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Letter from ? with enclosure,

Refers to the movement of an army from the fort at Lal Bagh went to the town of Katak[?] on 24 Dhu al-Qadah [19 July 1759 or 30 July 1758]. Both letter and enclosure refer to a 'Mister Gari sahib' [George Gray]) in the context of Calcutta.

Letter from ?,

Undated and anonymous letter with reference to Nawab Vazir al-Mamalik Bahadur.

Letter from ?,

Memorandum containing accounts of Ram Dayal, messenger, an inhabitant of Benares and Teka Ram Rajput, an employee of Monsieur Lally who were arrested by Bhurmal, a messenger of Mr Priks and brought to Azimabad for interrogation by Mr Priks. -- Account by Ram Dayal. -- Monsieur Las, a Frenchman is staying in Chanarah village, adjacent to the fort, which is at a distance of six karoh from Benares. On Monday he gave me leave to go and later I heard that he had gone to Allahabad and then to see Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur. He had left his boat behind and was travelling by road. I believe he is travelling with one hundred European horsemen and more than one hundred European soldiers and two hundred and fifty Tilanga soldiers, as well as with two Marhatta Dafadars, one with sixty five men and the other with fifty four men. -- Account by Teka Ram. -- I was employed by the French for the past twenty-five years. I was dismissed three months ago and since than stayed at home. One day Nidhar[?] Rai gave me two letters and asked me to deliver them to Jagan Nath Thakur and Kishn Chand, whom I had known for some time. I had gone to deliver theses letters to Charah when I was taken prisoner.

Letter from ?,

Bulaqi Singh belonging to the regiment/group of Muhammad Mir Khan was appointed to look after the ta'aluqah of Ramchand in the district of Kalupore, etc. Now the whole population of this district is up in arms against him. This is being reported to you on 4 Jumada I, Bangla yr 1165 [January 3 1759].

Letter from ?,

Short letter mentioning Nandakumara and stating that because the day is Friday, and a holiday the goods will not therefore be moved until Saturday.

Letter from ?,

Thank you very much for your letter asking me to arrange enough boats so that the army can cross the river safely. Boat owners had run away from here because of the threats of the enemy forces but I am now able to collect enough boats so that the army will be able to cross the river safely.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

Thank you for your letter informing me that this is the season for ships to depart and asking me why the company ships have not left as yet and that I should make sure that they depart immediately and if I do not follow this order I should explain the reasons for doing so. -- I am very surprised to read the contents of this letter, as until now the rulers have never bothered to know anything about this matter. We people know better when these ships should depart and have always sent these ships when we thought it was the right time for them to go.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

aYadasht - Haqiqat. -- I have heard from people of the city that Balaji Rao has sent letters to Pahalvan Singh, Raja Chatardhari, Babu Audviyat Singh, Bije Singh, Sundar Singh, etc., and the zamindars of Bhojpur to enquire about the affairs of their states and to assure them that should look after their subjects and that he would be visiting them during the Dusehrah festival. I suggest that you send a reliable person to Benares to report. I was unable to get a copy of the aforesaid letters as the people who had read these letters did not keep any copies. -- I have heard from a Portuguese who lives in a village near the road that he met two harkarahs of Shuja al-Daulah who were returning from Azimabad. One of them told him that he was carrying a parwana addressed to Raja Ram Narayan and was now returning after obtaining a reply from the Rajah. The Nawab is hoping to visit this place in the near future. -- A harkarah who was going towards the west from Murshidabad met a men working for the Bhorimal of Chaprah. They travelled together for over one manzil. The harkarah revealed to this man that he was carrying a message from the Begum Sahibah to Raja Ram Narayan informing him that Mir Muhammad Jafar Khan has assassinated the Nawab Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur with the help of the English and has installed himsel

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

Contrary to the practice of your predecessors we have not heard from you for a long time. I have been informed that some ships have arrived from England. No doubt they will be carrying some presents for us. It is requested therefore that you submit a list of all valuable and rare items, along with their prices so that we could select what we may need from this list. Please also tell your agents who come to this part of the world to sell their goods that they should approach us first for the sale of their goods.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

Thank you for your letter informing about the opening of the Port and Colonel [Francis] Forde's stay there and his victory at Rajmundhry and the arrival of the French at the port of Conjivaram. The situation here is still the same. The Prince has left Shahjahanabad and is campaigning in Bengal.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

As I and Nawab Madar al-Daulah have sworn on the Quran and on Amir al-Momin Ali ibn Abi Talib that we will spend the rest of our lives in harmony as friends and brothers it was decided that the district of Dacca, except the outlying districts, which according to the tradition of Shahamat Jang Bahadur had come to the Nawab Sahib, would be given to me by Hazrat aqdas-i Ala. From the rest of his wealth, state, etc., two portions would come to me and one to the Nawab. If there is any disagreement we should remember that we have taken the oath of Hazrat Ali.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

News reports from His Majesty's camp, which were sent by Rajah Sahib in his letter to me, are now being forwarded to you. -- The Emperor and the Nawab Wazir, along with their nobles and courtiers, have assembled near pargana Zaing/ Ring[?]. Most of the trouble-makers in the provinces of Hissar and Hansi as well as zamindars of Raja of Bikaner who had come here have been killed and their country destroyed. The rest who had moved to the country under control of the Emperor are safe. The Nawab Wazir's intentions are that as soon as the management of the country was complete he would accompany the emperor on a hunting expedition or on an excursion. -- Prince Ali Gohaur, who had run away to the country of Sadat-i Barah [Barah Syeds] is accompanied by a small army of four or five thousands cavalry and foot soldiers. -- News that Ahmad Shah Abdali was dead and later on people had reported that he was still alive has no doubt gone to Hell. The Governor of the Lahore province appointed by His Majesty had moved to Sialkot and had established his police posts there. His assistant had moved to Multan. None of the followers of Abdali remains in this province now. Nawab Adinah Beg Kham who was appointed Subahdar of Lahore by His Majesty has passed away, his cousin has been appointed in his place. The province is still under His Majesty’s control. -- Raja Madhu Singh, son of Raja Jai Singh, died of natural causes in Vijenagar. The brother of Raja has now succeeded him. Raghunath Rao and Malhar Rao, after taking their leave from Nawab Wazir, had left for Deccan. They were going there via Rajputana. Meanwhile, the Nawab Wazir had decided to go on an expedition. Therefore, he wrote to the above-mentioned sirdars to wait for him before moving further. They are now encamped about two hundred karohs from the capital and are waiting for new instructions from the Nawab Wazir. -- Nawab Shuja al-Daulah, Governor of Oudh had one day gone alone for hunting. On his way, he came across fourteen Rohila horsemen who were in his employment. They attacked the Nawab who was injured by two arrows but he fought back and killed four of his attackers. Later he killed two more Rohilah horsemen who were with them. Two others were killed by Umraogar Gosain and two more taken as prisoners by him. The Nawab, though injured returned alive to his place. No doubt, he behaved very bravely in this encounter.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

Thank you very much for your letter informing that two ships laden with guns, cannons, and other ammunition have arrived from Denmark and that the East India Company was currently involved in selling these arms. You have sought our help in the sale of these armaments and summoned me to Calcutta. -- The news of the arrival of these armaments from Denmark has been known to Janab-I Ali [Nawab Sahib] for some time. He had ordered me twice to confiscate these armaments. Following these orders I have already sent my men to confiscate these armaments. I have also written to Denmark that they should obey and respect the laws and orders of the Nawab. I am now waiting for any further orders from the Nawab Sahib to follow. As far as your letter is concerned, I am always ready to help you in the promotion of your trade. God willing, next Friday, which is the day after tomorrow, I will be sending the sum of one Lac rupees as instalment for the month of Bhadun as well as part payment of the loan from Mr John Sen.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759].

In the beginning the Dutch East Company used to conduct their business from their Kothis. Later they started bringing in their ships and soldiers from their country and started creating wars. Because of this parvanahs forbidding them to trade in India were issued. Now they are trying to destroy the country of the King Emperor. Therefore, an agreement has been reached between the English East India Company and ourselves that the English company would help to destroy the Dutch ships on sea and shores and to protect the country from their further invasions.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759, or 1766].

I have pleasure in sending you a piece of special cloth manufactured in our factory at Jahangirnagar, along with some sweets and perfumes as a gift. Please let me know if you like the cloth so that, if required, I could send you some more

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759, or 1766].

I had gone to Ajudhia for sacred baths when I had the opportunity to seek an audience with Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur. He was very kind to me and repeatedly asked me about you and I replied to him very diplomatically what I consider was appropriate. He wished to appoint me to negotiate between you and him but I refused this offer. He took me aside to question me further privately. Later on, the Nawab Vazir on the advice of his courtier came to this part of the country. After travelling two manzils, the Nawab Vazir asked his Begum and his son Mirza Amani to return to Faizabad. As I did not find the conversation of courtiers very amiable, I withdrew from the company of the Nawab and returned to where I am now. The Nawab who is at present coming to see you expects a large number of favours from you. I am writing to you to warn you of his intentions. I will be waiting for your orders to do whatever you want me to do next.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759, or 1766].

Thank for your letter of Shawwal 8th, which came enclosed in a letter to Maharajah Shitab Rae. Following the orders of Aqdas-I A'la, I went to Kora where I met the Emperor and Nawab Iftikhar al-Daulah Colonel Smith Sahib. He has written to you regarding this meeting. The warmth and love the Colonel has shown towards me will be apparent from his letters to you.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759, or 1766].

Mirza Muhammad Ali has arrived here. I hear that he is busy in some arrangements. I have no other interest but to live under your protection. After working hard for two years I have managed to acquire part of a village. I have hopes that you will be able to grant me the rest.

Letter from ?,$f[1757x1759, or 1766].

I have known Sayyid Fath Ali Khan for a number of years and we are close friends. He used to have the jagir of Damarpak with an annual income of sixteen thousand rupees. Now, because of the invasion of the English/ Angrezan his enemies have occupied a number of villages belonging to his state. As the livelihood of his brothers sons and grandsons depends on the income of theses villages it is requested that, with the approval of Mr Masklain/ MacClain [Maskelyne?], I send them to Calcutta so that they can get acquainted with Nawab Shuja al-Mulk Bahadur and he can help them in regaining the possession of their ancestral jagir. It is regretted that because of the uncertain circumstances the Khan himself is unable to accompany them to Calcutta.

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