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Emyr Humphreys Papers File English
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Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau (1971; 1973) yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o gerddi gyda'r teitlau (ymhlith eraill) 'The Last Exile', 'Bourgeois Nationalism', 'Outline of a Legend', 'Hawkins Without a Number ', ‘Mother at a Bus Stop with 2 Children’, ‘Bullocks are Not Party Members….’, ac 'A Little History', y cyhoeddwyd llawer ohonynt yn 'Collected Poems' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999). / A notebook (1971; 1973) containing manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, consisting of drafts of poems titled (among others) ‘The Last Exile’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘Outline of a Legend’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘Mother at a Bus Stop with 2 Children’, ‘Bullocks are Not Party Members….’, and ‘A Little History’, many of which were published in ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999).

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau (2001) yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys o straeon byrion y mae’n debyg y bwriedir eu cynnwys yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003), gan gynnwys ‘Looking After Ruthie’, ‘Without Bleddyn’, ‘Figures at a Funeral’ / ‘Funeral Games’, ‘Before the War’, ‘A Bit of a Nightmare’ / ‘The Nightmare’, ‘An Old Man Complaining’, ac ‘Old People are a Problem’. / A notepad (2001) containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys of short stories apparently intended for inclusion in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003), including ‘Looking After Ruthie’, ‘Without Bleddyn’, ‘Figures at a Funeral’ / ‘Funeral Games’, ‘Before the War’, ‘A Bit of a Nightmare’ / ‘The Nightmare’, ‘An Old Man Complaining’, and ‘Old People are a Problem’.

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 ([?2002]) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys straeon byrion o'r enw 'A Long Story', 'The Dutiful Daughter', ac un sy'n ymddangos fel fersiwn o 'Glasshouses' ' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'Old People are a Problem' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003)). / An A4 refill pad ([?2002]) containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including short stories titled ‘A Long Story’, ‘The Dutiful Daughter’, and one which appears to be a version of ‘Glasshouses’ (published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003)).

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau 'Home', 'The Garden Cottage', a 'Three Old Men', a gyhoeddwyd i gyd yn 'The Woman at the Window' ( Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009). / An A4 notepad containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘Home’, ‘The Garden Cottage’, and ‘Three Old Men’, all of which were published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009).

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau 9-14 ac 17 o ‘The Shop’. / An A4 notebook containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, consisting of drafts of chapters 9-14 and 17 of ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau (1988), yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif o farddoniaeth yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys cerddi yn dwyn y teitlau ‘Postcards’, ‘Why Water Won’t Bend’, ‘Dydd Calan’, ‘The Shooting’, ‘Job Creation’, ‘Instructions to News Readers’, a ‘Sgwrs Wleidyddol’, y cyhoeddwyd rhai ohonynt yn ddiweddarach yn 'Shards of Light' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2018). / An exercise book (1988), containing manuscript drafts of poetry in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including poems titled ‘Postcards’, ‘Why Water Won’t Bend’, ‘Dydd Calan’, ‘The Shooting’, ‘Job Creation’, ‘Instructions to News Readers’, and ‘Sgwrs Wleidyddol’, some of which were later published in ‘Shards of Light’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018).

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 (1999) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o'r straeon byrion 'Rambler' a 'Strangers' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'Ghosts and Strangers' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2001)), ynghyd â drafftiau o farddoniaeth. / An A4 notepad (1999) containing manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of the short stories ‘Rambler’ and ‘Strangers’ (published in ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2001)), together with drafts of poetry

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Drafftiau llawysgrif o straeon byrion yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys straeon o'r enw 'The Woman at the Window', 'Rendezvous', 'Gabriella', 'The Comet', a 'Money', y cyhoeddwyd rhai ohonynt yn 'Old People are a Problem' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009); drafftiau o farddoniaeth; a drafft o erthygl o’r enw ‘W. S. Jones: Llenor a gwladgarwr’. / Manuscript drafts of short stories in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including stories titled ‘The Woman at the Window’, ‘Rendezvous’, ‘Gabriella’, ‘The Comet’, and ‘Money’, some of which were published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009); drafts of poetry; and a draft of an article titled ‘W. S. Jones: Llenor a gwladgarwr’.

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif o straeon byrion yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, y cyhoeddwyd rhai ohonynt yn 'The Woman at the Window' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009), yn cynnwys drafftiau gyda’r teitlau 'The Prospect of Retirement', 'Clichés' , 'The Spy', 'The Cromlech', 'The Life Class', 'The End of a War', 'Rendezvous', 'Gabriella Writes', 'Entrapment (a pseudo novel)', a dau ddrafft teipysgrif o'r stori fer 'The Woman at the Window’. Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth Maggie Fergusson (2006). / An A4 notepad containing manuscript drafts of short stories in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, some of which were published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009), including drafts titled ‘The Prospect of Retirement’, ‘Clichés’, ‘The Spy’, ‘The Cromlech’, ‘The Life Class’, ‘The End of a War’, ‘Rendezvous’, ‘Gabriella Writes’, ‘Entrapment (a pseudo novel)’, and two typescript drafts of the short story ‘The Woman at the Window’. The file also includes a letter to Emyr Humphreys from Maggie Fergusson (2006).

Drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif / Manuscript and typescript drafts

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif, gan gynnwys drafftiau o’r straeon byrion ‘Luigi’, ‘Glasshouses’, a ‘Sisters’, y cyhoeddwyd y ddwy olaf yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys drafft llawysgrif o gyflwyniad i’r gyfres ‘Gwlad y Byw’ (2000), a darn o’r enw ‘Lansio’. / Typescript and manuscript drafts, including drafts of the short stories ‘Luigi’, ‘Glasshouses’, and ‘Sisters’, the latter two of which were published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003). The file also includes a manuscript draft of an introduction to the ‘Land of the Living’ series (2000), and a piece titled ‘Lansio’.

Drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif / Manuscript and typescript drafts

Nodiadau, drafftiau, a phapurau amrywiol, yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif o gerddi o’r enw ‘The Day I Forgot Your Name’, ‘Petty Larceny’, ‘Writing a Letter’, a ‘Marvão’; nifer o doriadau o’r wasg (2007-2012), ynghyd â chopi o ‘Golwg’ (Ebrill 2019) yn cynnwys erthygl ar Emyr Humphreys; a gohebiaeth (2002-2003; 2011), gan gynnwys llythyrau a chardiau oddi wrth Richard Houdmont (1), Sue Charles (1), Wyn & Ann Thomas (1), a John Emyr (1). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys rhaglen ar gyfer perfformiad o’r ddrama ‘Hualau’ ([?1984]). / Various notes, drafts, and papers, consisting of manuscript and typescript drafts of poems titled ‘The Day I Forgot Your Name’, ‘Petty Larceny’, ‘Writing a Letter’, and ‘Marvão’; a number of press cuttings (2007-2012), together with a copy of ‘Golwg’ (April 2019) featuring an article on Emyr Humphreys; and correspondence (2002-2003; 2011), including letters and cards from Richard Houdmont (1), Sue Charles (1), Wyn & Ann Thomas (1), and John Emyr (1). The file also contains a programme for a performance of the drama ‘Hualau’ ([?1984]).

Drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif / Manuscript and typescript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau, yn cynnwys yn bennaf ddrafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif o farddoniaeth gan gynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘A Piece of Paper’, ‘A Kind of Dove’, ‘The Brutal Truth (A note left in the newsroom)’, ‘Hen Wr Downing Street’, ‘The Story of Dorothy’, ‘Etruscan Tombs’, ‘Myynydd Bodafon’, ‘Friendship’, ‘A Sad Story’, ‘Brandelli’, ‘Myrddin’s Madness’, ‘Fine Weather’, ‘Valediction’, ‘Westbahnhof’, ‘Seagulls’, ‘Prowling Death’, ‘Song’, ‘May’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘An October Day in Lleyn’, ‘In Memoriam M.M.’, ‘My Great-Aunt’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘A Young Man views His Possibilities’, ‘Courage’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Pastoral’, ‘Rabbit Ensemble’, ‘On The Death of an Old Woman’, ‘A Democratic Vista’, ‘Dialogue in a Garden’, ‘Old Student’, ‘Poem’, ‘To a Friend Who Feels Too Deeply’, ‘An Epitaph’, ‘Historian’s Toilet’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Unloading Hay’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Unheard Of’, ‘Dim Lligwy’, a ‘Traeth Bychan’, cyhoeddwyd llawer ohonynt yn ‘Collected Poems’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys traethawdau teipysgrif gyda’r teitlau ‘Celebrating the Language’ a ‘Cadw Iaith’ (y ddau wedi eu hysgrifennu ar gyfer Gŵyl Ffilm a Theledu Celtaidd, Caernarfon, 1988); drafftiau sgript o’r enw ‘Byw yn Rhydd’, ‘Godineb neu Ŵyn i’r Laddfa’, a ‘The Making of Arthur’; a llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth Dafydd Rogers (1990). / A notebook, containing mainly manuscript and typescript drafts of poetry including poems titled ‘A Piece of Paper’, ‘A Kind of Dove’, ‘The Brutal Truth (A note left in the newsroom)’, ‘Hen Wr Downing Street’, ‘The Story of Dorothy’, ‘Etruscan Tombs’, ‘Myynydd Bodafon’, ‘Friendship’, ‘A Sad Story’, ‘Brandelli’, ‘Myrddin’s Madness’, ‘Fine Weather’, ‘Valediction’, ‘Westbahnhof’, ‘Seagulls’, ‘Prowling Death’, ‘Song’, ‘May’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘An October Day in Lleyn’, ‘In Memoriam M.M.’, ‘My Great-Aunt’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘A Young Man views His Possibilities’, ‘Courage’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Pastoral’, ‘Rabbit Ensemble’, ‘On The Death of an Old Woman’, ‘A Democratic Vista’, ‘Dialogue in a Garden’, ‘Old Student’, ‘Poem’, ‘To a Friend Who Feels Too Deeply’, ‘An Epitaph’, ‘Historian’s Toilet’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Unloading Hay’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Unheard Of’, ‘Dim Lligwy’, and ‘Traeth Bychan’, many of which were published in ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999). The file also includes typescript essays titled ‘Celebrating the Language’ and ‘Cadw Iaith’ (both written for the Celtic Film and Television Festival, Caernarfon, 1988); script drafts titled ‘Byw yn Rhydd’, ‘Godineb neu Ŵyn i’r Laddfa’, and ‘The Making of Arthur’; and a letter to Emyr Humphreys from Dafydd Rogers (1990).

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Drafftiau teipysgrif (2004), gyda nodiadau a chywiriadau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, o benodau 1, 2, 4, 8, a 10-12 o’r nofel ‘The Shop’. / Typescript drafts (2004), with notes and corrections in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, of chapters 1, 2, 4, 8, and 10-12 of the novel ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys ynghyd â rhai tudalennau teipysgrif, yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 a 10 o ‘The Shop’. / An A4 notebook containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys along with some typescript inserts, consisting of drafts of chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau 11-17, 19, a 21 o ‘The Shop’. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys taflen gyda’r teitl ‘The Wallace Collection’ (heb ei dyddio). / An A4 notebook containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, consisting of drafts of chapters 11-17, 19, and 21 of ‘The Shop’. The file also includes a leaflet titled ‘the Wallace Collection’ (undated).

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 (2003), yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif o benodau 1-3 a 5-8 (di-deitl), yn ôl pob golwg ar gyfer y nofel ‘The Shop’. / An A4 notebook (2003), containing manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including manuscript drafts of chapters 1-3 and 5-8 (untitled), apparently for the novel ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai teipysgrifau, yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, a 9 o ‘The Shop’. / An A4 notebook containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, along with some typescript inserts, consisting of drafts of chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 of ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau o benodau / Chapter drafts

Drafftiau teipysgrif, gyda rhai cywiriadau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, o benodau 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, a 9 o ‘The Shop’. / Typescript drafts, with some corrections in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, of chapters 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 of ‘The Shop’.

Drafftiau rhannol / Partial drafts

Llyfr nodiadau yn cynnwys nodiadau a ddrafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau (rhai rhannol) o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Byw Ar Y Brig', 'Work in Progress', 'Life at the Top of the Tree', a 'Happy Ending'; ynghyd â drafftiau o farddoniaeth. / A notebook containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts (some partial) of short stories titled 'Byw Ar Y Brig’, ‘Work In Progress’, ‘Life at the Top of the Tree’, and ‘Happy Ending’; together with drafts of poetry.

Drafftiau rhannol / Partial drafts

Llyfr nodiadau ([?2000au]) yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o'r straeon byrion 'Little Bella', 'Suspicions', 'Walter Blade Reports', 'Ruthie', a 'Figures at a Funeral' , cyhoeddwyd y ddau olaf yn 'Old People are a Problem' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). / A notepad ([?2000s]) containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of the short stories ‘Little Bella’, ‘Suspicions’, ‘Walter Blade Reports’, ‘Ruthie’, and ‘Figures at a Funeral’, the latter two of which were published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003).

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