Eynon ap Ieuan, Hova, his brother, and David ap Mad' ap Ieua'. Dated at Bangor. Latin. Seal.

Mortgage lease of a messuage with buildings and three plots of land lying together in Knolton, lying between the land ...,

  • 42.
  • Ffeil
  • 1375, Thursday before the feast of St. Mathew the Apostle.
  • Rhan oElwes Papers,

  1. Ieuan ap Ior' ap Gffry of Knolton;. 2. Richard de Nesse of Overton Madoc. Mortgage lease of a messuage with buildings and three plots of land lying together in Knolton, lying between the land of John le Yonge and the land of Wervil, daughter of Ior' ap David ap Mad' and extending from the land of John le Yonge to the highway leading through the villa of Knolton to the tenement of Eden Loit, a plot of land lying in Knolton between the said way and the land of Mad' Loit and extending from the land of Nicholas son of Hugh to the land formerly of Ior' ap Eden; and fifteen butts of land lying dispersed in Knolton, of which three lie together with the land of John le Yonge on either side, six lie together with the land of John le Yonge on either side, and six lie with the land of Wervil daughter of Ior' ap David on either side. The properties are granted nomine pignoris so as to be held for four successive periods of three years, at the end of any one of which 1 could recover the properties by the payment of the sum of sixty shillings; if at the end of twelve years the sum should remain wholly or partly unpaid the properties would remain to 2 according to the form and effect of a deed of enfeoffment [no. 44]. Dated at Overton Mad'. Latin.

Grant of the properties specified in no. 42,

  • 44.
  • Ffeil
  • 1375, Thursday before the feast of St. Mathew the Apostle.
  • Rhan oElwes Papers,

  1. Ieuan ap Ior' ap G'ffri of Knolton;. 2. Richard de Nesse of Overton Madoc. Grant of the properties specified in no. 42. Witnesses: Richard Goch, seneschal, Robert de Puvelesdon, bailiff of Overton, Ieuan ap Ior' ap Eden', Nicholas son of Hugh, Ior' Logh. Dated at Overton Mad'. Latin.

Grant of the property specified in no. 49 of even date,

  1. Thomas Peytefyn, son and heir of Adam Peytefyn of Overton Madok, in the county of Flynt;. 2. David, son of Thomas de Knolles of the same. Grant of the property specified in no. 49 of even date. Witnesses: William Hopkyns de Warwyke, William del Chaumbre of the same, John le Yonge of Overton, bailiff of the villa of Overton, Oliver de Hankestan of the same, Nicholas son of Hug' of the same. Dated at Warwyk. Latin. Seal.

Grant of a parcel of land in the villa of Bangor, in the hamlet of Alrey, lying between the land ...,

  1. Ieuaf duy ap Ieuan ap Kadogon;. 2. David ap Mad' ap Thomas. Grant of a parcel of land in the villa of Bangor, in the hamlet of Alrey, lying between the land of Ganno verch David ap Eign and the land of Mad' ap Thomas, and extending from the land of ll' ap Hova to the road leading from Overton Mad'. Witnesses: John de Kynaston, seneschal of Maelors, Ieuan ap Hova vantach, Ieuan loyd ap Hova vyghan, Deyo ap Eign' vyghan, ll' ap hova ap Eign'. Dated at Overton Mad'. Latin. Seal.

Grant for life with remainder to Joan, daughter of Richard de Mylynton and the heirs of the said Joan by ...,

  • 66.
  • Ffeil
  • 1400, Tuesday after the feast of St. John ante portam latinam.
  • Rhan oElwes Papers,

  1. Robert Tailiour, chaplain;. 2. Anicia de Botras. Grant for life with remainder to Joan, daughter of Richard de Mylynton and the heirs of the said Joan by William de Foxlowe of Flynt of burgages and lands infra villam et territorium ville de Flynt. Witnesses: Nicholas Hanberk, chivaler, mayor of the villa of Flynt, John de Helegh, his deputy, William a Burchore and Thomas le Skynner, bailiffs, Adam del Wode, John de Burchore, David de Burchore, Richard de Salbury, Richard Fychet, Richard de Frankely. Dated at Flynt. Latin.

Grant of a garden in the villa of Bangor, lying between the land of Ior' ap Griffud Duy and the ...,

  1. David ap Mad' ap Ll';. 2. David ap Ior' ap David Vendoy. Grant of a garden in the villa of Bangor, lying between the land of Ior' ap Griffud Duy and the land of Iollyn ap Ieuan ap Ior' ap David and extending from the royal way to the lard of Gwladus daughter of Jankyn. Witnesses: John de Kynaston junior, seneschal of Maelors', Mad' ap Mered'.. Mad' ap Ieuan ap Hova, Mad' ap Ieuan ap David, Ric' Kard, Ior ap David ap Ior'. Given at the villa of Bangor. Latin.

Mortgage for 15 shillings, for three years and successive periods of three years, of two parcels of land in the ...,

  1. Davyd and Gruffud, sons of Eigion ap Gronw ap Ph'ip;. 2. Llewelyn ap Edyn' Chieild. Mortgage for 15 shillings, for three years and successive periods of three years, of two parcels of land in the villa of Bangor, one lying in a place called Yr offtucraf between the land of Mad' ap Me red and the land of the said Ll' and the other lying in a place called Crofftelidir between the land of the said Ll' and the way called Strytycoppa and extending between the land of the said Ll' and the said way. Witnesses; Badi ap Howel Goch, Edyn' ap Howel ap Edyn', Grufud ap bll'. Dated at Bangor. Latin.

Grant of a parcel of land in the villa of Tybrychton, lying between the land of Hovel apes' ap ll' ...,

  1. Mevanwy vetch Bll' ap Ier' ap Gwillim, widow;. 2. Gwenhwyvar vetch Varered vetch Ieuan ap David ap Gwion, wife of Iollyn gadaryn. Grant of a parcel of land in the villa of Tybrychton, lying between the land of Hovel apes' ap ll' and the land of 1, mother of 2, and extending from the land of 1 called yllwyn to the land of the same. Witnesses: Geoffrey Han'emer son of John de Hanle', Edward ap David, seneschal of the same, Davyd ap Ieuan de Han'emer, Davyd ap Mad' ap ll', Llewelyn ap Mad', his brother. Dated at Han'emer. Latin. Seal.

Quitclaim of a tenement and parcel of land in the villa of Tibrychton, which 1 received from Gwennllian verch Ieuan ...,

  • 1683.
  • Ffeil
  • 1431, Thursday after Michaelmas.
  • Rhan oElwes Papers,

  1. Ho'l ap Mad' ap ll';. 2. Jolly' gadarn. Quitclaim of a tenement and parcel of land in the villa of Tibrychton, which 1 received from Gwennllian verch Ieuan ap David, widow, (vide no. 1681), lying between the lands of Thona ap y Billig and the lands of Gwenn verch Vad' ap Atkyn, and extending from the waste ground called Ros Evroston to the lands of the said Thona. Dated at Han'mer. Latin. Seal.

Grant of the parcel of land which Iollyn Gadarn lately held in pride from the said Hoell, lying next to ...,

  1. Gruff' ap Tona, vicar of the parish church of Hannemer, Mereduth ap Owein, and David ap Eden' ap David ap Tudur;. 2. Gwen vetch Hoell ap mad'. Grant of the parcel of land which Iollyn Gadarn lately held in pride from the said Hoell, lying next to the place called lloyn John vawr in the villa of Tybbroghton, in the lordship of Mayllors, co. Flynt, between the land of Mevanoy vetch Blethyn at both ends, and between the land of the said Mevanoy and the land of 2, to 2 for her lifetime, then to her daughter Margaret; 1 received the parcel of land, among other lands and tenements, lately with Gruff' ap Ior' ap Mad' duy from Hoell ap Madoc. Witnesses: John Hannemer, seneschal of the same, Thomas Domoke, receiver of the same, llewys yonge, David ap Mad' ap ll'n, Edward Decka. Dated at Tybbroghton. Latin. Seals.

Exemplification of depositions of witnesses taken at Bethkelert, co. Caern., on 31 May, 1559, before Elice Price and Rice Thomas ...,

Exemplification of depositions of witnesses taken at Bethkelert, co. Caern., on 31 May, 1559, before Elice Price and Rice Thomas in a case in Chancery between David ap Robert ap Griffith and Griffin ap David, his son, and William Conwayeand Anna ap [sic] Hoell. Witnesses are Elice Moris of Penmorva, co. Caern., esq., Thomas Bowlde of Llangynwen, co. Angles., gent., John ap Robert of Penmorva, clerk, and Meredithe ap Robert ap Ieuan ap Gr' ap Rice of Llanvihengill y Penull, co. Caern. Depositions relate to the Priory of Bethkelert. Endorsed: Exemplification of depositions of wytnesses exemplifyed at the request of Morryce Wynn, esq., Griffith. Seal.

Bargain And Sale in redemption of a messuage and two closures of land, one of which is called Kae David ...,

  1. Edward Meredith of Broughton, co. Denbigh, esq.;. 2. John ap John Gruffith of Esclusham, co. Denbigh, yeoman, son and heir of John Gruffith, late of Esclusham, deceased. Bargain And Sale in redemption of a messuage and two closures of land, one of which is called Kae David goch and the other Kae Llewelyn and Erw Garnedd in Esclusham mortgaged by the said John Gruffith and John ap John Gruffith by a bargain and sale with condition of redemption dated 29 Jan., 1627/8 (no. 609). See also no. 763.

Bond for the performance of covenants of even date (no. 770),

  1. John ap John Gruffith, yeoman, Elizabeth vetch John Robert, widow, and Rowland Jones yeoman, all of Esclusham, co. Denbigh;. 2. Edward Lloyd of Knollton, co. Flint, gent. Bond for the performance of covenants of even date (no. 770). Latin, English. Seals.
Canlyniadau 61 i 80 o 1698