Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 9 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Emyr Humphreys Papers Thomas, M. Wynn
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Erthyglau / Articles

Erthyglau, cyhoeddedig a heb eu cyhoeddi, a phapurau eraill (1938-2011) gan ac yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys teipysgrifau, drafftiau, nodiadau, gohebiaeth a thoriadau. / Articles, published and unpublished, and other papers (1938-2011) by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys, consisting of typescripts, drafts, notes, correspondence and cuttings.

Traethodau teipysgrif amrywiol / Various typescript essays

Teipysgrifau o ysgrifau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys ysgrifau gyda’r teitlau 'Lansio', 'R.S.T.', 'The Empty Space- Creating a Novel' (pob un heb ddyddiad), a 'W.S.J.' (1995), 'Taliesin's Children' (1997), 'Men of Letters’ (heb ddyddiad), ‘Land of the Living’ (2001), ‘A Lost Leader?’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 83 (1990), tt.3-11), a thraethawd gan M. Wynn Thomas, ‘Many happy intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday' ([?1999]). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys amrywiad o bapurau eraill gan gynnwys drafft o gerdd gyda’r teitl ‘Bedd Porius’ (heb ei ddyddio); copi o’r ddarlith ‘The Crucible of Myth’ (Darlith Goffa W.D. Thomas, Coleg Prifysgol Abertawe, 1990), ynghyd â drafftiau teipysgrif pellach; drafft gyda’r teitl ‘Ymddidan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (heb ddyddiad); cyflwyniad i’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’ (1990); a Memorandwm Cytundeb ar gyfer ‘Conversations and Reflections’ (golygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas a chyhoeddwyd Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2002). / Typescripts of essays by Emyr Humphreys, including essays titled ‘Lansio’, ‘R.S.T.’, ‘The Empty Space- Creating a Novel’ (all undated), and ‘W.S.J.’ (1995), ‘Taliesin’s Children’ (1997), ‘Men of Letters’ (undated), ‘Land of the Living’ (2001), ‘A Lost Leader?’ (published in Planet 83 (1990), pp.3-11), and an essay by M. Wynn Thomas, ‘Many happy intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday’ ([?1999]). The file also contains various other papers including a draft of a poem titled ‘Bedd Porius’ (undated); a copy of the lecture ‘The Crucible of Myth’ (W.D. Thomas Memorial Lecture, University College Swansea, 1990), together with further typescript drafts; a draft titled ‘Ymddidan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (undated); an introduction for the ‘Land of the Living’ series (1990); and a Memorandum of Agreement for ‘Conversations and Reflections’ (edited by M. Wynn Thomas and published Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2002).

Nofelau a gweithiau rhyddiaith / Novels and prose works

Papurau amrywiol (1931-2017), gan gynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau, teipysgrifau, a phroflenni, yn ymwneud â nofelau a gweithiau rhyddiaith gyhoeddedig a heb ei chyhoeddi gan Emyr Humphreys ac eraill. / Various papers (1931-2017), including manuscript notes and drafts, typescripts, and proofs, relating to novels and prose works by Emyr Humphreys and others.

Casgliadau cyhoeddedig / Published collections

Papurau, gan gynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, a theipysgrifau ([?1938x?1948]-2014), yn ymwneud â chasgliadau cyhoeddedig o straeon byrion gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys y teitlau ‘Ghosts and Strangers' (1989-[?2003]); 'Old People are a Problem' ([?1993]-2003); a 'The Woman at the Window' (2003-2014); ynghyd a nifer o straeon cyhoeddedig eraill ([?1938x?1948]-2014). / Papers, including notes, drafts, and typescripts ([?1938x?1948]-2014), relating to published collection of short stories by Emyr Humphreys, including the titles 'Ghosts and Strangers' (1989-[?2003]); 'Old People are a Problem' ([?1993]-2003); and 'The Woman at the Window' (2003-2014); together a number of other published short stories ([?1938x?1948]-2014).

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl pwnc / Correspondence arranged by subject

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig, wedi'u trefnu fesul pwnc yn bum grŵp: Papurau cynnar a llythyrau (1945-1972); gohebiaeth i ac oddi wrth gyhoeddwyr ac asiantwyr (1981-2007); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol eraill (1929; 1984-2002); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â chomisiynau a digwyddiadau (1962-2009); a gohebiaeth arall ([?1933]-2015). / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys, together with some related papers, arranged by subject into five groups: Early papers and letters (1945-1972); correspondence to and from publishers and agents (1981-2007); correspondence relating to other literary matters (1929; 1984-2002); correspondence relating to commissions and events (1962-2009); and other correspondence ([?1933]-2015).

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl dyddiad / Correspondence arranged chronologically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth ffigurau llenyddol megis Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, a Dannie Abse, ymysg eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), comprising correspondence relating to personal and literary matters and including letters from literary figures such as Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and Dannie Abse, among others.

Cerddi, cyhoeddedig ac anghyhoeddedig / Poetry, published and unpublished

Papurau amrywiol (1902-2019), gan gynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau, teipysgrifau, proflenni, a gohebiaeth, yn ymwneud â chasgliadau o farddoniaeth gyhoeddedig a heb ei chyhoeddi gan Emyr Humphreys. / Various papers (1902-2019), including manuscript notes and drafts, typescripts, proofs, and correspondence, relating to collections of published and unpublished poetry by Emyr Humphreys.

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg genedlaethol a rhyngwladol a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill gan gynnwys teipysgrifau, nodiadau, a gohebiaeth ([?1924]-2005) yn ymwneud â gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys. / Cuttings from both national and international press and other related papers including typescripts, notes, and correspondence ([?1924]-2005) relating to works by Emyr Humphreys.

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl y wyddor / Correspondence arranged alphabetically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys ([?1940au]-2010), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth lenorion megis Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans ( Merêd ) a Phyllis Kinney , R. Geraint Gruffydd , ac M. Wynn Thomas, ymhlith eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys ([?1940s]-2010), consisting of literary and personal correspondence including letters from literary figures such as Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans (Merêd) & Phyllis Kinney, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and M. Wynn Thomas, among others.