Education -- Wales



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Termau hierarchaidd

Education -- Wales

Termau cyfwerth

Education -- Wales

Termau cysylltiedig

Education -- Wales

56 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Education -- Wales

56 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Welsh Grand Committee

The file consists of the Parliamentary Debates of sittings of the Welsh Grand Committee and other official publications, discussing education, rural development, roads and communications, agriculture, proposals for local government re-organisation, the Welsh economy and the Welsh Council.

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Welsh Grand Committee.

Towyn British School

A summary of attendance and payments at Towyn British School, 1862-1899.

Towyn British School (Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales)


A scrap-book inferentially compiled by John Lloyd Jones ('Clwydwenfro'; 1835-1919) containing press cuttings and a few manuscript items. Some of the cuttings are dated within the 1850s-1870s and among the more interesting titles are 'Hynodion Cwm Rhondda .... Testyn Cystadleuol Eisteddfod y Porth, Nadolig, 1861'; 'Collegiate and University Education in Wales'; 'Llythyr oddiwrth y Parch. Morris Phillips, Cenhadwr i India'; 'Teyrnged i Goffadwriaeth Ioan Pedr'; 'Beirniadaeth ar Gyfansoddiadau Barddonol Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberdar, Awst 1861'; 'Llangollen Great National Eisteddfod' [1858]; 'Y Ffrwydriad yn Abercarn'; 'Sketches of Cardiff Preachers'; etc. The manuscript material comprises a tale entitled 'The Bride of Santa Croce', 19 November 1856, described in an annotation by J. Ll. James as 'the composition of the late John Griffith Davies (son of the Rev. J. Davies ['Siôn Gymro'], Glandwr, Pembrokeshire) who wrote it and sent it to John Lloyd James, then a student at Carmarthen College, that he might fill up the outline', and verses entitled 'Y Messiah', etc. addressed to John Ll. James, Berllandawel, Llanglwydwen and annotated in the latter's hand 'J. G. Davies, Yetwen, pan yn Narberth', etc. The outer upper cover is inscribed, in the hand of J. H. Davies, 'Articles and poetry from Cyfaill y Werin and other papers'.

Royal Cambrian and Llandrindod Wells Residential School for the Deaf

  • GB 0210 ROYLWS
  • Fonds
  • 1950-2016

Records of the School, 1950-1975, and of TG Richards, Headmaster 1965-1973. The records comprise a school log book, 1950-1969; a pupils' leaving book, 1957-1968; newspaper cuttings, [1965x1975]; notes compiled by the donor about his father, TG Richards, [2016]; photocopy of a short history of the School, written in 1967; and a CD containing scenes of school events and activities, compiled from 8mm cine film taken by TG Richards in the 1960s.

Royal Cambrian and Llandrindod Wells Residential School for the Deaf

Report on Welsh Intermediate Schools

A draft manuscript report prepared by O. M. Edwards on intermediate schools in Wales, discussing the provision of intermediate schools; further education; the inspection of the intermediate schools; the development of the Central Welsh Board; the differentiation of school curricula; the teaching of English, Welsh history and geography; the education of future teachers; and the responsibility for progress.

Political campaigns

Comprises mainly press cuttings, together with a small quantity of printed items and correspondence, 1969-1995, relating to a large number of political campaigns in which Councillor Ray Davies has been involved. These include the campaign for a new Welsh Language Act and for enhanced Welsh medium education, the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa (over which Councillor Davies went on hunger strike in 1991), CND Wales and the Caerwent Peace Camp, the Gulf War, the campaign against corporal punishment in Mid-Glamorgan schools, Ireland, public spending cuts and the withdrawal of the Labour whip from Councillor Davies in 1981-1982 as a result of his protests against the cuts. There are also further papers deriving from more minor political campaigns in the Bedwas-Machen area. The correspondents include Robert Griffiths, 1981, Hubert Morgan (3), 1980-1981, Toni Schiavone, 1987, Dennis Skinner MP, 1982, and Angharad Tomos (3), 1986-1987.

Griffiths, Robert

Papers relating to the Central Welsh Board.

  • NLW ex 2304
  • Ffeil
  • 1911-1930

Papers, 1914-1930, relating to the establishment of the Central Welsh Board, including reports, minutes, letters and auditor's reports.

Pamphlets on the Welsh language

The file comprises a publication entitled "The place of Welsh and English in the Schools of Wales; Summary Report by the Central Advisory Council for Education (Wales) = Lle'r Gymraeg a'r Saesneg yn Ysgolion Cymru: Crynodeb o Adroddiad y Cyngor Canol ar Addysg (Cymru), 1953 and a programme for a conference entitled "Y Gymraeg Cyfrwng y Dyfodol" held at the University College of North Wales, Bangor in 1985.

University College of North Wales

O.M. Edwards: letters to his wife Ellen Edwards

The series comprises personal letters written from Oxford, Cardiff, London and other places discussing his career and professional activities, as well as illuminating the complex relationship, full of tensions and problems, between husband and wife. The letters also refer to many members of the family and to a host of prominent contemporary figures, amongst them Sir Edward Anwyl, Thomas Edward Ellis, Sir John Morris-Jones, Sir John Rhys and Daniel Lleufer Thomas. There are many references to Llanuwchllyn and Penllyn more generally and to O. M. Edwards's wide-ranging services to Wales, including his editorship of a number of journals and his work as Chief Inspector of Schools in Wales after 1907.

Edwards, Elin, Lady, 1868-1919

O. M. Edwards,

Most of the letters, 1892-1916, are devoted to the writer's researches, writings and editing of Wales, Y Llenor, Heddyw and Cymru for which he solicits contributions from the pen of J. H. Davies. Several letters refer to the death of Thomas Edward Ellis in April 1899, the preparation of his biography and the erection of a memorial statue at Bala. Others relate to J. H. Davies's application for the position of Registrar of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and some to Edwards's duties as Chief Inspector of Schools in Wales.

Edwards, Owen M. (Owen Morgan), 1858-1920

Notes on Welsh grammar

Notes on Welsh grammar, idioms, loan words and dialect words, the teaching of Welsh in schools, etc. by David Samuel, D. Tecwyn Evans, Sir John Morris-Jones, T. Gwynn Jones, Sir John Rhys, etc.

Notes on Welsh grammar

Notes on Welsh grammar, idioms, loan words and dialect words, the teaching of Welsh in schools, etc. by David Samuel, D. Tecwyn Evans, Sir John Morris-Jones, T. Gwynn Jones, Sir John Rhys, etc.

Notes on Welsh grammar

Notes on Welsh grammar, idioms, loan words and dialect words, the teaching of Welsh in schools, etc. by David Samuel, D. Tecwyn Evans, Sir John Morris-Jones, T. Gwynn Jones, Sir John Rhys, etc.

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