Dangos 13 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Merthyr Tydfil (Wales) Saesneg
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Account and memoranda book,

A volume containing miscellaneous accounts and memoranda for the period 1688-1711 with additional later entries for the years 1756-1758. The financial entries for the period 1688-1711 record, inter alia, sums received in respect of the sale of oats, barley, and livestock, payments made in respect of servants' wages and work done by ? labourers and craftsmen, rents received and rents still in arrears, and sums of money borrowed, and the memoranda for the same period refer to the movement of cattle to and from the mountain (the name Pant Tywyll occurs frequently in this context), the number of sheep and lambs shorn (the phrase 'at the Castle' occurs frequently in connection with shearing), etc. There is also an account of 'talladges' received from the overseers of five hamlets [in the parish of Merthyr Tudful, co. Glamorgan] in 1693 towards the repair of a highway, an account of money received and expended in respect of Merther Bridge in 1699, and a valuation of the parish of Merther Tydvill as divided into five hamlets in 1702. Place-names which occur in various entries in addition to that of Merthyr are Aberdare, Bedwellty, Carphilly, Eglwys ilan, Kellygare, Mynyth yslwyn and Vaynor. The entries for 1756-1758 include an account of money received from various individuals towards the 'minstery' in 1756 in the hamlet of Garth [? in the aforesaid parish of Merthyr] and for the same purpose in 1757 in an unspecified place.

Agriculture, etc.,

A volume containing miscellaneous notes, observations, extracts from printed sources, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), the contents, with the exception of a few literary and other items, relating almost entirely to agriculture, horticulture, botany, rural economy, and associated topics. The contents of pp. 1-252, pagination in brackets, include, inter alia, notes on the following topics, viz. sowing of haws to produce shrubs (22-5), methods of constructing hedges in Glamorgan and the various trees and shrubs which could be used for this purpose (25-31), potato planting (31), fruits in Glamorgan orchards (32-3), mazard cherry trees, chestnut trees, and wild apples (34), ancient lime quarries and marl pits on Pentrebain farm [co. Glamorgan] and the use of lime and marl as manure (35-41), and inclosing, ? in co. Glamorgan, by means of hedges and the consequent 'stair' or 'terrace' pattern to be found on 'rising grounds or uplands of easy ascent' (41-3); examples of varying courses or rotations of crops in relation to varying types of lands with notes on manuring, dressing of soil, etc., the courses being grouped as 'Old Vale Courses' and 'Gower Courses' and all presumably being related to conditions in co. Glamorgan (45-81); a note on references to types of yokes used in Wales (82); miscellaneous notes (83-8); a note on the planting of 'slips and cuttings of apple trees' in Devon and ? the Vale of Glamorgan (88-9); comments on the use of small coal-or coal slack by a Mr. Crawshay as a fertiliser (90-93); a brief comment on dissenting meeting houses in co. Glamorgan and a list of '[Glamorgan] Churches in the Mountains' (93-4); agricultural miscellanea (95-100); notes on mazard cherry trees and on the medicinal uses of salt (100-01); a list of three 'Norfolk course[s] adopted by some in Glam[organ]' (102); agricultural miscellanea (117-22); notes on 'Fish in Daw River', 'Sea fish at Aberthaw', and 'Lakes [in Glamorgan] affording fish' (122-5); a section headed 'Abstract view of Glamorgan' containing brief general observations on the soil, crops, geology, fish (in rivers and the Severn sea), landscape, seashore, appearance of villages and cottages, roads, bridges, the need for monthly markets, etc., in the county (126-31); a note on the construction of board fences for the cultivation of fruit (132); notes on references in written sources (all pre-1600) to the following in connection with Glamorgan-the existence or non-existence of inclosures, the existence of orchards and apple trees, the activities of Sir Gilbert de Clare, lord of Glamorgan, late 13th cent., in building two thousand cottages for the poor, his further activities in building village houses the upper appartments of which consisted of halls previously used for holding courts, markets, dances, etc., and then, ? in the late 18th cent., for keeping school, holding dances, meetings of benefit societies, Methodist meetings, etc., and William Herbert (Earl of Pembroke)'s action, temp. Henry VIII, in sending to France and Flanders for fruit and vegetables to restock gardens and orchards-the writers referred to including Dafydd ap Gwilym, [John] Leland, Rhys Meyrig, Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal, and Rhys Brydydd, and the unnamed author of 'a Ms. History in Welsh of the Lords Marchers of Glam[organ]' allegedly written in the time of Queen Mary (133-8); a list of twelve points of advantage afforded by mountainous as opposed to flat country (140-42); notes re the pruning of trees (143); notes re the saddling of cows as well as oxen to carry manure and the yoking of cows, oxen, and horses for the plough with three illustrations relating to horse yokes (144-6); comments on the possible use of coal or coal slack for manuring, experimentation in manuring, the nature of peat or bog, composts of coal or peat with lime or lime and ashes, etc. (148-55); notes relating to [rural] poverty, parish relief, and the system of parish work-houses, new proposals for a system of communal parish houses of industry 'adapted to the vale of Glamorgan or any other place where the inhabitants live in villages rather than in detached farmhouses', suggestions re free education for the children of cottagers who did not seek parish assistance in schools set up for three or four parishes and having a schoolmaster paid thirty pounds a year, proposals for holding harvest dinners, vestry meetings, and parochial markets in the hall of the parochial house of industry, and suggestions as to general principles to be observed in awarding parochial assistance which should be 'a reward in some degree at least for something meritorious' (160-75); (continued)

Brief agricultural, botanical, etc., notes headed 'Excursion to Merthyr Tidvil, May 6th 1813' (205); brief agricultural and other observations relating to certain mountains in co. Glamorgan, with a brief reference to the cessation of the iron trade in Merthyr, Aberdare, and Tredegar (206); notes relating to the nature of ? mountain soils in Glamorgan and to the manuring and dressing of soils (209-12); notes relating to crop husbandry headed 'Norfolk soils and husbandry' (213-18); and agricultural and botanical data and comments including extracts from, or notes based upon sections of, [Arthur] Young [: The Farmer's] Calendar, [Benjamin] Stillingfleet [:The] Calendar of Flora, etc. (225-45). P. 253 is inscribed 'Contents of the Agricultural Survey of the County of Glamorgan by Edward Williams 1796' and is followed on pp. 255-76 by a list of some fifty-six subject or chapter headings such as 'Geography of the County in General', 'Coal and Iron Tract', 'Metals', 'Sea Coast and Harbours . . .', 'Agricultural Produce', 'Farm Buildings', 'Implements', 'Population . . .', 'Manufactures and Trades', etc., these presumably being the main divisions of the survey referred to on p. 253. Some of these headings are accompanied by a list of the titles of sub-sections of the main heading, these in some instances amounting to over twenty in number. P. 254 contains a list of the titles of nine appendices which, presumably, were to be added to the survey. The contents of pp. 277-307 again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and botany, and include extracts from, or notes based on sections of, The Transactions of the London Society for the encouragement of Arts . . ., 1798, Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. V, [William] Marshall: [The] Rural Economy of the West of England, [John] Boys: [General] View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent, and [William Beeston] Coyte: Hortus Botanicus Gippovicensis. Pp. 308-24 contain material of a literary nature including transcripts of the eighteen-stanza poem entitled 'The Exile' from [Matthew Gregory] Lewis's novel The Monk, and of sonnets, etc., from Charles Lloyd: Poems on the death of Priscilla Farmer, [Mary] Robinson: Sappho and Phaon, and Brooke Boothby: Sorrows. Sacred to the Memory of Penelope, notices of books published circa 1795-1797, and brief extracts from, or brief notes on reviews of, some of these works. From p. 325 to p. 412 the contents again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, rural economy, and associated topics, and consist largely of extracts from, or notes based on sections of, [William] Marshall: The Rural Economy of the Midland Counties (325-?45), [John] Billingsley [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of] Somerset (353-68), [John] Clark [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of Brecknock] (369-71), and [Arthur] Young: Tour in Wales from the Annals of Agriculture, vol. 8 (385-400, with interpolations by E[dward] W[illiams]). P. 413 is headed 'Mehefin 23. Treigl o Aberhonddi hyd Drecastell' and pp.413-28 contain notes and observations in Welsh on agriculture, forestry, etc., appertaining to the area [of co. Brecknock] specified in the heading to p. 413 and also of more general relevance. Pp. 429-64 contain a brief note on the marketing of Glamorgan cattle (429); an extract from [Arthur] Young: Annals of Agriculture, vol. 32 relating to an experiment in ploughing with three different breeds of oxen, a note by E[dward] Williams on the same three breeds of oxen, and a note relating to long-legged cattle and attempts to change characteristics by cross-breeding (429-32); notes headed 'Dairy and tillage farm in Gower' (433-5); a course of crops for light soils (435); a note on Eglwysilan [co. Glamorgan] downs sheep and a wool 'manufactory' established at Caerphilly (436); a brief note re Dorsetshire sheep (436); historical notes based upon the recollections of John Spencer of Sarce [co . ], born circa 1710, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips [into Glamorgan] and to certain liming practices in the said county (437-8); a historical note, again originating from a John Spencer, relating to Aberthaw harbour [co. Glamorgan] (439); geological notes relating to petrification in white limestone, rag or grey lias, coal mines, ironstone veins, flag lias, etc., ? in co. Glamorgan (445-7); further historical notes based partly if not entirely upon the recollections of Mr. Spencer of Sarce aforesaid, ob. 1802 aged 88, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips, and of a new system of liming into Glamorgan, and to cropping and liming practices in that county (451-4 + 456); an extract from [Nathaniel] Kent: [General] View of the Agriculture of [the County of] Norfolk concerning cropping courses (455); and a further historical note, again based on information from John Spencer, relating to the aforementioned port of Aberthaw and its trade (457-8).

Bardism; miscellanea,

A volume (pp. i-xxii; 1-449) containing miscellaneous items, many relating to Welsh bardism, in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). The contents include pp. 1-3, a note re the proclamation in 1795 of a bardic meeting to be held at Pen Bryn Owain in co. Glamorgan in 1796; 3-7, notes re the times of holding bardic meetings ('Cadair a Gorsedd wrth Gerdd a Barddoniaeth'), etc.; 7-16, eleven rules under the superscription 'Darbodau Gorsedd Gyfallwy Cadair Morganwg . . . ar Benn Brynn Owain ym Morganwg . . . 1795' relating to the conduct of bardic meetings, the measures, content, and language of poems, the bards, etc.; 25-8, a note of a proclamation in 1798 of a 'Cadair a Gorsedd ar Gerdd a Barddoniaeth' to be held at Pen Brynn Owain in co. Glamorgan in twelve months time, notes on the times of holding future bardic meetings '. . . ymmraint Cadair Orsedd Morganwg . . . ar ben Twyn Owain', and a geographical definition of the term Morgannwg in this context; 35-44., notes headed 'Coelbren y Beirdd herwydd Llyfr Llywelyn Siôn' being notes relating to the special alphabet reputedly devised by the Welsh bards for carving or notching on wooden surfaces and different modes of constructing wooden appliances or so-called 'books' which could be used as writing surfaces when utilising this alphabet; 51, an incomplete version of a 'question and answer' conversation between a teacher and his disciple; 55-6, notes relating to early British bards called 'gwyddoniaid', a bardic meeting between Prydain ab Aedd Mawr and three of these bards called Plennydd, Alawn, and Gwron ('Tri Phrif Feirdd Ynys Prydain'), rules for the bardic order formulated then, etc.; 57-60, English definitions of, or notes in Welsh on, terms of bardic relevance, e.g. 'Alban', 'Gorsedd Arddangos', 'Arwest', 'Cerdd Arwest'; 63-73, extracts of varying length from the works of Welsh poets ? illustrating bardic or poetic terms ('Bardic Allusions from the Welsh Bards'); 79, a note on 'Colofn Prydain (sef felly y gelwir y Gyhydedd Gyrch yn Llyfr Gm. Tew)'; 80-82, notes on Welsh literary production up to and including the fifteenth century mentioning Dafydd ap Gwilym, Llawdden, Harri ap Rhys ap Gwilym, Ieuan Brechfa, Edeyrn dafawd aur, Einiawn offeiriad, Dafydd Ddu Hiraddug, and Hopkin ap Thomas; 82-6, notes relating to an 'eisteddfod' held under the patronage of Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Tewdwr in Aberteifi and to rules concerning the order of bards and musicians formulated there; 87-8, brief notes on the bardic 'cadair arddangos' and 'cadair dwmpath'; 89, a note relating to the original of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, an extract from the said work, and a note on 'a circumstance . . . exactly similar' in a poem by Dafydd ap Gwilym; 90-91, notes on Dafydd ap Gwilym and his poetry; 92-4, notes on the Welsh alphabet; 95-? 104, the rules and customs of the bardic chair of Tir Iarll ('Trefnau a Defodau Cadair Tir Iarll'); 111-13, bardic miscellanea; 119- 22, notes relating to the rights, etc., of the bardic order with the superscription 'Llyma ddangos amrafaelion o arferion a breiniau a defodau a barnau a chyfarwyddyd a berthynent i Feirdd a gwyr wrth gerdd o'r hen Lyfrau'; 127-33, notes on 'Cerdd Gadair', 'Cerdd Deuluaidd', 'Clergerdd', 'Datgeiniad Cadair', and 'Datgeiniad Penpastwn'; (continued)

135-7 + 145, further notes re rules for bardic meetings; 142, two triads; 143-4 + 155, notes relating to ? the Welsh bardic alphabet; 154, a note on 'Tair colofn Barddoniaeth'; 157-9, notes relating to the alleged association between (a) Gruffudd ap Cynan and Bleddyn ap Cynfyn and the code of rules for the bardic order, (b) Bleddyn ap Cynfyn and 'regulations for genealogies and armorial bearings', (c) Rhys ap Tewdwr and the introduction of the 'Bardic Laws of the Round Table' from Armorica, and (d) Gruffudd ap Cynan and 'a musical sessions in Glyn Achlach in Ireland . . . 1096'; 171-4, a transcript of twelve stanzas of Welsh verse attributed to Siencyn o'r Crwys y Prydydd; 174, a list of 'Plant Caw o Brydyn'; 175, a transcript of a twelve-line Welsh stanza allegedly composed by Thomas Glyn Cothi on the occasion of the French landing at Fishguard in 1797; 176-7, genealogical data relating to the family of Iestyn ab Gwrgan and related families; 178, a transcript of an 'englyn' relating to Owain Glyn Dyfrdwy attributed to Ieuan Gethin ap Ieuan ap Lleision; 179, a few entries relating to events in Welsh history, 870-959; 180, a transcript of 'englynion' ? attributed to Hywel Ystoryn; 181-6, an anecdote and notes relating to ? the reputed poetesses of Ty Talwyn, parish of Llangynwyd [co. Glamorgan]; 187 + 193, skeleton notes on Llanilid, Llanharan, Llanhari, Llantrisaint, St. Donats, and Flimston [co. Glamorgan]; 188-9, historical and other notes relating to the parish of Merthyr Tydvil [co. Glamorgan]; 190, a list of 'Antiquities in and about Merthyr'; 191, a note on Mallt Walbi 'a Brecon virago' and leader of a gang of freebooters, and a list of 'Remarkable Parishes' [in Glamorgan]; 192, a list of 'Antiquities in and about Lantwit Major' [co. Glamorgan]; 205, extracts relating to 'Melchin, an ancient British author', 'Hu Gadarn', etc., 'Ex Celtic Remains by Lewis Morris'; 206-07, a note on heroic poetry and the attitude of the 'descendants of the Celts' towards it; 219- 22, comments on orthography arising out of [William] Owen [Pughe]'s innovations with regard to Welsh orthography; 223-7, notes relating to the formation of compounds and plurals of monosyllabic words in ancient Cimbric and modern Welsh; 227-39, notes relating to the original home of the Cymry and early druidism and bardism, etc.; 241, a short list of Welsh words relating to worship with English definitions; 242-4, notes on the principles of druidism; 246-51, notes relating to the 'Great Eisteddfod at Caermarthen' [? 1451], 'the system of versification that received the sanction of that Eisteddfod', the adoption of this system by the bards of North Wales and some of those of South Wales, its rejection by the bards of Glamorgan and their compilation of 'a system of discipline, of Poetical Criticism, of Versification, and of whatever appertained to their science', the death of the Carmarthen system during the reign of James I, Gronwy Owen's verse, and the Gwyneddigion Society's annual Welsh poetry competition and its attempt 'to restore the system of the Carmarthen Eisteddfod'; 252-4, notes relating to an 'eisteddfod' held at Nant Gonwy, 1 Edward IV, incorporating 'englynion' attributed to Dafydd ap Edmund and Twm Tegid Brydydd 'o Langower ym Mhenllyn'; 259-66 + 274-82, an outline journal of a journey from South to North Wales and back, July-August 1800, the places mentioned on the northward journey including Cowbridge, Bridgend, Neath, Caeo, Dolau Cothi, Pumsaint, Clydogau Mountain, Llanfair Cludogeu, Llandewi Brevi, Tregaron, Pont Rhyd Fendigaid, Hafod, Pont ar fynach, Llanbadarn, Aberdyfi, Towyn, Dolgelleu, and Blaeneu (a visit to [Rhys Jones, antiquary and poet] and transcribing of manuscripts), and on the return journey Llanfachreth, Dolgelley (mention here of harpists and of the origin of the triple-stringed harp), Carneddi Hengwm, Tal y llynn, Abergyrnolwyn, Aberdyfi, Aberystwyth, Llanrhystid, Tal y sarn, New Inn, Abergwily, Caerm[arthe]n, Llangyndeyrn, Pont y Berem, Llan Nonn, Cydwely, Llanelly, Pont ar Ddulais, Swansea, Llangynwyd, and Bridgend; 262, a transcript of twelve lines of English verse entitled 'Loyalty by a Cobler'; 264, a transcript of an 'englyn' attributed to Huw Llwyd Cynfel; 270-73, a Welsh saints' calendar; 306, a plan of a 'Sheepfold at the foot of Cadair Idris, another in ruins on the same plan Cefn Merthyr, several more in Glamorgan'; (continued)

307, a transcript of the 'title-page' of Edward Jones: The Bardic Museum of Primitive British Literature . . .; 308-13, a series of eleven Welsh triads ('Llyma Drioedd y Beirdd') with an English translation thereof extracted from pp. 1-4 of the aforementioned Bardic Museum by Edward Jones; 316, a medicinal recipe for rheumatism in the head; 317, a 'Plan of a school house or accademy'; 323-38, extracts from Sharon Turner: History . . . of the Anglo-Saxons [vol. IV], relating to the language, literature, and music of the Anglo - Saxons; 339-43, notes on, and extracts from, [Walter] Scott's 'Lay of the Last Minstrel'; 359-62, extracts from a review of Edward Moor: The Hindu Pantheon which appeared in The Edinburgh Review, February 1811; 367-70, brief notes relating to the poetic dialect of the Welsh bards, the 'ancient [Welsh] Prose dialect', 'the modern [Welsh] literary Dialect', and 'The Venedotian Dialect' and its use in literature, and comments on the efforts of 'A Welsh (would-be literary) Society in London . . . to patronize the Welsh Language'; 373-80, notes relating to the introduction of Scaldic bardism into North Wales in the time of Gruffudd ap Cynan and the consequent disappearance of the old British bardism in that part of the country, the preservation of the old bardism in Glamorgan, and the invigorating effect of the 'Scaldic manner or system' on Welsh poetry and the Welsh language, general comments on the moral tone of Welsh literature, etc.; 381, three 'grammatical' triads; 382, a very brief list of Irish words in the Venedotian dialect; 383, an extract 'Ex Vol. 35 Plas Gwynn Mon' [i.e. Panton MS 35 now NLW MS 2003] relating to the 'dymchwelawl' poetic metre; 384, a note relating to an old manuscript volume containing Welsh miracle plays in the possession of 'Dr. Thomas yn Llwyn Iwrch' in the eighteenth century; 385-6, comments on the practice of calling 'the ancient British Religion Druidical'; 387-9, general observations on the development of the 'system of versification and of poetical criticism . . . of the Welsh Bards'; 390, a brief note on 'Bardism or Druidism'; 391-2, a list of fourteen chapter headings for a proposed 'History of the Bards' [? by Edward Williams], with a note at the beginning 'A Bad Plan' and at the end 'The above is only the first rude sketch of 1791 and here only retained as containing a few hints that may be useful' (in addition to material on British / Welsh bardism and druidism and Welsh music this work was to contain chapters on Irish and Highland bards, Scandinavian scalds, Provencal troubadours, and Saxon and English minstrels); 392-4, a list of thirty-six topics or subject or chapter headings being 'Another arrangement' [presumably for the proposed 'History of the Bards']; 395, a transcript of three 'englynion' attributed to Gutto'r Glyn, the third being attributed also to H[ywel] D[afydd] I[eua] n Rhys (an accompanying note mentions an 'eisteddfod' at Cardiff Castle); 396-7, a list of six 'Topics for the Bards Common Place book'; 398, a list of dates ? in connection with the holding of 'eisteddfodau' at Ystrad Ywain [co. Glamorgan]; 399-400, notes relating to the 'Polity or Discipline' of the druids and bards; 407, a list of fourteen 'names given by the ancient Bards to the Coronog faban' (part Welsh, part English, and derived from [Thomas] Pugh [: Brittish and Out-landish] Prophesies . . . [ London, 1658]); 408-18, notes relating largely to early British bardism and druidism with mention of [James] MacPherson and the Ossianic poems; 423-5, miscellaneous triads, etc.; 426 + 430-31, general reflections relating to etymology; 427-9, reflections on the use of conjecture in history particularly 'with respect to the peopling of Europe and America' if no historical records were available; 431-3, notes relating to the dissension between the bards of North Wales and those of Glamorgan consequent upon the 'succesful attempt of Daf[ydd] ab Edmund at the Caermarthen Congress [? 1451] to establish his own system [of versification]', the researches undertaken by the Glamorgan bards into 'Bardic history and science' and their discovery of 'the true principles of Poetry and versification', etc.; 435-7, notes containing general reflections on changes in the Welsh language and poetry from the late thirteenth century onwards; and 438, a list of six Welsh triads.

Cyfarthfa Papers,

  • GB 0210 CYFHFA
  • Fonds
  • [1706]-1878 /

Records relating mainly to the industrial concerns of the Crawshay family of Cyfarthfa, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, [1706]-1878, including letters and letter books of William Crawshay I and II and Robert Crawshay, 1806-1877; cash books, ledgers and bankers drafts, 1834-1888; deeds, [1706]-1885; wills, deeds and miscellaneous material, 1801-1838; balance sheets for ironworks, 1810-1867; will, valuation and probate for William Crawshay II, 1865-1869; shares and bills of exchange, 1870-1878; and Hilston Park estate papers, 1838-1862 and Caversham Park estate papers, 1826-1864. The archive represents the working papers of a major ironworking dynasty.

Crawshay family.

Glamorgan deeds and papers

  • NLW MS 13927E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1724-1834

A volume containing miscellaneous documents relating to Glamorgan, including a letter, 1780, from the bailiffs of Cardiff to the portreeve and burgesses of Loughor concerning a parliamentary election (f. ii); transcripts or abstracts of title deeds of lands in the parishes of Gelli-gaer and Llanfabon, 1783-1785 (ff. 1-7), Eglwysilan, 1813 (ff. 8-16), Geli-gaer, 1795-1806 (ff. 17-29), a lease of Pennsylvania meeting-house, Merthyr Tydfil for use by Methodists, 1796-1797 (ff. 32-36), Llysfaen, Llanedern, Michaelston-y-Vedw and Roath, [c. 1784] (ff. 37-39), Tirygwernllwyn, Merthyr Tydfil, 1823 (ff. 42-44), and lands in the manor of Llandaf and parishes of Llandaf, Whitchurch and Canton, [c. 1810], held by Francis James Matthew, earl of Llandaf, including recitals of deeds dated 1553-1740 (ff. 46-49); an extract from the Glamorgan Quarter Sessions relating to an action brought by the Rev. Edward Picton against John Davies, [c. 1830] (ff. 30-31); a quitclaim of Henry William, Cowbridge, to Henry Collins, Tre-gof, 1724 (f. 45); various related printed items and typescript notes by Ifan Kyrle Fletcher.

Godfrey Lee Papers

  • GB 0210 GODLEE
  • Fonds
  • 1968-1989

Political correspondence and papers accumulated by Godfrey Lee, 1968-1989, relating to Plaid Cymru activities in Newport, 1968-1978, Plaid Cymru's Montgomeryshire branch, 1977-1988, and Welshpool branch, 1978-1989; the work of Gwent Regional Council [of Plaid Cymru], 1969-1977; together with Plaid Cymru Conference Programmes, 1969-1988; and literature concerning the Merthyr Tydfil by-election, 1972 and publications.

Lee, Godfrey, 1951-

Harri Webb Papers,

  • GB 0210 HARWEBB
  • Fonds
  • [c. 1919]-1995 /

Papers of Harri Webb, [c. 1919]-1995, including poetry, 1942-1989; reviews and reader's reports, 1974-1986; correspondence with publishers, broadcasters and editors relating to Webb's work, 1949-1995; correspondence from literary and artistic figures, [1940s]-1983; political correspondence, 1964-1974; political press cuttings, 1952-1981; papers relating to Plaid Cymru, 1961-1978, and Scottish politics, 1967-1969; and personal papers, [c. 1919]-1984.

A collection of Harri Webb's diaries. This group remains uncatalogued.

Webb, Harri, 1920-

Merthyr Tydfil papers

Miscellaneous papers relating to the Merthyr Tydfil Subscription Library, of which Stephens was secretary, and to the Merthyr Tydfil eisteddfod, 1856; a letter from William Roberts ('Nefydd') to Stephens, 1859; addresses to Lord Dynevor and William Crawshay; press cuttings.


Miscellaneous papers in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents (notes, extracts, lists, jottings, transcripts, etc.) are extremely varied and cover a multiplicity of topics. Included are notes or lists with the superscriptions 'Deg Rhan ymadrodd' (38), 'Llyma gof a son am gadeiriau prydyddion Morganwg a chof amcan eu hamserau' (72-3), 'Anecdotes of Merthyr' (83-4), 'Customs in Glam[organ]' (86-7), 'Rhywiau cerdd dafod parth arbenigrwyd[d] ansodd' (113), 'Llafar Gorsedd B[eirdd] Y[nys] P[rydain] yng nghadair Morganwg' (128-30), 'Trees that will flourish near the sea' (249), 'Llyma enwau'r llefydd lle arferai Feirdd Morganwg gynnal eisteddfod a Chadair' (252), 'Trees to be intermixed with fruit trees in an orchard' (264), 'Proper trees to [be] planted in an orchard' (265), 'Enwau Cymreig ar afalau ym Morganwg' (266-72), 'Enwau Gellyg Ynghymraeg' ( 275-6), 'Enwau Eirin a Phlemys ym Morganwg' (277-8), 'The names of the Norman Peers of Glamorgan and the names of their Castles. . .' (293), '[Names of the] months [in] Armoric [and] Cornish' (313), 'Rhif Carennydd' ( 340), 'List of Publications on the inconsistency of War with the Christian Religion' with comments ? by Edward Williams on the church and war (363-70 ), 'Ex Old Vocabulary at Hafod' (388), 'Hints for the Dissertation on the Welsh Language' (389-?90), 'Llymma son am Eisteddfod Beirdd a Phrydyddion a fu ym Marchwiail ym Maelor' (mention of 'eisteddfodau' held at Gwern y Cleppa, Marchwiail, and Baglan) (396-8), and 'Cyfarwydd am Dri Brodyr Marchwial' (mention of the same three 'eisteddfodau') (398-400); notes, sometimes very brief, on 'cynghanedd' (34), early Christianity in Britain ( 40), the use of the bardic alphabet amongst the Welsh for teaching purposes temp. Henry IV (42), the 'chair of Tir Iarll' (69 + 71), the original home of the Cymmry, i.e. Defrobani (119), weather conditions in March 1811 (175), the Welsh language (181-2), Pythagoras (188), 'englynion' (189), the Essenes (197), Druids (197), Druids and bards amongst the Celtic peoples (207-13), materials used as writing surfaces in ancient and medieval times with mention of a few medieval libraries (213-15), the Druids of Britain and Gaul (216-33), mortar making, garden terracing, and fruit planting (245-6), Welsh culinary recipes (247-9), brick making (254), the growing of trees and fruit near the coast in Glamorgan (262-3), Welsh metrical measures (279), Castletown house [co. Glamorgan] (283), the family of Berkrolles (302), and 'y Ford Gronn' (401); transcripts of Welsh poems including 'cywyddau' attributed to Dafydd ap Edmwnd and Gruff. ab Ifan ab Llywelyn Fychan, an incomplete poem (stanzas 1 and part of 2 missing) attributed to Thos. Llen. o Regoes, and part of a 'cywydd' attributed to Dafydd Alaw (95-109), a 'cywydd' attributed to Siôn Dafydd Rhys (255-6), and an 'englyn' attributed to Daf. Llwyd Bryn Llyfrith (309); transcripts of English verse including ? a translation from the Welsh with the superscription 'A prophecy by Thomas ap Evan ap Rhys in the time of Edw[ar]d the VI' (47-8), twenty-two stanzas entitled 'The Welsh Batchelor' s wish' attributed to the Revd. Mr. Christ. Roberts of St. Athan (289-92), and ten stanzas ? from . . . Bulmer: Pleasantness of Religion (307); miscellaneous items including miscellaneous triads (151-4), ? a draft of a title-page for an anthology of Welsh verse to be called Y Bardd Teulu (147 ), a draft of a prefatory letter, 1796, by Edward Williams to a proposed volume containing an anthology of Welsh prose and verse items, material relating to Welsh bardism, etc. (157-8), an incomplete triad re the 'bardd teulu' (196), a plan of the layout of a dwelling house with orchards, kitchen gardens, fruit gardens, etc. (274), historical anecdotes relating to the lordship and county of Glamorgan reputedly from a manuscript 'of the late William Roberts of St. Athan' (293-8), a list, with examples, of twenty classical metrical feet (306), a genealogical table showing descendants of Iestin, lord of Morgannwg (415-16), biographical notes on members of the Stradling family to the late sixteenth century ? from [ British Museum] Harleian MS 368 (417-22), and a plan of a stone circle 'at Field Marshal Conway's . . . near Henly upon Thames' (429); and extracts from a variety of printed sources including Cambrian, March 1819 ( Welsh speaking Indians) (131), The Monthly Review, February 1819 (132 + 134), the works of [Isaac] Watts (135-?43), . . . Priestley: Tablet of Memory (159-?74), Cambrian, September 1819 (a proposal 'to obtain an Act of Parliament for making and maintaining a Pier and Harbour at Newton in the Parish of Newton Nottage [co. Glamorgan]', etc. (281), [W. Wotton: Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda . . ., London, 1730] (relating mainly to the Welsh bards) (343-52) and the Ecclesiastical Review, January 1817 (359-62). Interspersed throughout the volume are lists or groups of miscellaneous Welsh words sometimes with English definitions, proverbs, grammatical or etymological notes, poetic extracts, and other miscellanea. In some instances the blank verso or margins of the following have been utilised for writing notes - an undated holograph letter from Mr. Dunn from St. Athans to Ed. Williams, Flemingstone, re materials for the tomb of the writer's mother (in third person) (185-6, 199-200), copies of a printed circular, 16 August 1820, appealing for subscriptions towards the completion of a Unitarian chapel at Merthyr Tydfil, copies of a printed 'advertisement' and 'proposals' for publishing Edward Williams's two volumes of English verse Poems Lyric and Pastoral in 1792, a folded sheet containing a copy of a Welsh poem entitled 'Canwyll gogan y Cymru' attributed to 'Siôn ?Flay o Bentre'r Lai' (284-5, 300-01), a holograph letter, 30 September 1818, from G. Birley, Methodist Chapel, Cardiff, to Edw[ar]d Williams (forwarding a copy of the first volume of [John Hughes:] Horae Britannicae at the author's request) (315-16, 333-4), a copy of a printed circular, 6 December 1802, announcing literary competitions to be held under the auspices of the Gwyneddigion Society (320 + 329), and an undated holograph letter from Edward Williams to John Llewelyn, esq., Penlle'r Gaer [co. Glamorgan], concerning recipient's 'usual benefaction' to the writer (379-82).


Miscellaneous papers and booklets containing prose and verse items in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound into one volume. Verse items, pagination in brackets, include transcripts of strict- and free-metre Welsh poems, sometimes a single stanza or 'englyn', or extracts from Welsh poems attributed to Llywarch Brydydd y Moch (6), D. Edmund (18, 430), Howel ap Syr Mathew (20), Thomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (? 21-4, 226 with a note relating to the poet's son), Dicc Hughes (24, 119-26 ), D. Lld. Math[afar]n (24), Syr Lewys ab Huw 'o Fochnant' (25-30), Thomas Evans (31-7), ?Huw Dafydd (37-44), Llywelyn ap Hywel ap Ieuan ap Gronwy ( 56-7), Bedyn Wilco (65-6), Huw Dafydd (68-71), Thomas ap Gwilym 'o Ferthyr Tudfyl' (73-5), Wiliam Sawndwr (83-4, 103-05; see IM, t. 302), Siôn Lewys Hywel 'o Lantrisaint Meisgin' (93-4), Thomas ab Ifan 'o Dre Brynn' (94-6), Llywelyn Deio Pywel (96-8), ? Siencyn Lygad Rhawlin (100-03), Twm ab Han ab Rhys (105-08), R. Hughes (126-32), Llywelyn ab Hwlkyn 'o Fôn' (133-6), ? Watcin Dafydd 'o Ben y Bont' (175 + two unnumbered pages following), Gronw Gethin ab Ieuan ab Lleison 'o Faglan' (185-6), Dafydd Nanmor (186), Dafydd Thomas 'o Dregroes' (187-8), Rhys ap Ioccyn 'o Dre-golwyn' (189-91 with an added note thereon by 'Iolo Morganwg'), Siôn Morgan 'argraffydd o'r Bont Faen' (213-14), Siôn Wiliam 'o Landathan' (214-16), Efan o Lan y Lai (227), Iorwerth ap Sierlyn (231), Gwilym Tew 'o Lynn Taf' (232), Emion Offeiriad (263-4), Daf. ab Gwilym (273, 277-8), y Parchedig Dafydd Dafis 'o Gastell Hywel' and 'o Lwynrhydowen' (274-6), Rhys Meigen (277), William Walters (297-304), Dr. T. Wms. (314), Taliesin (316), Siôn Philip (316), Edmund Prys (316, 383-91), Ed. Richard (316), Huw Caerog (323, 392), Huw Llyn (323, 392 ), Huw Pennant (323, 393) William Cynwal (323, 393), Huw Ednyfed (324), Gruff. ab Lln. Fychan and Ifan Brydydd Hir jointly (324), Lewis Môn (324), D. Edmund (331), Merddin Emrys (336), Syr Wiliam Herbart (340), Hywel Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rhys (340), Owen Brereton (341), Tudur Aled (383), Wm. Byrkinshaw (392), Ieuan Tew (392), R. Dafies, Escob Mynyw (393), Siôn Tudur (393), [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (423-?25), Wm. Llyn (430), Robt. Clidro (430), Howel Bangor (430), and Madawg ab Merfyn Gwawdrydd (431-2); transcripts of unattributed Welsh verse (17-20, ? 37-40, 45-56, 57- 64, 66-7, 98-100, 136-43, 145-50, 202, 227-9, 258, 316, 317-21, 327, 331, 334, 449-54, 461); and also transcripts of English verse (72, 330). Prose items, pagination in brackets, include a brief paginated list of events recorded in W. Wynne: The History of Wales (1-2); genealogical data relating to the descendants of Brychan Brycheiniog based upon the data in the appendices to Theo[philus] Jones [: A History of the County of Brecknock, vol. I, 1805] (3-6); notes relating to the Welsh medical treatise 'Meddygon Myddfai' (8-10); an extract from [The] Myvyrian Archaiology [of Wales], vol. II (11); a note relating to a manuscript allegedly once in the possession of Dafydd Rhisiart 'o Landocheu'r Bont Faen', which had contained, inter alia, some twenty poems by Wil. Hopcin (85); a brief comment on the Welsh language (92); a note relating to Owain Glyn Dwr's activities in Glamorgan allegedly extracted from a manuscript history in the possession of the Rev. Thos. Bassett of Lanelay (151-2); a brief note on Cae Llwyd in the parish of Llangyfelach [co. Glamorgan], home of the poet Huw Cae Llwyd, and on Ieuan ap y Diwlith (155); a note relating to the antiquity of the Cymmry (Kimmeri) as a nation and of the word itself as a national appellative (157); brief data re the descent of King Arthur (158); a list of slanderous epithets for the use of which Margaret John Harri had been excommunicated at Llandaff Consistory Court in 1816 (159); a list of ministers of religion who had attended an annual meeting [? of Unitarians] at y Gelli onnen [co. Glamorgan] in 1813 (161); a copy of a fable re a king and three wise men (177-80); an anecdote relating to the origin of the fruit trees at Margam [co. Glamorgan] (181); 'sayings' attributed to Taliesin ('Gwiredd Taliesin') (182); an anecdote relating to Taliesin and Cattwg Ddoeth (182-3); notes on Welsh poets, 14th- 17th cent. (193-201); a list of five subject headings under the superscription 'Bards, Topics for History of' (202); medicinal recipes ? from 'Meddygon Myddfai' (203); a short list of Glamorgan proverbs (208); a copy of the proclamation of an 'eisteddfod' to be held at Caerwys, co. Flint, to July 1523, extracted from Siôn Rhydderch [: Grammadeg Cymraeg, 1728] (219-20); a list of 'sayings' attributed to Saffin (220-23); a copy of a parable relating to a blind man's search for riches (224-6); a note on Cwrt Aberavan in the parish of Margam [co. Glamorgan] and a list of 'Parselon Margam' (230); a note on the poet Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd (231); (continued)

A list of the early kings of Britain and of the Britons back to the time of Brutys and Eneas Ysgwyddwyn (233-6); a copy of a parable relating to a rich man and a hermit (236-9); brief notes relating to certain physical features in the parish of Merthyr Tudfyl, co. Glamorgan, and to Hywel Rhys, the bard, and his descendants, and references to Blaen Cannaid, Llwyn Celyn, and Cwm y Glo and other Nonconformist meeting houses [in co. Glamorgan] (239 + 242); a copy of a memorial inscription to Morgan Herbert of Havod Uchtryd, co. Cardigan, ob. 1687/8, in Eglwys Newydd Church near Havod, and of an inscription relating to the history of the church (240-42; see S. R. Meyrick: The History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan, London, 1810, pp. 347-51); brief notes on the dates of the conversion of 'Daenmarc', 'Llychlyn', 'Gwyddelod y Werddon', 'Gwyddelod yr Alban', and 'Gwyddelod Môn ag Arfon' to the Christian faith (257); a brief note relating to markets at Castell y Coetty and Pen y Bont ar Ogwr ? temp. Henry VIII and previously (258); brief notes relating to Sir Edward Stradlin [n.d.] and Thomas Stradlin, temp. Henry VIII (259); notes relating to Welsh strict metres, Elisse ap Gwalchmai 'o Ial', and Dafydd ap Gwilym (264-5); genealogical data headed 'Achau Morganiaid Tredegyr' ( 266-7); medicinal recipes, some from 'Meddygon Myddfai' (268-70, 287-91); brief miscellanea extracted from Panton MS 30 [now NLW MS 1999 (313- 14); an account of the return of Brân ap Llyr from captivity in Rome accompanied by the saints Ilid, Cyndaf, and Meugant Hen (329); comments on the authenticity of Welsh manuscripts ? containing medical material with mention of three such manuscripts, and twelve points ? relating to a pre- sixteenth century manuscript of this nature ? in Jesus College, Oxford (332-3); a list of eight 'sayings' attributed to Cattwg ddoeth (333); notes on the 'three primary or fundamental attributes of God' (335); a brief geographical / geological note relating to the Llangyfelach area [co. Glamorgan] (335); an anecdote relating to Llywelyn Bren and Sir Wiliam Flemin (360; an explanatory comment on Henry Salisbury's wrong definition of the word 'cler' (361); notes relating to the use of the 'Silurian dialect' in Welsh prose and verse of the Middle Ages in North and South Wales and comments on 'anglicisms, English construction, and English idioms' in the Welsh translation of the Bible (363-5); a list of family names to illustrate a Glamorgan custom of 'prefixing the Article to the surnames of the Gentry' (366); a list of places in Glamorgan with, in some instances, specific natural features, antiquities, etc., associated therewith, short lists of locations of inscriptions, caves, and cromlechs [in co. Glamorgan], etc. (367-9); a list headed 'Subscribers - 1804' containing seven names but naming no publication (370; a list of the names of thirty-four Welsh poets, 13th-16th cent., literary historical manuscript volumes or works such as 'Llyfr Coch Hergest', 'Brut y Brenhinoedd', etc. (373-4); a note relating to the convention of poetic contentions (391); an anecdote relating to Gutto'r Glynn at an 'eisteddfod' held in Cardiff Castle under the patronage of Sir Wiliam Herbert (394, for the ending see p. 340); a list of 'sayings' attributed to Cattwn Ddoeth all commencing with the word 'Tryw' (401); a list of nineteen items relating to Welsh bardism, music, grammar, etc., headed 'Jones Gelli Lyfdy MS. No. 120' being presumably an incomplete list of the contents of one of the manuscripts of John Jones of Gelli Lyfdy [co. Flint; ob. ? 1658] (407- 09); poetic extracts to illustrate the meaning of specific Welsh words (415-16, 418, 457-9); a note relating to dialects in Wales (427); a list of ten points or topics under the heading 'Plan of a Religious Society' (442); a list of 'Casbethau (or Casddynion) Selyf Ddoeth' (447); brief notes relating to Welsh bardism from the time of Gwrtheyrn Gwrtheneu to the time of the 'eisteddfod' at Caerfyrdd[in] convened by Sir Gruff. Nicolas (477-8); notes relating to Welsh metres and versification (479-87 ); notes on the connection between Cynddelw, Einion Offeiriad, Tryhaearn Brydydd Mawr, Gwilym Tew, Owain ab Rhydderch, Dafydd Llwyd Mathew, Dafydd Ddu o Hir Addug, and Dafydd ab Gwilym and certain Welsh poetic metres, a list of metres as arranged by Dafydd Llwyd Matthew, and another such list from 'hen Lyfr arall' (488-92); incomplete notes containing references to bardic topics such as 'sefydliad Dosparth Caerfyrddin', 'Eisteddfod Gyntaf Caerwys, 1525', 'Ystatut Gruffudd ap Cynan', 'Dosparth y Ford Gron', and 'Dosparth Tir Iarll' (503-04); miscellaneous genealogical data (249-51, 268, 315); miscellaneous Welsh triads (155, 217-19, 244-5, 247, 271-2, 359, 402, 445-6, 448, 466); and lists or groups of Welsh words, with, in some instances, definitions, illustrative examples, etc., or notes on Welsh words (7, 12, 243, 315, 336, 341, 359-62, 399-406, 411, 427, 429, 441-2). In one instance notes have been written across the face of a printed leaflet announcing the printing by subscription of Edward Williams's two volumes of English verse Poems Lyric and Pastoral (7 + 10).

Public life

Correspondence and other papers broadly relating to various aspects of Taliesin's public life and work in Merthyr Tydfil and elsewhere. The file contains: some fifty-four draft and copy letters, or parts of letters, written by Taliesin Williams, including many letters to newspapers, 1831-1845, some twenty-seven letters and envelopes addressed to Taliesin and others, 1808-1843, and miscellaneous calling cards and addresses (T10/1); miscellaneous papers relating to his work as a schoolmaster in Neath and Merthyr Tydfil (T10/2); papers relating mostly to various aspects of public life in Merthyr Tydfil, including papers apparently relating to his service as special constable, various petitions to the Crown, the Marquess of Bute and others, and a few items relating to the Merthyr Tydfil Sympathetic Society, 1831-1839 (T10/3); and various papers relating to his activities with groups such as Cymreigyddion y Fenni and Cymreigyddion yr Alarch, being mainly lists of competition subjects, entries and adjudications by him (T10/4).
Of particular note is the beginning (2 pp.) of a draft, in Taliesin's hand, of a petition sent by the people of Merthyr Tydfil to Lord Melbourne, the Home Secretary, in July 1831 pleading for clemency for Lewis Lewis (Lewsyn yr Heliwr) and Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) (the final petition is apparently lost, see Gwyn A. Williams, The Merthyr Rising (Cardiff, 1988), p. 184) (in T10/3).