Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 1520 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Robert Clive Papers
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Siege of Madurah,

Journal containing a day-to-day account with correspondence and despatches, March-Nov. 1764, relating to the siege of Madurah in the Presidency of Madras.

Intelligence, communications and memoranda, etc.,

Intelligence, communications, and memoranda, etc., on a variety of matters, largely undated, but deriving from the military situation prevailing in the late 1750s and in 1765-1766 during Clive’s second and third tours of duty in India. It includes the declaration, [c. 1756x1757], of Francis Sykes [at the time assistant to William Watts, chief of the factory at Cossimbazar] pertaining to Kissendas/Krishna Das [an Indian trader whose protection by the English following his embezzlement of the revenues of Siraj-ud-daula, the Nawab of Bengal, contributed to the war between the latter and the East India Company] taking up residence in Calcutta, intelligence relating to the strength of Chandernagore [presumably before its capture in March 1757], Clive’s statement on the undesirability of carrying arms beyond Bengal [presumably a reference to the policy of his second and last governorship commencing in 1765] and a memorandum relating to an officer’s resignation during the Batta mutiny, 1766.

Warrants and court martial proceedings,

A copy draft warrant, following a court martial held 17 July [1766], for the execution of Thomas Briggs for desertion and a copy of the proceedings of a court martial, held 19 Nov. 1766, of two sepoys sentenced to dismissal and five hundred lashes respectively.

Proceedings of the committee of inspection,

Proceedings of the committee from its constitution on 18 March 1766 to 6 Nov. 1766, including reports and accounts of officers such as the military Paymaster General containing abstracts of pay to sepoys, lascars, artificers and coolies, returns of casualties, a list of assistants and servants employed in the fort, charges relating to repairs and merchandize and particulars of marine disbursements.

Heb deitl

East Indies courts of justice charters,

A manuscript copy, [c. 1765], of the charter of 8 Jan. 1753 (26 George 11) establishing courts of justice in the East Indies concluding with (pp 75-80) a special reference to the Calcutta court in the form of a ‘Table to the Charter so far as Relates to the Mayors Court’.

East India Company records,

Contemporary copies of official company records comprising charters, [c. 1753]-[c. 1758], treatises, farmans, agreements, [c. 1757]-[post 1765, Sept.], and account books, 1752-1772.

Heb deitl


Copies, [c 1753]-[c 1758] of charters granted to the Company between 1753 and 1758 and of official correspondence relating to charters dating from 1727.


Copies made in 1753 of the parts of the Company’s general letters of 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1739 (including an extract from the book of instructions for the execution of the charter of 1753) addressed to the presidencies of Fort William, [Calcutta], and Fort St. George [Madras], concerning the procedure to be followed in the mayor’s courts established by the initial and revised charters of 17 Feb. 1727 and 8 Jan. 1753, respectively.

Treaties, farmans and agreements,

Contemporary copies, [c 1765] of the Treaty of Peace executed at Allahabad, 16 Aug. 1765, and of related farmans (imperial grants) and agreements, etc., 24 July-15 Sept. 1765, whereby the Mughal Emperor granted to the Company the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, acknowledged its right to its possessions in the Carnatic and the northern Circars (provinces) and confirmed Clive in his jagir. Included is ‘A Narrative of Facts’ (pp. 28-41) being an account of the Anglo-Indian relations prevailing during the governorships of Henry Vansittart (1760-1764) and John Spencer (Nov. 1764-May 1765) prior to Clive’s arrival in Bengal in May 1765.

Treaties, farmans and agreements,

Duplicate of CD2/1 except that it contains, as part of the text and as a loose enclosure, an additional copy document numbered 15 being a ‘Translation of the Mutchulca (‘muchilka’ [obligation]) of the Dewanny Sunnud (grant) for Lord Clive’s Jagheer’.

Jagir grant and related papers,

Original perwannah [grant], June 1759, of Clive’s jagir together with a translation and ‘copies of other papers, [1758-1761], relative to the transactions in Bengal’.

Jagir correspondence,

A notebook/letter book containing nine letters, each dated 3 Oct. 1767, from Clive at Walcot to individual Company directors to thanking them for supporting the motion at the General Court for the extension of his jagir

Acquired India papers,

Papers, 1727-1729, 1757-[c. 1763], of Company servants who served before and during Clive’s time in India comprising the journals of Henry Harnett, 1727-1729, ledgers of Henry Harnett, 1727, voyage journals of Henry Doidge and others, 1757-1759, and papers of William Dobbins, [c. 1760]-[c. 1763].

Estate administration,

Financial and administrative records, 1763-1780, relating to the running of Clive's estates in Wales, England and Ireland, although not all of his properties are represented.

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