Anglesey (Wales) -- Militia.



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Anglesey (Wales) -- Militia.

Termau cyfwerth

Anglesey (Wales) -- Militia.

Termau cysylltiedig

Anglesey (Wales) -- Militia.

3 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Anglesey (Wales) -- Militia.

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Letters to Phoebe Lloyd,

Forty-three holograph letters from Eliza Griffith, Carreglwyd, etc., to Phoebe Lloyd at Soughton, at Hafodunos, etc., [17]82-1804 and undated (copious news of relatives and friends, accounts of visits to and from Carreglwyd, the vacant living of Aber, the loss of a vessel opposite Trevadog, the prevalence of ague in Anglesey, an accident to a mail coach on the bridge by Holyhead, the death of 'Shone Pedrog', Malltraeth enclosure (1788-1789), Mr. [Holland] Griffith's attendance at a Druid meeting, a riot at Beaumaris, parliamentary election (1796), a recent dreadful duelling in the writer's area, a reference to Barmouth as a fashionable bathing place (1796), a warrant issued against Sir John Bulkeley of Presaddved, a tax of 3/- in the £, Paul Panton's health and reported arrest for £7,000, the enrolment of the Anglesey militia, a shortage of water, comments on the Irish revolt (1798), the death of Mrs. [Mary] Griffith of Berw, the sad situation of the Fleet (1800), the draining of the mine, the prospect of a bad winter as the result of the farmers' refusal to sell their stock at home (1800), the removal of Mr. Sparrow from the Custom House at Beaumaris, current high prices, shocking perjury at the Anglesey Assizes, rumours of a French invasion, a visit to Puffing [sic] Island, a visit from the famous harper Will Edwards, a meeting at Berw about the embankment) (together with an addition by C[atharine] Lloyd).

Eliza Griffith.

Welsh militia regiments,

  • NLW MS 11105D
  • Ffeil
  • ca. 1867-1877/

A group of submissions from the War Office to Queen Victoria relating to the Royal Anglesey Militia, 1867; the Denbighshire Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry, 1876; the militia regiments of Denbighshire and Merioneth, 1876; the militia regiments of Radnorshire and Brecknockshire, 1876; the Royal Carnarvon Regiment of Militia, 1876; the Royal Cardigan (Rifle) Militia, 1877; the Royal Anglesey (Light Infantry) Militia and the Royal Anglesey Engineers Militia, 1877; etc. All the submissions carry notes of approval in the hand of theQueen. Also included in the group are a schedule of establishments of Welsh militia regiments [c. 1867], and an explanatory memorandum, 1867, by J[onathan] Peel, secretary at war, touching the wish of the lords lieutenant of the Welsh counties to return to the old system of independent corps.

Great Britain. War Office

Carreglwyd Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CARWYD
  • Fonds
  • 1329-1864 (predominantly 1500-1780) /

Estate records, mainly title deeds, of the Carreg-lwyd and Berw estates, Anglesey, and family papers, mainly correspondence, of the Griffith family of Carreg-lwyd and the Holland family of Berw, 1329-1864, including valuable early 17th century papers relating to affairs of state, accumulated by John Griffith, secretary to Henry Howard (1540-1614), 1st earl of Northampton, Keeper of the Privy Seal, 1608-1614, and First Commissioner of the Treasury, 1612-1614; accounts and papers relating to the administration of the county of Anglesey, including muster rolls, 1602-1656, mainly for the hundreds of Tindaethwy, Menai and Talybolion; mise, window, house and land tax assessments, 1653-1764, mainly for the hundreds of Tindaethwy, Menai and Talybolion; rentals of Crown lands in the same hundreds; 1503-1737; papers of Dr William Griffith (1597-1648), successively chancellor of the dioceses ofSt Asaph and Bangor, and Commissioner of North Wales from 1633; account of the funerals of Elizabeth I and James I, [1625], and a census of the inhabitants of the parish of Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, August 1690.

Griffith family, of Carreglwyd and Berw.