English newspapers.



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English newspapers.

Termau cyfwerth

English newspapers.

Termau cysylltiedig

English newspapers.

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer English newspapers.

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig


Complete editions and pages of newspapers, namely Adams 's Weekly Courant, 1750, 1755; Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 1887; The Britannia, 1869; The Champion or Evening Advertiser, 1741; The Country Journal or the Craftsman, 1736-1748; The Denbighshire Gazette Extraordinary, 1794; The Dublin Evening Mail, 1831-1832; The Englishman, 1740; The Flying Post or The Post-Master, 1701-1702; Fog 's Weekly Journal, 1733-1736; The Globe, 1820; The Illustrated London News, 1881; John Bull, 1835; The London Courant, 1688; The London Evening Post, 1748, 1754; The London Gazette, 1685-1702; The Middlesex Journal or Chronicle of Liberty, 1770; The Middlesex Journal and Evening Post, 1780; Le Moniteur Ottoman, 1837; The Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser, 1783; New State of Europe, 1701; North Wales Chronicle, 1830-1837; Old England, 1748; The Post Boy, 1702; The Post Man, 1702; The Remembrancer, 1748-1749; Shropshireian Journal, 1832-1835; Shrewsbury Chronicle, 1780-1861; The Shrewsbury News, 1841; The Standard, 1834; The Sun, 1818-1821; The Times, 1886-1887; The Weekly Journal or Saturday 's Post, 1718; The Weekly Packet, 1715-1716; The Westminster Journal or New Weekly Miscellany, 1746; and The Whitehall Evening Post or London Intelligencer, 1746-1753. The North Wales Chronicle, Shropshireian Journal and Shrewsbury Chronicle contain reports and letters referring to elections for the Caernarfonshire Boroughs, Caernarfon County and North Shropshire in which William and John Ralph Ormsby-Gore were Conservative candidates, 1831-1837. The series also includes a scrapbook of press cuttings, 1814-1856 and loose articles, 1837, 1887.