


Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd


Termau cyfwerth


Termau cysylltiedig


24 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Ceredigion

24 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Dolwilym estate maps

A volume originally containing fifteen indexed manuscript maps, with acreages, of the Dolwilym estate in the parishes of Llanglydwen, Llandysilo, Llan-gain and Llanboidy, Carmarthenshire, and Narberth, Pembrokeshire, surveyed by Alfred Thomas, 1816-1834. The estate belonged to E. G. Protheroe before it was acquired through marriage by the Beynon family. Three maps of farms in the parishes of Llangoedmor, Cardiganshire, have been cut out (between ff. 30 and 31) and a map and acreages of Glyn-taf farm, Llanboidy, 'surveyed by R. Jones 1795, corrections made up to 1840' have been added (ff. 37-9).

D. T. M. Jones (Solicitors) Records,

  • GB 0210 DTMNES
  • Fonds
  • 1544-[?1940] (predominantly 1775-1933) (accumulated 1775-[?1940]) /

Records from the office of D. T. M Jones & Co., solicitors, 1775-[?1940], including office correspondence, 1775-1840, of Edward Jones senior, 1775-1820, Edward Jones junior, [c. 1790]-1840, Thomas Lewis, 1793-1800, John Jones, 1805-1852 (predominantly 1845-1848), Thomas Jones, 1860-1897, and D. T. M. Jones, 1898-1933; manuscript books, 1744-1925, including letter books, 1859-1917; depositions of witnesses, 1736-1768; deeds and records of lands in Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, Glamorgan, Pembrokeshire and Radnorshire, [16th century]-1949, including the estates of Dinas, Brecknockshire, 1756-1949, the Gwynne family of Glanbran and Buckland, 1679-1882, Cynghordy, Carmarthenshire, 1843-1945, Abermarlais, Carmarthenshire, 1712-1923, the Lloyd family of Briwnant, Carmarthenshire, 1544-1927, Glansevin, Carmarthenshire, 1678-1914, the Herbert Lloyd estate, Carmarthen, 1805-1884, Jones Family of Ystrad estate, Carmarthen and district, 1776-1865, and Llandeilo and district, 1785-1882, Glanyrannell estate, Carmarthenshire, 1692-1919, and Honeyborough, Pembrokeshire, 1783-1923; accounts, 1782-[?1940]; manorial records, [c. 1830]-1887; papers of Roger Jones, attorney, 1565-1867, including correspondence, [c. 1750]-1772, deeds and documents relating to the practice and estate, 1565-1867, and correspondence of Rev. John Jones, 1738-1790.

D.T.M. Jones (Firm)

Papers of D. Griffith Davies

Papers, 1871-1884, of D[avid] Griffith Davies, Castle Green, mainly relating to the Cardigan and River Tivy Improvement Scheme; official reports on the alleged pollution of the river Tivy by lead mines, etc.; an official letter written from Whitehall by Henry Fitzroy on behalf of Viscount Palmerston, 1853, relating to the withdrawal of troops stationed at Cardigan.

Monumental inscriptions: Lampeter, Cellan and Llanfair Clydogau.

  • Open Shelves: Microform Reading Room
  • Ffeil
  • 2004

Adysgrifau a mynegeion a baratowyd gan Dr E. L. James a Dr M. A. James o feddargraffiadau ar gyfer plwyfi Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Cellan a Llanfair Clydogau, Ceredigion (Cyfrol XVI).

James, E. L. (Evan Lewis), 1929-

Canlyniadau 21 i 24 o 24