Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

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Disgrifiad archifol
Emyr Humphreys Papers Cyfres
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Erthyglau / Articles

Erthyglau, cyhoeddedig a heb eu cyhoeddi, a phapurau eraill (1938-2011) gan ac yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys teipysgrifau, drafftiau, nodiadau, gohebiaeth a thoriadau. / Articles, published and unpublished, and other papers (1938-2011) by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys, consisting of typescripts, drafts, notes, correspondence and cuttings.

Darlithoedd / Lectures

Papurau (1947; 1972-1995), yn ymwneud â darlithoedd a ysgrifennwyd ac a draddodwyd gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau, nodiadau, drafftiau, a pheth o gohebiaeth. / Papers (1947; 1972-1995), relating to lectures written and delivered by Emyr Humphreys, including typescripts, notes, drafts, and some correspondence.

Papurau yn ymwneud â Saunders Lewis / Papers relating to Saunders Lewis

Papurau yn ymwneud â Saunders Lewis a'i weithiau (1922-1999), yn cynnwys erthyglau gan Emyr Humphreys, toriadau, teipysgrifau, drafftiau, a phamffledi; a phapurau gweinyddol Cronfa Goffa Saunders Lewis, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth. / Papers relating to Saunders Lewis and his works (1922-1999), including articles by Emyr Humphreys, cuttings, typescripts, drafts, and pamphlets; and administrative papers of Cronfa Goffa Saunders Lewis, including correspondence.

Casgliadau anghyhoeddedig / Unpublished collections

Papurau amrywiol (1902-2019), gan gynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif, nodiadau, gohebiaeth, a thoriadau, yn ymwneud â barddoniaeth heb ei chyhoeddi gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys y casgliad anghyhoeddedig o'r enw 'Archddyfarniadau a Chonsolations' yn wreiddiol. / Various papers (1902-2019), including manuscript and typescript drafts, notes, correspondence, and cuttings, relating to unpublished poetry by Emyr Humphreys, including the unpublished collection originally titled 'Decrees and Consolations'.

Pregethau / Sermons

Cyfres o lyfrau nodiadau a thudalennau rhydd (1918-1955) oll wedi eu hysgrifennu yn llaw Griffith Jones ac yn cynnwys yn bennaf bregethau ynghyd ag amryw nodiadau perthynol eraill. / A series of notebooks and loose leaves (1918-1955) all written in the hand of Griffith Jones and consisting mainly of sermons together with various other related notes.

Ymddiriedolaeth Taliesin / The Taliesin Trust

Papurau'n ymwneud â'r sefydliad llenyddol Ymddiriedolaeth Taliesin a'i safle yn Nhŷ Newydd ([1980]-1993), gan gynnwys llythyrau, nodiadau, gweithredoedd ymddiriedolaeth, a phrydlesi. / Papers relating to the literary organisation The Taliesin Trust and its site at Tŷ Newydd ([1980]-1993), including letters, notes, trust deeds, and leases.

Gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys / Works by Emyr Humphreys

Papurau (1931-2008), yn cynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, proflenni, a pheth o ohebiaeth, yn ymwneud â gweithiau ffuglen a ffeithiol gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys ei gyfres 'Land of the Living' (1931-2000); 'Outside the House of Baal' (1996-1997); 'The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity' ([?1979]-1983); 'Unconditional Surrender' (1988-1997); 'The Gift of a Daughter' (1996-1999), a 'The Shop' (2002-2008). / Papers (1931-2008), including notes, drafts, proofs, and some correspondence, relating to both fiction and non-fiction works by Emyr Humphreys, including his 'Land of the Living' series (1931-2000); 'Outside the House of Baal' (1996-1997); 'The Taliesin Tradition' ([?1979]-1983); 'Unconditional Surrender' (1988-1997); 'The Gift of a Daughter' (1996-1999), and 'The Shop' (2002-2008).

Traethodau / Essays

Papurau (1946-2019), y mwyafrif yn gopïau a drafftiau o draethodau cyhoeddedig a heb eu cyhoeddi gan Emyr Humphreys, ynghyd â nodiadau, gohebiaeth, a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill. / Papers (1946-2019), the majority being copies and drafts of both published and unpublished essays by Emyr Humphreys, together with notes, correspondence, and other related papers.

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg a phamffledi (1917-2005), ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig eraill megis teipysgrifau, nodiadau, a gohebiaeth, a gasglwyd gan ac yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys. / Press cuttings and pamphlets (1917-2005), together with some other related papers such as typescripts, notes, and correspondence, collected by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys.

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl pwnc / Correspondence arranged by subject

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig, wedi'u trefnu fesul pwnc yn bum grŵp: Papurau cynnar a llythyrau (1945-1972); gohebiaeth i ac oddi wrth gyhoeddwyr ac asiantwyr (1981-2007); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol eraill (1929; 1984-2002); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â chomisiynau a digwyddiadau (1962-2009); a gohebiaeth arall ([?1933]-2015). / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys, together with some related papers, arranged by subject into five groups: Early papers and letters (1945-1972); correspondence to and from publishers and agents (1981-2007); correspondence relating to other literary matters (1929; 1984-2002); correspondence relating to commissions and events (1962-2009); and other correspondence ([?1933]-2015).

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl dyddiad / Correspondence arranged chronologically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth ffigurau llenyddol megis Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, a Dannie Abse, ymysg eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), comprising correspondence relating to personal and literary matters and including letters from literary figures such as Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and Dannie Abse, among others.

Gweithiau gan awduron eraill / Works by other authors

Papurau (1957-2017), yn cynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, gohebiaeth, teipysgrifau, a phroflenni, yn ymwneud â gweithiau gan awduron eraill a chasgliadau o waith Emyr Humphreys a olygwyd gan awduron eraill, gan gynnwys y gweithiau cyhoeddedig ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983-1992); ‘Writers of Wales: Emyr Humphreys’ gan Ioan Williams ([?1980]-1994); ‘Dal Pen Rheswm’ a olygwyd gan R. Arwel Jones (1998); ‘Welsh Time’ a olygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas (2004); ‘Conversations and Reflections’ a olygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas (1957; [?1981]-2002); ‘In the Shadow of the Pulpit: Literature and Nonconformist Wales’ gan M. Wynn Thomas ([?2010]); ac ‘Emyr Humphreys’ gan M. Wynn Thomas (2017); ynghyd a’r gwaith anghyhoeddedig 'Greasepaint and Compost: A Memoir' gan Oscar Quitak ([?2005]).

Papers (1957-2017), including notes, drafts, correspondence, typescripts, and proofs, relating to works by other authors and collections of Emyr Humphreys’ works edited by other authors, including the published works ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983-1992); ‘Writers of Wales: Emyr Humphreys’ by Ioan Williams ([?1980]-1994); ‘Dal Pen Rheswm’ edited by R. Arwel Jones (1998); ‘Welsh Time’ edited by M. Wynn Thomas (2004); ‘Conversations and Reflections’ edited by M. Wynn Thomas (1957; [?1981]-2002); ‘In the Shadow of the Pulpit: Literature and Nonconformist Wales’ by M. Wynn Thomas ([?2010]); and ‘Emyr Humphreys’ by M. Wynn Thomas (2017); together with the unpublished work 'Greasepaint and Compost: A Memoir' by Oscar Quitak ([?2005]).

Casgliadau cyhoeddedig / Published collections

Papurau (1940-2018), yn cynnwys proflenni, teipysgrifau, nodiadau, a drafftiau, yn ymwneud â chasgliadau cyhoeddedig o farddoniaeth gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys y teitlau ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (1975-1980); ‘Penguin Modern Poets’ ([?1979]); ‘Collected Poems’ ([?1962]-2007); a ‘Shards of Light’ (1974-2018), ymysg eraill. / Papers (1940-2018), including proofs, typescripts, notes, and drafts, relating to published collections of poetry by Emyr Humphreys, including the titles ‘The Kingdom of Brân’ (1975-1980); ‘Penguin Modern Poets’ ([?1979]); ‘Collected Poems’ ([?1962]-2007); and ‘Shards of Light’ (1974-2018), among others.

Dramâu llwyfan / Stage plays

Sgriptiau (1963-[c.1964]; 1998) yn ymwneud â dramâu llwyfan gan Emyr Humphreys. / Scripts (1963-[c.1964]; 1998) relating to stage plays by Emyr Humphreys.

Cytundebau cyhoeddi / Publishing contracts

Cytundebau cyhoeddwyr, yn cynnwys cytundebau a memoranda (1943-2005), ynghyd â pheth o ohebiaeth, yn ymwneud â gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys gan gynnwys nofelau a chasgliadau o straeon byrion a barddoniaeth. / Publishing contracts, agreements, and memoranda (1943-2005), together with some correspondence, relating to works by Emyr Humphreys including novels and collections of short stories and poetry.

Datganiadau breindal / Royalty statements

Papurau (1965-2009), yn cynnwys datganiadau breindal, datganiadau Hawliau Benthyca Cyhoeddus yn ymwneud â gweithiau cyhoeddedig Emyr Humphreys, ynghyd â phapurau pellach yn ymwneud ag aelodaeth Undeb. / Papers (1965-2009), consisting of royalty statements and Public Lending Right (PLR) statements relating to published works by Emyr Humphreys, together with further papers relating to Union memberships.

Copïau o gylchgronau / Copies of magazines

Copïau o gylchgronau (1973-2019) yn cynnwys erthyglau yn ymwneud ag Emyr Humphreys a'i weithiau. / Copies of magazines (1973-2019) featuring articles relating to Emyr Humphreys and his works.

Llyfrau nodiadau personol / Personal notebooks

Cyfres o lyfrau nodiadau poced (1926-2006) yn perthyn i Emyr Humphreys, y mwyafrif yn cynnwys nodiadau personol megis cyfeiriadau, rhestrau, drafftiau, brasluniau, a syniadau. / A series of pocket notebooks (1926-2006) belonging to Emyr Humphreys, the majority containing personal notes such as addresses, lists, drafts, sketches, and ideas.

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl y wyddor / Correspondence arranged alphabetically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys ([?1940au]-2010), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth lenorion megis Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans ( Merêd ) a Phyllis Kinney , R. Geraint Gruffydd , ac M. Wynn Thomas, ymhlith eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys ([?1940s]-2010), consisting of literary and personal correspondence including letters from literary figures such as Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans (Merêd) & Phyllis Kinney, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and M. Wynn Thomas, among others.