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Robert Clive Papers
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Letter from Rajah Kashi Nath to Clive.

I hope you have received my earlier letters in Bengali as I have not received any in reply. In my letters I had pointed out the discrepancy in the revenue levied on the District of Balya which comes under the administration of the government. The tax on this land has been assigned at fifteen or sixteen thousand rupees whereas papers for the previous years show that it should not be evaluated more than five pr [sic] six thousand rupees. I have compared these papers with those of the previous years and prepared new papers showing the correct amount of revenues. I have sent a copy of this account to you as well as to the Bara Sahib [Nawab Sahib] but did not receive any response. I would be grateful if you could help in expediting this matter.

Letter from Shah Alam Badshah Ghazi to Clive.

Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur has written informing me about the mischievious activities of Mir Qasim against the British which he is carrying on with the help of Afghan hosts and that you are sending an army towards Allahabad under the command of Colonel Barker. From the news I have received from Qasim Ali Khan it appears that he is a prisoner of Rohilla Sardars. They keep a very strict eye on him in case he tries to escape. Only if some disaster happens to the Rohillas will he be able to escape and create trouble for the British.

Letter from Muhammad Kazim Khan Bahadur to Clive.

Because of the disorder created by the Telangas and Jholdarans and the devastation they have created in the region, the people of Hajli ? have not been able to pay their dues. It is requested therefore that you issue a parvanah that until peace and tranquillity and normal business returns any revenue collection from this district may be postponed.

Letter from Muhammad Raza Khan to Clive.

I was going through our previous correspondence and found that I have not received any news of your well-being for some time. I hope you will be able to write and inform me of your good fortunes.

Letter from Shuja al-Mulk Bahadur to Clive.

I am sure you are very well acquainted with the true character of Khadim Husain Khan. For reasons which are connected with you it is advisable that he comes to Murshidabad. As you will soon be travelling from Murshidabad towards this side it may be a good idea that he come and see you when you are staying near Bhagalpur and Kundiyah. Navab Nasir al-Mulk and Amir Beg Khan should also be briefed about this meeting. Please let me know if you agree with these proposals.

Letter from Salah al-Din Muhammad Khan to Clive.

I have come to know that you will be passing through Hoogly soon. For this purpose I had arranged a welcome party to receive you. I am very disappointed at the cancellation of your visit, however, I intend to visit the capital in a few days time and would be able to come and pay you a visit.

Letter from Nand Kumar to Clive.

I had written a letter of warning to Rajah Tilok Chand and later sent my men to ask him that he, along with his officials, should attend to the state affairs as soon as possible. Rajah Ram Singh who is coming to see you will be able to give you further details. -- P.S. I will be coming to see you on Friday.

Heb deitl

Letter from Maharajah Dulabha Ram Bahadur to Clive.

The darogha of my fort, Mr Breere, had written to you emphasising the need to send some bilahadaran/soldiers/oarsmen. They have not arrived here as yet. I would be grateful if the matter could be expedited as we notice the enemey building up its cavalry here. So far, they have not created any disturbances.

Letter from Maharajah Dulabha Ram Bahadur to Clive.

I have received your letter demanding one Lac rupees for the upkeep of your men. I have tried my best to comply with your demand but I am short of cash at present and have not been able to pay even my own sepoys since the month of Safar. I have been able to collect fifty thousand rupees which I have given to your agent to forward to you for the upkeep of your army. As you have suggested I have taken the case of Rajah Ram Narayan to Huzur and it has been agreed that he will award him a Khillat on Thursday. After enquiring about your wishes from George Camp? he wants to come and see you. Meanwhile, I have received a bottle of very useful kushtah from an Indian Hakim; if you wish I will be glad to send this bottle to you.

Letter from Navab Fazl Ali Khan Bahadur to Clive.

Hamid Allah Shaikh, Shaikh Ghulam Ali and Mir Ghulam Gilani who are at present staying here have proved themselves in bravery, respect and pious behaviour. I hope that when they come and see you you may be able to offer them appropriate employment or service.

Letter from Hazrat Bibi Sahibah to ?.

Thank for your letter asking me to send you a hubble-bubble made of crystal glass and with a handle decorated with gold patterns. I had sent my messenger to purchase such a handle with gold work but unfortunately they were not successful and I do not have the courage to send you any other handle. Fortunately I have found one such handle made of silver in my own collection; this is being sent to you through messengers. I hope this will be acceptable to you.

Heb deitl

Letter from Kishn Chand Raghuram to Mr Nishton/Liston.

Previously I had written two or three letters to you but did not receive any reply. Now I am coming to Calcutta to see Mr Clive and would like to call on you at the same time. I am still awaiting a decision on my court case. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Letter from Rajah Murlidhar to Clive.

I had sent you a letter through the Peshkar but have not received any reply; I hope you have received this letter. We are all praying here day and night for your well-being. I was hoping that you would write to me when you arrived at Murshidabad but now we hear that you and the Nawab were going to Calcutta instead. I hope you will write to me from there. -- Earlier I had sent news reports from Shahjahanabad and from the court of Shuja al-Daulah. At present I have no further news about the army of Shuja al-Daulah. The latest news about him is that he has gone to Jaunpore to settle matters between Benares and Jaunpore. Rajah Balvind Singh has provided a bank draft of one Lac rupees and has promised to pay a further two Lacs. The Nawab, after leaving Jaunpore, marched towards the northeast to a place called Karakat, which is at a distance of seven Karohs from Jaunpore. From here, he is going to Ghazipore. He has refused to accept fifty thousand rupees which were brought in by the vakil of Navab Fazl Ali Khan. The Marhatta army, which had reached Lahore, is retuning to Shajahanabad. Their forward column has reached Sirhind and Navab Ghazi al-Din Khan, who did not agree with the Prince, is staying in the mansion of Ali Mardan Khan.

Letter from Nand Kumar to Clive.

Rajah Ram Singh [Governor of Midnapore] arrived here today, i.e. Tuesday. He had brought with him two drafts of fifty thousand rupees. I informed Amir Beg Khan that Rajah Ram Singh says that he would deposit this sum only after he was assured that he would be restored to the Risalahdarship. Amir Beg Khan replied that the case of his appointment to risalah would be decided only if Clive and Amir Beg Khan would write to the Nawab Sahib for this. I could recall two hundred horsemen and five hundred artillery men under the charge of a friend of mine, Mir Sulaiman, and place Rajah Ram Singh in charge of this force but he did not accept this offer saying that he had nothing to do with this risalah. Amir Beg Khan advised me that I should refer the matter to you. I will be awaiting for your decision on this issue. Meanwhile, at mid-day on Sunday I came to know that Rajah Tilokchand, a zamindar of Burdwan, with his men were obstructing our employees in sending government money to you. I have therefore sent a force of twenty five horsemen and one hundred soldiers to Burdwan to bring Ramchand Diwan and `q Majmuhdar Gokal [?]. Later it was revealed by these two that the Deputy Diwan Raghu Indar was behind this mischief. They have now instructed their staff not to obstruct our messengers. I request you to send me a letter in English for Mr Scrafton who is in Muradbagh saying that he should recall the men he had sent to bring money to Burdwan and that he should not receive any money in Muradbagh.

Heb deitl

Letter from Nand Kumar to Clive.

Ganga Ram came to see Rajah Rajballabha Sahib and told him that Bishnu Charan Bose, son of the late Ram Nath, owes him money, household utensils, clothes, etc. which he had left with him on trust. It is therefore requested that you may order your employees to call Bishnu Charan before them and recover the money, utensils and clothes, etc. from him.

Heb deitl

Letter from Nasir al-Mulk Bahadur to Clive.

I have received an envelope from the Nawab containing a letter addressed to you; this is enclosed for your information. Please reply to it after reading its contents so that I can pass it on to the Nawab. -- Enclosure: -- Maharajah Ram Narayan is sending Khvajah Muhammad Ashraf to you. He was delayed here for four or five days to attend to some important matters. He is now on his way to see you and to give details of various matters. Fakhr al-Tajjar/Chief trader is trying to harm him and he has an old enmity with Shabbu Babu. I am writing this for your information.

Letter from Qasim Ali Khan Bahdur to Clive.

After enquiring about the health and welfare of the recipient Qasim Ali Khan informs that the bearer of the letter was one of his dearest friend and he was coming to see him with the belief that the Navab would do whatever is possible to assist him.

Letter from Manik Chand to Bare Sahib- Murad Bagh.

Manik Chand, a resident of Mahajan Loli near Murshidabad, has made a request to the authorities in regards to his nephew Kishnchand who used to work as an official in the district of Nasir Afzal, etc. near Chaklah Jahangirnagar. At one time in his life Kishnchand borrowed forty-six thousand two hundred and twelve rupees from Mahajans by offering his property as security. The Mahajans had to auction his property to recover their amount. After his death the Mahajans are now pestering me to pay them eight thousand rupees which they claim my nephew still owed them. I would be grateful if you could make them understand that they should acquire this sum from the zamindars of land owned by my late nephew and do not bother me any more. -- Detail of the amounts owed by each zamindar is given on the verso.

Letter from Shuja al-Mulk Bahadur to Clive.

I am pleased to know from your latest communication that you came to Mahana Sone safely and have now reached Murshidabad on the 29th of this month. I have also received the good news that my son Navab Nasir al-Mulk came to welcome you.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

I was delighted to hear that you have a son born; hearty congratulations. God may give him a long and happy life. -- Enclosure: Details of nuzur presented of two ashrafis and seven rupees.

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