Accounts NLW MSS 22353-22358A



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Accounts NLW MSS 22353-22358A

Termau cyfwerth

Accounts NLW MSS 22353-22358A

Termau cysylltiedig

Accounts NLW MSS 22353-22358A

3 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Accounts NLW MSS 22353-22358A

3 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion'): Diaries

  • NLW MS 22356A
  • Ffeil
  • 1845-1886

The fourth of six volumes of pocket diaries of the Reverend Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion', 1816-87) for 1845, 1869, 1881-1883 and 1885-1886 (using the printed Almanac a Dyddiadur (Llanrwst) for 1845, Y Dyddiadur or Dyddiadur Yr Annibynwyr for the other years). Brief daily entries in English, except for 1869 which was used only for accounts in 1869-71 and as a diary for January 1886. The 1845 diary records a year as a student at Brecon College; it includes reference to the execution of Thomas Thomas 'murderer of the butter merchant' on 10 April. The other volumes reflect life as a busy Independent minister in Llanrwst who was also post-master; there are references to building a new chapel ('New Tabernacl') in 1881-2, to frequent floods, to skating on the Conwy in the hard winter of 1881, to denominational and literary friends, notably Dr William Rees ('Gwilym Hiraethog') and W. J. Roberts ('Gwilym Cowlyd'). The diaries also include accounts, with some details of the sale of Scorpion's publications, and sermon notes in Welsh. On the flyleaf of MS 22358 is a priced list of books including 'MSS Copy of Brut y Brenhinoedd' valued at £10.5s.

Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion'): Diaries

  • NLW MS 22358A
  • Ffeil
  • 1845-1886

The last of six volumes of pocket diaries of the Reverend Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion', 1816-87) for 1845, 1869, 1881-1883 and 1885-1886 (using the printed Almanac a Dyddiadur (Llanrwst) for 1845, Y Dyddiadur or Dyddiadur Yr Annibynwyr for the other years). Brief daily entries in English, except for 1869 which was used only for accounts in 1869-71 and as a diary for January 1886. The 1845 diary records a year as a student at Brecon College; it includes reference to the execution of Thomas Thomas 'murderer of the butter merchant' on 10 April. The other volumes reflect life as a busy Independent minister in Llanrwst who was also post-master; there are references to building a new chapel ('New Tabernacl') in 1881-2, to frequent floods, to skating on the Conwy in the hard winter of 1881, to denominational and literary friends, notably Dr William Rees ('Gwilym Hiraethog') and W. J. Roberts ('Gwilym Cowlyd'). The diaries also include accounts, with some details of the sale of Scorpion's publications, and sermon notes in Welsh. On the flyleaf of MS 22358 is a priced list of books including 'MSS Copy of Brut y Brenhinoedd' valued at £10.5s.

Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion'): Diaries

  • NLW MS 22355A
  • Ffeil
  • 1845-1886

The third of six volumes of pocket diaries of the Reverend Thomas Roberts ('Scorpion', 1816-87) for 1845, 1869, 1881-1883 and 1885-1886 (using the printed Almanac a Dyddiadur (Llanrwst) for 1845, Y Dyddiadur or Dyddiadur Yr Annibynwyr for the other years). Brief daily entries in English, except for 1869 which was used only for accounts in 1869-71 and as a diary for January 1886. The 1845 diary records a year as a student at Brecon College; it includes reference to the execution of Thomas Thomas 'murderer of the butter merchant' on 10 April. The other volumes reflect life as a busy Independent minister in Llanrwst who was also post-master; there are references to building a new chapel ('New Tabernacl') in 1881-2, to frequent floods, to skating on the Conwy in the hard winter of 1881, to denominational and literary friends, notably Dr William Rees ('Gwilym Hiraethog') and W. J. Roberts ('Gwilym Cowlyd'). The diaries also include accounts, with some details of the sale of Scorpion's publications, and sermon notes in Welsh. On the flyleaf of MS 22358 is a priced list of books including 'MSS Copy of Brut y Brenhinoedd' valued at £10.5s.