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Emyr Humphreys Papers File
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'Richard Dynevor: a tribute', a draftiau eraill / and other drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 gyda phapurau amrywiol yn ymwneud ag erthyglau a thraethodau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafft llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys o erthygl o'r enw 'Richard Dinefwr: a tribute' ([?2008]), ynghyd â nifer o ddrafftiau byr o ryddiaith a barddoniaeth, gan gynnwys darnau yn dwyn y teitlau ‘Corresponding with the Time’, ‘As I recall, Charcoal Sketches’, ‘A Sincere Fellow’, ‘Reflecting on a Membrane’, ‘Lady Mary’, ‘A Man’s Estate’, ‘Tributes & Occasions’, ‘The Italian Wife’, ‘R. S. and Elsie’, ‘Scree’, ‘Goronwy Rees’, ‘School Masters’, ‘The Whisper’, ‘Pamela and Charles’, ‘Let it Be’, ‘Memories’, ‘Gregynog’, ‘Goronwy’, ‘Ysbyty Krakow 3 Tachwedd 1914’, ‘Barddoniaeth o Dan Ddaear’, ‘Y Wylan Deg’, ‘Marginalia Agony’, ‘Morgan Llwyd’, a ‘More’, ymysg eraill. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau (2008-2012) oddi wrth Peter Finch (1), Gwen Davies (1), ac Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1). / An A4 notepad with various papers relating to articles and essays by Emyr Humphreys, including a manuscript draft in the hand of Emyr Humphreys of an article titled ‘Richard Dynevor: a tribute’ ([?2008]), together with numerous short drafts of prose and poetry, including pieces titled ‘Corresponding with the Time’, ‘As I recall, Charcoal Sketches’, ‘A Sincere Fellow’, ‘Reflecting on a Membrane’, ‘Lady Mary’, ‘A Man’s Estate’, ‘Tributes & Occasions’, ‘The Italian Wife’, ‘R. S. and Elsie’, ‘Scree’, ‘Goronwy Rees’, ‘School Masters’, ‘The Whisper’, ‘Pamela and Charles’, ‘Let it Be’, ‘Memories’, ‘Gregynog’, ‘Goronwy’, ‘Ysbyty Krakow 3 Tachwedd 1914’, ‘Barddoniaeth o Dan Ddaear’, ‘Y Wylan Deg’, ‘Marginalia Agony’, ‘Morgan Llwyd’, and ‘More’, among others. The file also contains letters (2008-2012) from Peter Finch (1), Gwen Davies (1), and Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1).

Rhestr o gymeriadau / List of characters

Llyfr nodiadau ([?1988]), yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys yn bennaf restrau o gymeriadau o’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’. Cynhwysir hefyd raglen ar gyfer gwasanaeth i goffau 400 mlwyddiant y llyfr printiedig cyntaf yn y Gymraeg (1988). / An exercise book ([?1988]), containing manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, consisting mainly of lists of characters from the ‘Land of the Living’ series. A programme for a service commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first printed book in Welsh is also included (1988).

Rhaglenni digwyddiadau amrywiol eraill / Various other event programmes

Rhaglenni digwyddiadau amrywiol a gasglwyd gan Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys rhaglenni ar gyfer cynhyrchiad theatr ‘Noboalfabeto’, Teatro delle Albe (2001); ‘Dylan Thomas: A Memorial Catalogue’, Abertawe (2003); ‘25 Paintings from the Festival of Britain 1951’, Orielau Celf Dinas Sheffield (1978); copi o ‘Fine print: A Review for the Arts of the Book’, cyf.7.2 (1981); a chopi o glawr ‘Wales’ rhif 1 1937 (dyddiedig 1969). / Various event programmes collected by Emyr Humphreys, consisting of programmes for a theatre production ‘Noboalfabeto’, Teatro delle Albe (2001); ‘Dylan Thomas: A Memorial Catalogue’, Swansea (2003); ’25 Paintings from the Festival of Britain 1951’, Sheffield City Art Galleries (1978); a copy of ‘Fine Print: A Review for the Arts of the Book’, vol.7.2 (1981); and a copy of the cover of ‘Wales’ no.1 1937 (dated 1969).


Copi teipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer drama lwyfan heb ei pherfformio gan Emyr Humphreys, dan y teitl ‘Reg’ ([c.1964]). / A typescript copy of a script for an unperformed stage play by Emyr Humphreys, titled ‘Reg’ ([c.1964]).


Llythyrau a chardiau at Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1962-2004), oddi wrth Andrée ac Oscar Quitak (38). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys atebion oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (3), a rhai tudalennau teipysgrif o sgript yn dwyn y teitl 'Dieithriaid' (heb dyddiad). / Letters and cards to Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1962-2004), from Andrée and Oscar Quitak (38). The file also includes replies from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (3), and a few typescript pages of a script entitled 'Dieithriaid' (undated).

Pryniant LlGC o bapurau Emyr Humphreys / NLW purchase of Emyr Humphreys' papers

Gohebiaeth (1984-1995), yn ymwneud â phryniant llawysgrifau a phapurau Emyr Humphreys gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn 1994, yn cynnwys llythyrau at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth Daniel Huws (4), Dafydd Ifans (2), J. Gwynn Williams (2), Gwyn Jenkins (6), Arwel Jones (1), Mark LeFanu (1), ac R. Geraint Gruffudd (1), gyda rhai atebion ac atebion drafft gan Emyr Humphreys (16); ynghyd â nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, rhestri manwl o’i lawysgrifau a’i bapurau i’w cynnig i Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, a rhestr gynnwys ar gyfer casgliad anghyhoeddedig o gerddi o’r enw ‘Consolations’. / Correspondence (1984-1995), relating to the purchase of Emyr Humphreys’ manuscripts and papers by the National Library of Wales in 1994, including letters to Emyr Humphreys from Daniel Huws (4), Dafydd Ifans (2), J. Gwynn Williams (2), Gwyn Jenkins (6), Arwel Jones (1), Mark LeFanu (1), and R. Geraint Gruffudd (1), with some replies and draft replies from Emyr Humphreys (16); together with manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, itemised lists of his manuscripts and papers for offer to the National Library of Wales, and a contents list for an unpublished collection of poems titled ‘Consolations’.

Proflenni gyda theipysgrif a nodiadau / Proofs with a typescript and notes

Papurau (2017), yn ymwneud â chyhoeddiad ‘Shards of Light’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2018), gan gynnwys proflenni gyda chywiriadau; copi teipysgrif o gyfweliad ag Emyr Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai nodiadau; dau lythyr oddi wrth Sioned Puw Rowlands at Robin Humphreys; a cherdyn oddi wrth M. Wynn Thomas. / Papers (2017), relating to the publication of ‘Shards of Light’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018), including proof pages with corrections; a typescript copy of an interview with Emyr Humphreys, along with some notes; two letters from Sioned Puw Rowlands to Robin Humphreys; and a card from M. Wynn Thomas.

Proflenni clawr a theipysgrifau / Cover proofs and typescripts

Proflenni clawr a chynlluniau print ar gyfer y casgliad cyhoeddedig ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (Llundain: Keith Holmes, 1979) a’r gerdd ‘Pwyll a Rhiannon’ (a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddarach yn Llundain: Keith Holmes, 1980), ynghyd â drafft teipysgrif, dan y teitl 'Pwyll a Rhiannon: Sut y Daeth y Tywysog o Hyd i Wraig'; teipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer cyfres radio o’r enw ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (a ddarlledwyd Ebrill 1975); teipysgrif o bennill o’r enw ‘Y Gododdin’; a llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth Keith Holmes (heb ddyddiad). / Proofs of cover and print designs for the published collection ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (London: Keith Holmes, 1979) and the poem ‘Pwyll a Rhiannon’ (later published London: Keith Holmes, 1980), together with a typescript draft, titled ‘Pwyll a Rhiannon: How the Prince Found a Wife’; a typescript of a script for a radio series titled ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (broadcast April 1975); a typescript of a verse titled ‘Y Gododdin’; and a letter to Emyr Humphreys from Keith Holmes (undated).

Proflenni a rhestrau cynnwys / Proofs and contents lists

Rhestrau rhagarweiniol o gerddi ar gyfer ‘Collected Poems’ (cyhoeddwyd Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), yn cynnwys rhai y bwriadwyd yn wreiddiol eu cyhoeddi fel ‘Decrees and Consolations’; a set anghyflawn o broflenni tudalennau ar gyfer ‘Collected Poems’ (1998-1999). / Preliminary lists of poems for ‘Collected Poems’ (published Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), including some originally intended to be published as ‘Decrees and Consolations’; and an incomplete set of page proofs for ‘Collected Poems’ (1998-1999).

Proflenni / Proofs

Set gyflawn o broflenni gyda rhai nodiadau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys (1998), ar gyfer y cyhoeddiad 'Dal Pen Rheswm: Cyfres o Gyfweliadau gydag Emyr Humphreys' (cyhoeddwyd Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), ynghyd â llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth Llŷr Griffiths-Davies (2005). / A full set of proofs with some notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys (1998), for the publication ‘Dal Pen Rheswm: Cyfres o Gyfweliadau gydag Emyr Humphreys’ (published Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), together with a letter to Emyr Humphreys from Llŷr Griffiths-Davies (2005).

Proflenni / Proofs

Proflenni teipysgrif o benodau 7-26 o ailargraffiad 1996 o ‘Outside the House of Baal’, ynghyd â nodiadau testunol gan M. Wynn Thomas. / Typescript proofs of chapters 7-26 of the 1996 reprint of ‘Outside the House of Baal’, along with textual notes by M. Wynn Thomas.

Proflenni / Proofs

Proflenni teipysgrif, gyda chywiriadau, mae'n debyg ar gyfer yr argraffiad cyntaf o ‘The Best of Friends’ (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978). / Typescript proofs, with corrections, apparently for the first edition of ‘The Best of Friends’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978).

Proflenni / Proofs

Set bron yn gyflawn o broflenni (tt. 2-211) ar gyfer rhifyn 1999 o ‘Salt of the Earth’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999). / A near complete set of page proofs (pp. 2-211) for the 1999 edition of ‘Salt of the Earth’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999).

Proflenni / Proofs

Set gyflawn o broflenni, gyda rhai cywiriadau, ar gyfer ail argraffiad y nofel ‘Open Secrets’ yn 2000 (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2000). / A full set of page proofs, with some corrections, for the reissue of the novel ‘An Absolute Hero’ in 2000 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000).

Proflenni / Proofs

Set gyflawn o broflenni, gyda rhai cywiriadau, ar gyfer ail argraffiad y nofel ‘National Winner’ yn 2000 (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2000). / A full set of page proofs, with some corrections, for the reissue of the novel ‘National Winner’ in 2000 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000).

Proflenni / Proofs

Copy proflen o 'Penguin Modern Poets 27: John Ormond, Emyr Humphreys, John Tripp' (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979). / A proof copy of 'Penguin Modern Poets 27: John Ormond, Emyr Humphreys, John Tripp' (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979).

Proflenni / Proofs

Set gyflawn o broflenni ar gyfer argraffiad 1999 o ‘Flesh and Blood’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), gyda rhai cywiriadau. / A complete set of page proofs for the 1999 edition of ‘Flesh and Blood’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), with some corrections.

Proflenni / Proofs

Set o broflenni teipysgrif ar gyfer argraffiad cyntaf y nofel ‘An Absolute Hero’ (Llundain: Dent. 1986), gyda rhai cywiriadau. / A set of typescript proofs for the first edition of the novel ‘An Absolute Hero’ (London: Dent. 1986), with some corrections.

Proflenni / Proofs

Set gyflawn o broflenni ar gyfer ail argraffiad y nofel ‘An Absolute Hero’ yn 2000 (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2000). / A full set of page proofs for the reissue of the novel ‘An Absolute Hero’ in 2000 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000).

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