Elegiac poetry, Welsh -- 19th century



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Elegiac poetry, Welsh -- 19th century

Termau cyfwerth

Elegiac poetry, Welsh -- 19th century

Termau cysylltiedig

Elegiac poetry, Welsh -- 19th century

49 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Elegiac poetry, Welsh -- 19th century

49 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Album of 'Clwydwenfro',

An album compiled by John Lloyd James ('Clwydwenfro'), Congregational minister at March, Cambridgeshire, etc. The volume is almost wholly of Congregational interest, and relates for the most part to Glandwr Church, Pembrokeshire, and to the activities of John Davies ('Siôn Gymro' otherwise 'Siôn Llethi' otherwise 'Ioan Llethi'), who was ordained minister of the church in 1827. The manuscript items include genealogical extracts in the hand of 'Clwydwenfro' (the families of Evans of Penywenallt, Jenkins of Pantyrlys, and Lloyd of Noyadd Trefawr, all in the parish of Llandygwydd, and the Reverend Thomas Nicholas of the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen, etc.); letters of dismission to Glandwr Church, 1738-1833 (one from Rhyd-wilym Baptist Church, 1785, another signed by M[organ] Jones, 'Ty Newydd, Treleach', 1833); receipts to Lewis Thomas [of Bwlch-sais, parish of Llanfyrnach, first minister of Glandwr Church] for the payment of rent in respect of the [Congregational] meeting- house at Reed y Ceised [Rhydyceisiaid], parish of Llanginning, 1738/9-1739; holograph letters to John Davies ('Siôn Gymro') from S[amuel] Griffiths, Horeb, 1836 (the distribution of 'Mr. Jones Cofiant'), Thos. and Mary Griffiths, Glynarthen, 1836 (an endeavour 'to bring things to a better order among us than they are at present'), Richard Jones, Llwyngwril, 1828 (the distribution of publications), M. D. Ioannes [Jones] [Bala, 1879] (the visit of John Thomas, publisher, Merthyr, to Bodiwan and to Ffestiniog and his proposal for the publication of the recipient's Y Proffwydi Byrion, constitutional controversy in the Independent College, Bala) (Greek), Edw[ ard] Davies, Brecon, 1851 (recommending Joseph Jervis to the ministry of either Llwynyrhwrdd or Capel Ifan [Iwan]), Ja[me]s Griffiths, Treliwyd, St. Davids, 1830 (meetings at St. Davids, etc.), G. Jones, Llandilo, [18]81 ( enclosing proof sheets), M. A. Johns Hill, St. Clears, [18]56 (a request to visit the writer's mother), Sam[ue]l Roberts ['S. R.'], from [Y] Dydd Office, Dolgellau, 1868, and from Conway, 1881 (thanks for the recipient's Llethi, a request for leading articles for Y Dydd, the presentation of a testimonial to 'S. R.' for his 'pioneer pleadings . . . for Penny Postage', comments on a libel suit), John Davies, Cwrte, 1846 (the death and burial of the writer's daughter), William Lewis and John Thomas, Carmarthen ('Late fellow student [sic] at Neuaddlwyd'), 1828 (the distribution of books), Robert Gladding, book-seller, London, 1878 (the purchase of a book), J. Jones [1831] (the distribution of publications, arrangements for the writer's preaching tour), D[avid] Pugh, House of Commons [M.P. for East Carmarthenshire], 1867 (the presentation to the House of the recipient's petition against the sale of intoxicating drinks on Sunday, and the second reading of the Sunday Trading Bill), E. Evans, Trehowell [parish of Llanfyrnach], 1847 (the first offer of Trehowell as a residence), Wm. Davies, Fishguard, undated (the recipient's preaching engagement at Fishguard) (fragment), and Jno. Williams, Castle [parish of Llanarth], [18]24 (the writer's studies, local news) (with an addition by Thos. Williams, Llwyncelyn, to Mr. David Jones, 1824, relating to the writer's application for admission to Newtown Academy); a copy of a letter from J. G. Davies ['Siôn Gymro'], 1827 (a bequest to the minister of Glandwr Church); an undated letter from the Baptist Church at Newcastle Emlyn to Glandwr Church, proposing a joint renewal of the lease of Cappel loan [Iwan] and the joint provision of a new cemetery; a copy of a letter from David Davies, Penywayne [parish of Llanfihangel Llantarnam, Monmouthshire] to J[ames] Michael [Pont-hir], 1821 (observations on William Evans's revolt and his application for membership of the recipient's church); a holograph letter from [Diana Noel], baroness Barham, to the Reverend Wm. Griffiths, Glandwr, 1822 (the recipient's health, the opening by the writer of a chapel [at Park Mill, Gower]); an autograph letter, 1897, signed by Thomas E. Ellis and T. F. Roberts on behalf of the Welsh Library Committee of University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; an incomplete draft of a letter from ['Clwydwenfro'] to the Reverend T. Stephens, Wellingborough [editor of Album Aberhonddu (Merthyr Tydfil, 1898)], 1895 (biographical notes on the Reverend John Griffiths, Hitchin, and others); a holograph letter from Marth[a] James, Raccoon, Gallia County, Ohio, to David Thomas, Velin Wern, Llanina, Cardiganshire, 1855 (the death of the writer's husband, the writer's property and stock, the improvement in living conditions, food and land prices, industrial development, references to Welsh neighbours); a holograph letter from [the Reverend] Wm. Evan[s], Llaindelin [parish of Llanfyrnach) to the Reverend Wm. Griffiths, Glandwr, 1805 (a controversy at Glandwr regarding the succession to the ministry, with copies of proposals for the use of Glandwr and Penygroes meeting-houses); receipts for books borrowed from the Trustees of Glandwr Church, 1748/9 and undated; vouchers for the purchase of wine, 1759-1767; a certificate, 1854, for procuring the registry of Glandwr as a place of worship, pursuant to 16 Vict., c. 36; rules of public worship adopted by the minister, elders, and deacons at Glandwr, 1796; undated lists of members of Glandwr and Rhydyceisiaid Churches; miscellaneous music; a probationary call to John Davies ('Siôn Gymro') ('Student, Newtown') to the ministry of Glandwr Church, 1826; a certificate of the ordination of John Davies, 1827; a testimonial to John Davies from Edw. Davies, North Wales Academy, Newtown, 1826; confessions of faith of John David (died 1756), minister of Glandwr Church, and of applicants for membership of the church; a certificate of the subscription of oaths by John Davies ('Siôn Gymro'), 1822; 'Carol Nadolig'; sermon notes by J[onah] Lloyd [Congregational minister], St. Asaph; vouchers of John Davies ('Siôn Gymro'), 1842-1879 and undated (the schooling of his children, the purchase of books, the payment of poor rate for the parish of Llanfyrnach) and miscellaneous accounts; the petition of Mary Gibbon, widow, of the parish of Llangolman, for relief as a result of the destruction of her house by fire, 1793; a bond, 1814, from Rees Edwards of Nantyreglwys, parish of Llanboidy, co. Carmarthen, gent., to Roger Griffiths of Castle Garne [recte Garw], parish of Llangludwen, co. Carmarthen, and John Morse of Graig, parish of Llanvirnach, co. Pembroke, gentlemen, for the payment of a sum of £20 and interest, being a bequest by Mrs. Edwards, mother of the said Rees Edwards, for the support of the minister of the congregation of Dissenters at Glandwr meeting-house; a draft lease [for 999 years] [1797] from the Reverend John Griffiths, minister of the Gospel, Dinah Griffiths [his wife], and John Devonald Griffiths, their son, gent., of Glandwr, parish of Lanvirnach, co. Pembroke, to Roger Griffiths of Castellgarw, parish of Langloydwen, co. Carmarthen, and John Morse of Graig, parish of Lanvirnach, co. Pembroke, gentlemen, of a piece of land, being part of Glandwr, parish of Lan[virna] ch (endorsed by 'Clwydwenfro': 'The following draft of Glandwr Chapel Deed was drawn up and is in the hand-writing of James Davies ('Siams Dafi')); an account of a controversy in 1803 between the Reverend William Evans and the Reverend William Griffiths concerning the succession to the ministry of Glandwr Church (endorsed by 'Clwydwenfro': 'Mae yr hanes dilynol yn llaw ysgrifen James Davies, Penlanfach wedi hyny o Bentregalar'); a receipt, 1839, signed by John Evans, Nantyr Eglwys, afterwards archdeacon of Carmarthen; case, and the opinion of John Williams, Chancery Lane, 1803, touching the power of the lessees specified in the deed of 1797 to lock up Glandwr meeting-house to prevent the assembly of William Evan and his adherents; certificates of the registration of deaths, 1844-1874; a certificate, 1837, of the registration of Glandwr for the solemnization of marriage; an obituary, 1831, of Betty Daniel Watkin, Blaen y Pant, Llanarth, with in memoriam verses by 'Ioan Llethi'; biographical notes by 'Clwydwenfro' on a family of four brothers surnamed Evans of Llanboidy; a pedigree chart of the descendants of Roger Griffiths, Castell Garw, compiled by Miss Norah Griffiths of Sandown, I.O.W.; a draft agreement, 1847, between David Owen of Ynysfawr, parish of Llandysylio, co. Carmarthen, gent., and John Davies ['Siôn Gymro'] of Pencalch, parish of Llanwinio, minister, for the purchase by the latter of Iet Wen, parish of Llanfrynach [sic], co. Pembroke; the will of John Davies, minister of the Gospel at Glandwr, parish of Llanfurnach, and at Moriah, parish of Llanwinio, co. Carmarthen, 1834; a letter, 1834, to the Carmarthen journal by 'J. D. De Castelle', relating to lines in Latin transcribed from a paper among the books of the Reverend John Pughe of Motygido, Llanarth; accounts of dreams experienced by John Davies ('Siôn Gymro'), 1860-1882; a letter, 1842, to the Weekly Dispatch by J. Davies ['Siôn Gymro'], Llanfyrnach, replying to an attack on Christianity; poetry by Abel Williams, 'Toywr' 'near Castlewilia', and a hymn by W. Griffiths, Glandwr; etc.

Printed and graphic material in the volume includes verses entitled 'Hen Gapel Glandwr, Swydd Benfro', 1866, by W. H. James ('Gwallter Myrnach'), New Zealand, a native of Pontygavel, Llanfyrnach; an 'Outline of Plan' of the proposed University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1870; a notice of 'Cymanfa Myfyrwyr Hen Athrofa Neuaddlwyd', 1851, with a covering letter to J Davies from the Reverend William Evans, Aberaeron; verses by 'M.', Milford, entitled 'Lines, Addressed by a young Lady to the Rev. William Davies, of Pencaer, in the 81st year of his age, when addressing his Son, on his settlement at Neyland; and giving an account of the origin and progress of about 30 places of Worship in the English part of Pembrokeshire'; verses entitled 'Mae'r flwyddyn yn d'od: Pennillion ar glywed Bronfraith yn canu gerllaw, Chwefror 2, 1865' by [John Davies] ('S[ iôn] Llethi'); the Humble Petitions of Thomas Davies of Bankyfelin, parish of [Llan]fihangel-Abercowin, Carmarthenshire, 1829, and Thomas Davies of Cerrig-gwynion, parish of Llanarth, Cardiganshire, 1832, for relief as a result of the destruction of their properties by fire; an address, 1829, by H. Leach, Milford, to the Freeholders of the County of Pembroke, deploring the lack of tolerance shown by opponents of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill (together with a draft Welsh translation in the hand of John Davies ('Siôn Gymro') for publication in Y Dysgedydd); a prospectus of a school to be opened at St. Asaph by [the Reverend] Jonah Lloyd, 1826; a prospectus of the first number of Y Diwygiwr, 1 August, 1835; an appeal on behalf of the Welsh Independent Chapel,Manchester, 1829; an undated paper on 'Gweddio ar Eistedd' read by John Davies ('Siôn Gymro') at the Pembrokeshire Congregational Quarterly Meeting; hymns sung at the anniversary of Ivor Chapel Sabbath School [Dowlais], 1870; an undated biography of the Reverend John Griffiths (died 1811), Glandwr, by John Davies ('Siôn Gymro'), read at the centenary services of Pen-y-groes Congregational Church [1865]; a circular letter, 1880, in the name of M. D. Jones, Bala, announcing the death and burial of the Reverend R[obert] Thomas ('Ap Vychan'); in memoriam cards, 1870-1872; Regulations of University and King's College, Aberdeen, in granting degrees in Medicine, 1840, with a covering letter, 1842, from William Gregory to John Davies ('Siôn Gymro '); A Brief View of the Operations and Principles of Temperance Societies, published by the British and Foreign Temperance Society, 1834, and addressed to 'Revd. Mr. Davies, Glandore'; an issue of Band of Hope Review, April 1853; a proof sheet of a list of students of the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen, 1818-1869, with annotations in the hand of Principal W. J. Evans; press cuttings (Rhyl National Eisteddfod, 1892, portraits and photographs of ministers of religion, eminent personages, and of church buildings, a letter by Daniel Davies, Bethesda, Swansea, 1848, relating to the removal of the Normal College for Wales to Swansea and to the voluntary principle in education, poetry by 'Clwydwenfro' and 'S[iôn] Llethi', a sermon by J[ohn] D[avies] ('Siôn Gymro'), 1874, etc.); a map of the Roman Empire drawn by John Griffiths Davies, son of 'Siôn Gymro', and given by him to 'Clwydwenfro' before his apprenticeship to a draper at Narberth; a composite photograph of seventy Congregational ministers, together with a printed key ('Enwau y deg a thrugain'); and water-colour drawings by Lily James and Rose James, 1896.

James, J. Lloyd, 1835-1919

Amryw gerddi,

A miscellaneous collection of poetry including an incomplete 'pryddest' on the story of Kulhwch and Olwen written on the backs of sheets of a Birkenhead list of voters, 1876; a carol by D[avid] Lewis ('Ap Ceredigion'); a poem entitled 'Sion fy Nhaid' and a hymn by Henry Rowlands ('Henri Myllin'); a poem entitled 'Trefaldwyn' by J. R. Williams ('Tryfanwy'); poems entitled 'Gwlaw Sdiniog' and 'Cyfrinach y Tannau' by Robert Roberts ('Isallt'); an elegy on the death of Evan E. Owen, Assheton House, Ebenezer, 1883; a fragment of a song entitled 'Priodas yr Oen'; 'englynion' on Pont y Benglog taken from Tywysog Cymru, 15 Tach. 1832; English poems entitled 'The Burial of Abel', 'America', and 'Go Forward'; and selections from the writings of Rhys J. Huws written on the back of circulars relating to his Testimonial Fund, 1917.


Miscellaneous material including notes on legends associated with 'Llyn Barfog' and 'Llyn tri Graienyn' in Merioneth [in the hand of E. G. B. Phillimore]; 'Cân croesawiad i Edmund Buckley, esq., ar ei ddyfodiad iw oed, Mai 7ed 1882. Buddugol yn Eisteddfod Llanymawddwy Mehefin 7ed 1882' by L. Jones, Bwlch; an elegy entitled 'Dyhuddiant. Cyflwynedig i'r Parch. D. Silvan Evans, ar Farwolaeth ei anwyl Fab, Dr Tegid Aneurin Evans, Fflint. Gan J. Callestr Ellis, 23 Coleshill Terrace, Flint. Ebrill 25ain 1887'; and verses entitled 'The Bunking of Alfred Hebden and Andrew Lang'.


A composite volume, the contents including: pp. 1-2, an English prose rendering of a 'cywydd' by Tudur Aled requesting a horse from the Abbot of Aber Conwy, the first line of the original being 'Gydag un a geidw Gwynedd . . .'; p. 3, 'Names of the Horse', a list of equivalents in several languages; pp. 3-15, 'Extracts from the historical triads of Britain' followed by several quotations and extracts relating to the horse; p. 17, a formal acknowledgement, 1794, from T. W. Wrighte, secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, of the second part of William Owen [-Pughe]'s dictionary; pp. 19-44, an English translation of the beginning of Llyfr y Tri Aderyn . . . by Morgan Llwyd (for an edition of the Welsh text see Thomas E. Ellis (ed.), Gweithiau Morgan Llwyd o Wynedd, vol. 1, (Bangor, 1899), pp. 157-89); p. 45, eleven verses beginning 'Mi glowais newydd digri . . .', and an 'englyn' beginning 'Dannod lliw'r manod ai Mîn, dannod Twyll . . .'; p. 47, a list of words headed 'New Holland Language'; pp. 49-86, vocabularies, notes on languages, etc.; pp. 87-110, a Cornish-English vocabulary (A-C), headed 'from a Mss at Mr Halsells wrote about 1710' ('30 years ago' deleted), as well as Cornish versions of the Lord's Prayer; pp. 111-18, a Welsh-English vocabulary; pp. 125-56, 'Egwyddor y Prif Gristnogion Neu reol y Bywyd wedi ei adnewyddu Gyda dull o wir dduwioldeb A'r modd i brofi ein buchedd yn gyfatebol', based on Hugh Turford, Sylfaen Buchedd sanctaidd . . . (Caerfyrddin, 1773), tt. 55-103; pp. 159-68, 'Awdyl voliant i Rys ab Gruffydd ap Howel ap Gruffydd ap Ednyfed Vychan o Von', by Einion Ofeiriad [sic] dated 1280, in the hand of Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', beginning 'Rhys ap Gruffudd fudd feiddiaw rhoddiawdr rhyssedd . . .'; pp. 179-87, a holograph copy sent to Mr. Thomas Roberts, Goldsmith, of an elegy entitled 'Awdl . . . goffadwriaeth am . . . Goronwy Owain sef Testyn y Gwyneddigion . . . 1803' by 'Eliwlod' [= David Owen, 'Dewi Wyn o Eifion'] (cf. Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion, Awdlau Coffadwriaeth am y Parchedig Goronwy Owain . . . 1803 (Llundain, [1803]), tt. [9]-18); pp. 191-3, printed proposals, 1789, for printing A Welsh and English Dictionary . . . by William Owen; pp. 195-6, five stanzas entitled 'Peace' beginning 'The Song of Peace who would not gladly sing . . .'; p. 197, a broadside containing an elegy by Dafydd Ionawr [David Richards], Marwnad y Seneddwr Enwog, Thomas Williams o Fon Esquire (Dolgellau: T. Williams, 1803); p. 199, a printed notice of an eisteddfod to be held at Caerwys, Whitsuntide 1798, under the auspices of the Gwyneddigion Society; and pp. 202-47, a draft introduction by William Owen [-Pughe] to his dictionary, most of which is crossed out, together with miscellaneous linguistic material.

Awen Dafydd

A volume containing 'Awen Dafydd', being holograph poetry in strict and free metres by David Evans ('Dewi Glan Llugwy'). The titles include 'Dyffryn Conwy', 'Chwe Phenill i Dalhaiarn', 'Diwygiad 1859', 'Englynion Ar farwolaeth Mr. Lewis Thomas Cyfferiwr Llanrwst bu farw y 9fed dydd o Ebrill 1835 yn 60 mlwydd oed ... mab ydoedd i'r diweddar Fardd Mr. John Thomas o Pentre'r Foelas', 'Anerchiad i Gymdeithas Gymraegyddol Llansantffraid Glan Conwy', 'Englynion i Bont Llanrwst', 'Englynion Ar farwolaeth fy Nain Mrs. Mary Evans o Drawsfynydd bu farw Ion 5 dydd 1838 yn 103 oed!!!', 'Englynion a wnaeth yr awdwr ar ddymuniad Cyfaill iddo yr hwn oedd yn aelod o Gymdeithas y Cleifion yn Machynlleth ... 1850', 'Robert ab Gwilym Ddu a Dewi Wyn o Eifion', 'Englyn i Bwlch y Groes', 'Dau Englyn I Thomas Oldfield Yswain Eryr Moelfre Llywydd Eisteddfod Llanfairtalhaiarn', 'Englynion i Llyn Tegid', 'Dau Benill ... i Robert Owen ('Eos Crwst') ...', 'Marwnad Er parchus goffadwriaeth am y Parch. Lewis Roberts Gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn Llanrwst bu farw Awst 1861 yn 43 oed', 'Marwnad Er Coffadwriaeth parchus am Mrs. Margaret Roberts ... Llanrwst yr hon a fu farw ar enedigaeth un bychan Rhagfyr 19 1857 yn 31 oed ...', 'Chwe Englyn I Hugh Hughes Ysw Tyn twll ger Llanrwst am y daioni a wnaeth i Lanrwst ai chymydogaethau trwy ei anturiaethau mewn gweithfaoedd ...', 'Yr Herald Cymraeg ar Arweinydd', 'Y Brython', 'Y Sylwedydd', 'Y diweddar Edward Jones Maes y Plwm', 'Thomas Edwards ('Twm y Nant')', 'Dau Englyn I Mr. Samuel Davies Oriadurwr ... Llanrwst', 'Dau Englyn ar rhagoroldeb Tobacco Meistri W. Williams a'i fab Caerlleon', 'Chwe Englyn I Mrs. Oakeley Tan y Bwlch', 'Penill I olygydd yr Hyfforddwr', 'I'w roddi ar fedd y Parch. Evan Evans ('Ieuan Glan Geirionydd')', 'I Ddrws Ardudwy', 'Recabiaid Llanrwst', 'I Rhuadr Parc Mawr ger Llanrwst', 'Golygfa o Ben Bryn Saith', 'Pedwar Englyn Ar farwolaeth ... David Owen Ysw (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) ...', 'Pedwar Englyn Er Cof am Mr. Robert Davies Nantglyn', 'Afon Dyfrdwy', 'Anerchiad i Diliau Meirion sef llyfr barddonol Meirig Ebrill', 'Anerchiad i Pedr Jones ('Pedr Ddu'), Saer a Bardd Llanrwst', 'Ateb i Anerch Dewi Fardd' (by Pedr Ddu), 'Anerchiad i Meirionydd ar ol yr Etholiad', 'Ar farwolaeth Llithrig Arfon', 'Pan glywais am farwolaeth Pyll', 'I'r Organ sydd yn Eglwys Llanrwst', 'I Dewi Arfon', 'I Joseph Roberts ('Llew Coch')', 'I Mr. W. Hughes (Cowlyd) Meddyg', 'Molawd Dyffryn Llanrwst', 'Penillion a wnaethum ar Lan Llyn Geirionydd Mawrth 15 1855', 'Harlech a'i Thrigolion', 'Deg o Englynion i J. Lloyd Davies yswain Blaendyffryn sir Aberteifi ... 1857 ..., etc., etc. Some of the poems, transcribed under a pseudonym, were submitted for competition at local eisteddfodau. There are a few 'englynion' by Robert Owen ('Einion'), Denbigh, [John Jones] ('Pyll Glan Conwy'), and [Owen Roberts] ('Owain Aran'). The manuscript also includes memoranda correspondence, 1863-5, between David Evans, William Morris ('Gwilym Tawe'), secretary of Swansea [National] Eisteddfod (1863), [Morris Williams] ('Nicander'), and John Griffiths, rector of Neath, relating to the inability of David Evans to recover a 'Casgliad ... o Draddodiadau Gwirebau a Diarhebion Cymreig' submitted for competition at the Swansea Eisteddfod; and a catechism or play entitled 'Gwyddorydd neu Holwyddoreg Anudonaidd. A holwyd ac a Attebwyd yn ysgoldy Gonestrwydd Ar ol Alban Hefin'. Inset are a photograph of David Evans and his memorial card, 1883 (died 4 August, buried 8 August).

Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym, etc.

A volume of transcripts of poetry by Dafydd ap Gwilym, together with a few 'englynion' and 'cywyddau' by Wm Morris, G[ruffudd] Grug, Dafydd ap Edmund, Rhys Gôch Glan Ceiriog, Dafydd Nanmor, Iolo Goch, R[obin] Ddu, and some anonymous 'englynion'. The transcripts are taken from UCNW Bangor MS 6. A note by Mary Richards, Darowen on p. 1 ascribes the volume to John William[s], musician ('Cyfansoddwr Tona'), Dolgelley, probably John Williams ('Ioan Rhagfyr') (see Thomas Parry (gol.): Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym (Caerdydd, 1952) pp. c1xviii-clxix). At the end of the volume is a table entitled 'Rhannau Monwent Dar-Owen megis y dosparthwyd ag y cyweiriwyd hwynt ar eiriol David Davies vicar yno, gan ddechrau, o barth dwyrain Ty'r Vicar ag felly diwygio oddi amgylch Mai yr 28 1636' (' ... carefully transcribed out of the original by me Lewis Jones Vicar of Darowen' - a Chopiwyd genyf inneu or Terrier Darowen. M. R. Dar[owen]'). Tipped into the volume are a bond, 14 February 1690/1, from David Jones of Cowarch, Merionethshire, gent. to John Thomas Rees of the same, yeoman for the observance of covenants, and a poem in free metre entitled 'Myfyrdod y Parchedig Mr [Roderick] Lewis Periglor Llanbrynmair Uwchben Bedd ei ddiweddar Wraig', 1829. Among a number of items laid on the inside lower cover is Ychydig o gynghorion buddiol i Bobl Ieuainc, Wrth fyned i wasanaeth (Treffynnon, n.d.).

Barddoniaeth 'Dewi Wyn O Eifion', etc.

Poetical compositions by David Owen ('Dewi Wyn o Eifion'), including 'Cywydd am Fawredd [Jeh[ofa], 'Cywydd Cenfigen a chelwy[dd]', 'Englynion i Robert Davis o Nantglyn', 'Englyn i'r Llyfr A gasglwyd gan yr Unrhyw Robert Dav[ ]', 'Dau Benill ir unrhyw', 'Yr unrhyw Lyfr a Elwid Cnewyllyn Mewn gwisg I ba un y Canwyd fel y Canlyn', '[C]arol plygain yn dangos (?)C[rist yn] D[d]uw ag yn ddyn ...', 'Cerdd yn datgan rhan o gyffes pechadur ...], 'Carol plygain yn dangos mawr gariad crist Tu ag at Ddynion ...', 'Englyn i Dduw', 'Cywydd y Farn', 'Cerdd a gymerwyd allan o'r II Corinth pen V adn 10 ...', ['Awdl ar ryfeddol allu Duw'], 'Englyn i roi ar fedd ...', 'Dau englyn ynghylch Elfan y Bardd', 'Hymn ... yn dangos crist y Siampl i Ddyn', 'Hymn ... yn Dangos bodlondeb y Duwiol', 'Cerdd yn Annog i beidio a phechu ag i Droi yn ol At ras', 'Englyn I'r Iesu', 'Carol plygain yn dangos crist yn Trechu r Llygredd ...', 'Awdl ynghylch ysbrydol gariad', 'Englyn i ofyn maidd', 'Englynion mewn Perthynas i dd[ioddefaint] Ein Iachawdwr', and verses 'Tros Wilym Huw ... 1803'; verses entitled 'Midnight Thoughts' by D. W.; three holograph letters from D. Owen, Pwllhely and Gaerwen, one to John Thomas ['Siôn Wyn o Eifion'], Chwilog (an eisteddfod to be held at Tref Madoc, 20 September 1811), and two to Ebenezer Thomas, ['Eben Fardd'], Schoolmaster, Llanarmon, undated (D. Williams has indicated to John Nichols that he does not mean to finish the translation); holograph lines beginning 'Ow mrawd bach mawr yw dy boen ...' (cf. Cywydd y Bardd i'w anwyl frawd); englynion by [Hugh Evans] 'Hywel Eryri', composed after the death of 'Dewi Wyn o Eifion'; part of a letter from Morris Williams ('Nicander') to Ebenezer Thomas ('Eben Fardd') [13 October 1858]; press-cuttings relating to 'Dewi Wyn'; transcripts by John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd') of some of the foregoing compositions by 'Dewi Wyn' and of some from other sources; and a number of loose items, including a holograph letter from D. Owen ['Dewi Wyn o Eifion'], Gaerwen to the Reverend Thomas Parry, Bangor, 1839, together with a transcript (cf. Cwrtmawr MS 412), a letter from Ellis Anwyl Owen to John Thomas ['Siôn Wyn o Eifion'], Chwilog, 1841 (the date of baptism of David Owen ('Dewi Wyn'), and a request to the addressee with regard to the date of death of '- Parry Bach Solicitor'), a copy of Yr Araith Satanaidd ar Eglwysi Sefydledig a Degymau (Caernarfon: Josiah Thomas Jones, 1835), and a translation into Welsh by R. Ivor Parry of the will of David Owen ['Dewi Wyn o Eifion'], 13 June 1837.

Barddoniaeth goffa i 'Erfyl',

  • NLW MS 9037A
  • Ffeil
  • 1858.

An elegy ('Galareb') on the death of Hugh Jones ('Erfyl') on 25 May 1858, by 'Cyfaill Galarus', together with appropriate tombstone inscriptions submitted to John Owen ('Owain Alaw'), including the 'englyn' by W. Lloyd, solicitor, Ruthin, which appeared on 'Erfyl's tombstone at Llanerfyl.

Barddoniaeth 'Ieuan Glan Geirionydd',

A volume containing holograph poetry by Evan Evans ('Ieuan Glan Geirionydd') written about 1820 and sent for correction to a mentor bearing the initials 'G. W.' [Griffith Williams ('Gutyn Peris')], who has made his amendments and critical remarks in pencil. The titles are 'Awdl ... er Coffadwriaeth am y Diweddar ... Charlotte Augusta, Merch Tywysog Cymru ... ', 'Awdl ... yn goffadwriaeth am Y Parchedig Thomas Charles B.A. o'r Bala ... ', and '[Cywydd] y Bedd'. W. J. Roberts ('G[wilym] Cowlyd') has testified (p. 46) that the contents are in the 'undoubted handwriting of 'Ieuan Glan Geirionydd''.

Barddoniaeth Ieuan Myfyr Uwch Celli,

A volume containing copies (?for publication) of two compositions in strict metres by Evan David ('Ieuan Myfyr Uwch Celli'), Gwernytaraw, Llangrallo, Glamorgan, being an 'awdl' entitled 'Cwymp Goliath Gawr yn yr ornest a fu rhyngddo a Dafydd mab Iesse, wedi hyny, Dafydd Brenin Israel', which was awarded the first prize at Merthyr [Tudful] Eisteddfod, 1825 (printed in Awenyddion Morganwg (Merthyr Tudful [1826]), and 'Marwnad o Goffadwriaeth am y diweddar Fardd Mr William Moses neu Gwilym Tew o Lan Taf, yr hwn a fu farw ar y 30ed o Dachwedd 1824, yn 82 oed', which was adjudged the second best at the same eisteddfod.


A composite volume containing poetical compositions by Hugh Evans ('Hugh Eryri') [or 'Hywel Eryri': cf. Cwrt-mawr MS 466B], some dated 1826-8 (26 pp., repaired, incomplete); transcripts in various hands of poetry by [Thomas Williams] 'Twm Pedrog' (torn) and of a cywydd by Dafydd Nanmor; 'Duhuddiant i Eben Fardd a'i deulu ar farwolaeth ei eneth ieuangaf - Elizabeth, Medi - 1858' by [Robert Hughes] 'Robyn Wyn' (?holograph); transcripts of poetical compositions by [Evan Pritchard] 'Ieuan Llyn' or 'Ieuan ap Rhisiart'; part of an exercise-book bearing the names of R. Prys Morris, Dolgelley and Myrddin Fardd, Chwilog; and fragments including pedigrees of Bod Ilan (Llanvihangel y Pennant), Y Plas yngheiswyn (Talyllyn), Ynys y Maengwyn ynhowyn Meirionydd and Pughe of Mathafarn, taken from Lewis Dwnn.


A volume containing 'englynion' and other poems mainly by Robert Davies ('Bardd Nantglyn'). Pages 1-60 are almost entirely in the hand of Robert Davies while the remainder of the volume is in that of William Owen [-Pughe]. In addition to the works of Robert Davies, some of which were published in his Diliau Barddas (Dinbych, 1827), the following poets are represented in the volume: W.O. [?William Owen-Pughe] (pp. 2-3), R. B. Clough (p. 86), W. Lleyn (p. 102), and ?Gwallter Mechain, [Walter Davies] (p. 125). Apart from 'englynion' the compositions of Robert Davies include: p. 23, a hymn beginning: 'Anturiaf Arglwydd yr awr hon . . .'; p. 24, 'Cyfieithiad o Emyn Martyn Luther', beginning 'Duw mawr! beth wyf yn weled draw? . . .'; pp. 27-31, 'Marwnad . . . Morys Roberts, Mab Mr. Thos. Roberts, Gynt o Lwynrhydol, yn Swydd Gaernarfon. 1811', beginning 'Och angeu! llywiawdwr llawdrwm . . .'; p. 35, 'Myfyrdod ar y Salm CXLI', beginning 'O brysia Arglwydd clyw fy lief . . .'; p. 39, 'Deuwch attaf fi bawb', beginning 'Clywch eneidiau blin crwydredig . . .'; p. 42, 'Gweddi'r Arglwydd', beginning 'Ein Tad, yr hwn wyt yn y nef . . .'; p. 45, 'Pedwar Tymhor y flwyddyn', beginning 'Tymhor hyfryd ydyw'r Gwanwyn - wrth drefn y rhod . . .'; and pp. 49-55, 'Cywydd coffa hen Ddefodau y Cymry &c Testyn y Gwyneddigion i Eisteddfod Gwent 1822', beginning 'Rhad anian, rho di ynof . . .'.

'Bardd Nantglyn' and William Owen-Pughe.


Transcripts by Owen M. Edwards and another of 'cywyddau' by John Cent, John Vaughan o Gairgai, William Phylip, William Wynn, Rowland Hugh, Thomas Prys, and Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (Dafydd Llwyd, Mathafarn); and 'englynion' and an elegy by Thomas Edwards ('Dochan Fardd').

O. M. Edwards and others.


Mounted press cuttings of poetry in strict and free metres by R. Elias ('Meillionog'), together with marginal emendations and additions in the author's hand. Among the titles are 'Iaith fy Nghalon. Ar ol fy nwy Eneth, sef Morfudd Elias, yr hon a fu farw Ionawr y 25ain, 1876, yn 17 mis oed, a Mary Lizzie Elias, yr hon a fu farw Chwefror y 6ed, yr un flwyddyn, yn 2 flwydd a 9 mis oed'; 'Can o Glod i'r Parch. D. Davies, Gweinidog y Ddinas. Buddugol yn nghyfarfod cystadleuol y Ddinas, Tachwedd yr 11eg, 1871'; and 'Penillion o Glod i John Thomas, stonecutter, &c., Treforis. Buddugol yn Nghwmrhydyceirw, Ebrill 24, 1886'.



A bundle of notebooks containing poetry mainly by Owen Lloyd which Sir Owen M. Edwards received from T. C. Jones ('Alonydd'), Liverpool. They contain miscellaneous 'englynion'; 'Rhiangerdd' composed for the Cemaes, Anglesey, Eisteddfod, 1870; 'pryddest: Crefydd, sef testyn cadair Eisteddfod Gadeiriol Eryri, 1879'; an elegy upon the death of Thomas Aubrey by Owen Lloyd; 'Pryddest: Marwolaeth Samson', 1872 'Pryddest: Rhyfeloedd y Groes'; verses: 'Melys yw hun y gweithiwr', 1872; 'Pryddest: Y Beibl'; 'awdl: Ffrwyth myfyrdod ar wlad Canan'; and a fragment of a poem entitled 'Elias ar ben Carmel'.

Owen Lloyd.

Barddoniaeth, etc.

A volume written in the same hand and in the same format as Cwrtmawr MS 196. It contains a list of book titles and prices (2 pp.); and poetry, with some annotations, by [William Williams] 'Caledfryn', Dafydd Thomas ('Dafydd Ddu Eryri'), John Jones (Glan-y-gors), 'H. Dyfed', [John Price] 'Ioan Machno', 'Llewelyn Gwynedd' (Treffynnon), [Thomas Essile Davies] 'Dewi Wyn o Essyllt', [Robert Williams] 'R[obert] ap Gwilym Ddu', [John Evans] 'Ioan Tachwedd', [David Williams] 'Dewi ab Robert', Robert Davies (Llanwyddelan), John Roberts ('Ioan Lleyn'), 'Cymro Ieuanc (Cendl), [? John Williams] 'Ioan Madawg', 'H. Gethin' [Evan Jones] 'I[euan] Ionawr', J. J. (Rhyl), E[llis] Owen (Cefnymeusydd), Richard Pugh, [John Davies] 'Einion Ddu' (Tregeiriog), E. Richardson (Conwy), Ebenezer Morris, John Parry (Llanelian), Ellin Catherine Williams (Bangor), [James Hughes] 'Iago Trichrug', John Cadwalader, [Joseph Griffiths] 'Philomath' (Wyddgrug), T. F. Ll. (Rhos), 'T. Bangor', G. M. (Drefyn), 'Cryg Cellt', W. Jones (Bala), 'Dafydd y Glowr Du' (Glan Rhondda), Parch. Robert Roberts (Rhosllanerchrugog), 'Harri ab Ieuan' (Llundain), [Ellen Evans] 'Elen Egryn', W[illiam] W[illiams] (Pantycelyn), Joseph Harris ['Gomer'], [Evan Evans] 'Ieuan Glan Geirionydd', 'Nona', John William (Tre Sior), 'Owen Glyn-y-Dwr', Edward Jones (Maes-y-plwm), Ann Griffiths, 'Alltud', Robert Thomas (Llidiardeu), J[ohn] Phillips ('Tegidon'), 'Barddonfab' (Ysbytty Ifan), [John Emlyn Jones] 'Ioan Emlyn', T[homas] J[ones] ['Taliesin o Eifion'] (Llangollen), [Robert Williams] 'Trebor Mai' (Llanrwst), [Richard Roberts] 'Bardd Treflys', 'Yr hen Fryn Moel' (Dolwyddelen), W. J. Roberts 'Caersallwg', John Jones ('Ieuan Glan Clidro'), [Richard Foulkes Edwards] 'Risiart Ddu o Wynedd', [William Ellis Jones] 'Cawrdaf', W. Harries (Aberystwyth), 'Gwynfardd Hiraethlyn', 'Ab Nudd', etc., and anonymous poems. Among the titles are 'Ar Farwolaeth y Parch. John Jones (Ioan Tegid) ... ', 'Priodas Hwfa Môn a Mrs Evans (A.D. 1853)', 'Ar farwolaeth Mary Ann, merch Mr W. Edwards, Beaufort Inn, Cendl' (1853), 'Dychweliad Cenhadau Madagascar' (1853), 'Beddargraff [John Roberts] Ioan Twrog' (1853), 'Emyn Jubili y Fibl Gymdeithas, 1853', 'Coffadwriaeth am Mr Daniel Rowlands', 'Englynion i Bont a Hall Llanrwst', 'Ar Briodas Mr John Pugh [Bardd Odyn' a Miss Cath. Jones, Dolgellau' (1855), 'Deigryn ar ôl John Rhys, Pendarren' (1855), 'Coffadwriaeth Mr Robert Ellis, Ty Mawr, Cwmpenaner ... 1853', 'Ar Farwolaeth Miss Frances Simon, Gellifor, ger Rhuthyn ... 1854', 'Robert Owen, Barcer, Llanrwst, a fu farw ... 1852', 'Y Pennillion a ganwyd wrth Fedd Mr Moses Parry, Dinbych ... 1855' and 'On the Grave-Stone of the Rev. Thomas Hughes, Wesleyan Minister at Llanrwst ... 1846'. Much of the poetry appears to be dated within the period 1852-5, and a few items have been extracted from printed sources.

Bidding account; poetry,

A notebook containing the bidding account of John Davies, 'Account of what we received 22 Decr 1807 being our Wedding Day at The 3 Compassess' (ff. 1-6); an incomplete copy of his elegy Marwnad ar Farwolaeth Owen Rees o Gaerfyrddin ... yn 68 Oed (Caerfyrddin, 1808) (inverted text ff. 8 verso-11 verso); and sermon notes.

John Davies.

Blwch Manion,

A miscellany entitled 'Blwch Manion', largely of the period 1855-9, in the hand of Enoch Williams ('Llithrig Arfon'), tailor, Llanrwst. It contains strict- and free-metre poetry by the scribe and others; a copy of part of a letter from the scribe's brother, W. E. Williams, Trenton, New Jersey, to his uncle Richard Jones [Capel Curig], [18]56 (the writer's reminiscences of Capel Curig, the writer's church membership); the scribe's wages accounts and tailoring measurements; memoranda relating to eisteddfodau; an essay on 'Manteision Gwybodaeth'; an extensive collection of Welsh proverbs; etc. The titles of the poems include 'Englyn i Glogwyn yr Ogo. ger Llanrwst', 'Llinellau Ar farwolaeth Miss Margaret Jones, merch Mr R. Jones, Tuhwnt-i'r-Bont, Llanrwst. Bu farw Hytraf [sic] 31 1853', 'Englyn i Mari fy ngwraig', 'Englyn o anerchiad i aelodau y gymdaethas [sic] lenyddol yn Llanrwst', 'Englynion beddargraff....' (to Llewelyn Samuel, Bethesda, William David, Siop y Garreg, Dinas [Glamorgan], William Jones, Pen Rallt, Betws-[y-coed], Hugh Jones, Pen Rallt, and John Jones, 'diweddar Ddeiacon Bettws y Coed'), 'Englyn i Miss Elinor Roberts, merch Mr David Roberts, Tan y Ffordd, Llanbedr ...', 'John Mills ['Ieuan Glan Alarch']', etc.


A selection of popular lyrics and recitation pieces taken from the works of Thomas Edwards ('Twm o'r Nant'), Robert Davies, Nantglyn, and John Jones ('Talhaiarn'), with original poems, elegies and 'englynion' by the compiler, John Lewis, 1858-1866.

Coffadwriaeth Thomas Beynon,

(I). Verses entitled 'Coffadwriaeth Y Parch. Archddiacon [Thomas] Beynon' by 'Galaethfardd Gwawdrydd', ie Thomas Lloyd Jones ('Gwenffrwd'), Mobile, Alabama, USA, late of Holywell, Flintshire, and 'Verses' by the Reverend Daniel Evans ('Daniel Ddu o Geredigion'), Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, composed after having read the poem by 'Galaethfardd Gwawdrydd'. The volume is in the hand of Dd Morgan, Penrhyn Deudraeth and is said to have been transcribed on 16 March 1871, and recopied on 5 December 1879, from Awenyddion Gwent a Dyfed: sef y Cyfansoddiadau Barddoniaidd a ennillasant Dlysau, a Gwobrau eraill yn Eisteddfod Caerdydd ... ar yr 20fed, 21ain, a'r 22ain o Awst 1834. (Ii). Y Dref Amddifad. Y Cerddi Arwrawl a anfonwyd i'r Parch. Archddiacon Beynon erbyn Eisteddfod Cymreigyddion Caerfyrddin, Gwyl Dewi Sant 1829, (Caerfyrddin). Printed.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 49